This week, U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle ruled the CDC overstepped its authority by requiring passengers to wear masks on public transportation, saying the mandate ”exceeds the CDC’s statutory authority and violates the procedures required for agency rule-making.” The Biden administration responded by announcing that at this time, TSA will not enforce a mask mandate. However, the administration has also stated that it plans to appeal the ruling.
This is a common-sense win for the American people. If you can go maskless for hours in an indoor crowded space like a sports arena, a concert, or in a restaurant, you can go maskless on an airplane and other forms of transportation. From the beginning, the mask mandates have been about power – not science. Passengers, and all Americans, should decide for themselves whether they want to wear a mask. Thank you to Judge Kimball Mizelle for having the courage and common sense to finally put an end to the mask mandate madness.