Boulder American Legion Post 10 Trap League
• Open to the public. 6 week Trap league. 6 teams max.
• 100 targets will be shot. 50 at 16 yard and 50 at handicap yardage
determined by 16 yard score. A green target will be thrown at random. If
hit, the shooter will receive a shoot token.
• League Dates - March 17, March 24, March 31, April 7, April 14, April
21 and April 28 with a free fun shoot and picnic on April 30.
• Two teams will shoot in 2 hour time slots and score for other team when
not shooting. 10 am-noon, noon-2pm, 2pm-4pm if we get 6 teams. If not
we will read just times.
• Cost $30 per week per shooter.
• Teams are responsible for 5 shooters each week. They can use subs if
• If you would like to add a team call American Legion Post 10.