Greetings from the Trauma Healing Institute!
"God is our refuge and strength,
    an ever-present help in trouble.

Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though it waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.
He says, 'Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.'

The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress."

Psalm 46:1-3, 7, 10-11 (NIV)
Psalm 46 reminds us that we have an unmovable source of strength in God. When wars rage and the earth deteriorates, God's presence remains. While trouble continues and loss abounds, God offers us his refuge. In times of suffering, death, destruction, and chaos, God is our shelter.

We are praying that you feel God’s presence and peace as you continue serving as a Trauma Healing facilitator.
"My name is Walter Alexander Ramírez Pérez and I am twenty years old. The Trauma Healing program has helped me a lot, deeply I can say. I can honestly say that it not only helped heal my wounds, but to find God, too.

The most important thing is that I have changed. Before this I did not pray, but now, every night before going to sleep I thank God for each day he has given me. I have also changed, and I can trust in people.
It has also changed my way of thinking, my way of acting and how to deal with my emotions. I was a person who tended to self-isolate. I was shy, and I didn't like talking to anyone before, but the truth is that I was afraid that they would hurt me. But now, I am changing that because I have given myself the opportunity to be helped by other people. I am working on asking for help if I need it and if someone can't help me then I ask someone else for help. 

Lastly, this program taught me to love myself, to value myself, to choose my friendships, and to always thank God for every day, for every opportunity he gives us."
Walter Alexander Ramírez Pérez, Healing Group participant - Guatemala
Webinar Recording
We had a wonderful Global Community of Practice webinar on August 25th! During this webinar we reflected on key Trauma Healing principles, discussed helpful facilitator skills, and explored how to approach ministry challenges with compassion, curiosity, and grace.
New Materials!
"UNSTUCK" helps teens cope during times of uncertainty, especially after a disaster. It is written for teens to go through on their own at their own pace. Teens can also work through this journal with experienced youth ministry workers in small groups over four weeks. This version is intended for teens who have been displaced.
In 2022, the Restoring Hope Bible was published to help readers see their own stories of pain and hope for restoration reflected in the pages of Scripture. With highlighted verses and special content, this Bible helps guide people on a path of emotional and spiritual healing, renewing a sense of life purpose and restoring hope. This Bible can be used by Trauma Healing facilitators or Healing Group participants, and is designed for U.S. audiences.
"God Is With Me" is a Bible-based resource that helps parents and children cope in times of uncertainty, especially after a disaster. It is informed by best practices in mental health and is designed for families with children ages 8-12. It can also be adapted for other ages. This version is intended for families who have been displaced.
Updates from THI
  • Due to recent challenges with the THI facilitator website, we are in the process of transitioning to a more stable technology platform. Your patience is appreciated! If you are experiencing issues with your facilitator website account, please email
  • We are currently restricting new user access to TeamDesk due to an extensive database project. Current TeamDesk users will continue to have access for the time being.
Prayer Requests
  • Pray for the physical "Healing the Wounds of Trauma" programmes organized for wounded teens, children and adults in Sri Lanka, these programmes are organised with the support of churches in Sri Lanka and in partnership with American Bible Society. 
  • Please pray for new Trauma Healing ministries starting or in the beginning stage in Alaska among Native and Indigenous communities, in Michigan among county prison and jails, in Canada through the Canadian Bible Society and Connecting Streams Ministry, and the start of Childrens Trauma Healing in Boston.  
  • We pray for peace and security in Liberia as we move toward general and presidential elections next year (2023).
  • Pray for the spread of the gospel in Mali.
  • Pray for the easing of the political climate in the Central African Republic.
  • Pray for the staff of the Ceylon Bible Society that they may have good health and overcome all difficulties at this crucial period.
  • Please pray for the communities devastated by hurricane Ian in Florida, U.S. that these communities would receive the immediate care needed in the midst of this crisis.  
  • The Lord would strengthen and encourage all our trauma healing facilitators across the country of Nigeria.
  • Pray for daily improvement in our relationship with local churches in Brazzaville, Congo.
  • Pray for funding for the Trauma Healing program at the Bible Society of Chad.
  • Please pray for all the group leaders working in insecure areas of Burkina Faso.
  • Recent school and community shootings, and how they are traumatizing our youth, families, and communities, specifically in the Buffalo NY, Uvalde Tx, Philadelphia PA, Minneapolis MN and Chicago (urban and suburban communities). Pray that our current Trauma Healing partners in these cities can equip churches and schools to help process these shootings and begin a healing journey.  
THI is able to support the Global Community of Practice because of generous donors like you. Help us continue making Trauma Healing resources available to facilitators around the world.
Trauma Healing Institute, Powered by American Bible Society. Questions or comments? Email us!