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T&E Cardholder Training

Annual T&E Cardholder Training is required for all cardholders and will be available February 1-29, 2024. Cardholders will automatically be enrolled in the Workday training and receive a training link by email tomorrow, February 1st. 

  • Please cancel your T&E Card if it is no longer in use.
  • If you will be on leave in February, you must submit a T&E Card Change Request Form and select “Leave” to prevent your card from being canceled for not completing annual training. You will be able to complete the training once you return.
  • Departments may view cardholders' training status by computing ID, MBU, or Cost Center in the Active Cardholder Search.

Cardholder supervisors who do not have a T&E Card are not required to take the training. Supervisors will be copied on training reminder emails for their direct reports who haven't completed the training.

If you are a new cardholder and have received your card between October 1, 2023, and January 31, 2024, you are exempt from this training.

New Local Lodging and Conference Space on Contract

In 2023 we completed an RFP for local lodging. We now have 21 local properties on contract. Please view the Travel Contracts page to view all options. The best way to ensure the UVA discounted rate is applied is by booking through TravelUVA. The system will be fully updated shortly with all contract details. To pay for a reservation using a T&E card, please contact the hotel directly with the confirmation number from TravelUVA. You may also contact the hotels directly and request the UVA contracted rate.

New Penalty for Aging T&E Card Transactions

As of January 8, 2024, we have added an additional penalty by which T&E cards will be canceled if any transactions reach 90 days old or more. Currently, cardholders receive notice of violations (and related penalties where warranted) for not expensing their T&E card transactions on time. Once a card is canceled, supervisor approval will be needed for a new card to be issued. Please visit our website to see full details regarding aging and penalties.

This new procedure will keep the system free of unreconciled transactions that are 90 days or older and will also allow us to cancel cards that aren’t being used. We have found that even after suspending cardholders who have aging transactions, many cards remain suspended for months with no action taken.

Workday Expenses Updates

  • The duplicate transaction alert has been removed from Workday Expenses when there are two or more T&E Card transactions for the same amount, same date, same expense item, same payee. This will save time when expensing multiple transactions that appear to be duplicates but are not. The alert will continue to appear for potential duplicate reimbursements, or when a reimbursement and a T&E Card transaction appear to be duplicates.
  • The Two Approvals for Expense Reports project is complete and is working as intended. We are so appreciative of the members of the finance community across Grounds who helped us develop and test the solution. The revised Approval Routing Diagram is available on our website.
  • Contingent Workers will continue to have access to Workday Expenses for T&E card transactions but will receive an error message if a reimbursement is submitted. For contingent workers and other non-employees please follow the non-employee reimbursement process.

Offboarding and Expenses

  • Business processes stall when Workday roles are empty. Consider adding "backfilling the employee's system roles" as one of your employee offboarding tasks.  
  • Please remove and reassign delegations during offboarding.
  • Ensure all T&E card transactions have been expensed before offboarding.

Helpful Tips

  • For travel to conferences and for professional development, please use the expense items with "Travel, Employee Training" appended. This will help us accurately report on travel expenses related to professional development. Employee training expense items may not be allowed on certain grants. Please consult with the Office of Sponsored Programs.
  • Please include detailed descriptions in the memo fields. Enter the names of travelers, the reason for purchase, etc. This will be useful to approvers as well as in the case of an audit.
  • Personal transactions are not allowed on a T&E card. Please pay for personal items separately, i.e., at a hotel, pay for room and tax on a T&E card, and incidentals on a personal card.

Expense Support Specialist Best Practice

Users with the Expense Support Specialist role can edit expense reports before they approve them. We suggest returning expense reports to the Expense Owner if the dollar amount needs to be edited or another major change needs to be made. This keeps the Expense Owner informed.

The Expense Item Descriptions page on our website is up to date. The date of update is documented on this resource, so you can ensure you are viewing the most recent version.

For questions about Workday Expenses, please contact

Workday Expenses Assistance Available

Workday Expenses Training and Quick Reference Guides (QRGs) are available.

Sign up for 1:1 Help with a Trainer.

Do you know your Ambassador? They are subject matter experts, not only in Workday Expenses but also in policies and procedures specific to your area. They are there to help you with any questions you may have. Ambassadors are your first level of contact and can help you navigate the expensing process quickly. Before contacting, we encourage you to contact your Ambassador first (use our Ambassador Search if you need help finding yours). They are ready and able to help solve your problems!

Faculty-Staff and Student University Related Travel to Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza is restricted until further notice.

International Travel Registry: Ensure your trip is reimbursed

Faculty and staff are required to register their international UVA business travel through the University's International Travel Registry per the Faculty and Staff International Travel Policy. This registry has been put in place to keep our international travelers safe in case of an emergency and automatically enroll them in the CISI International Health and Emergency Assistance Program. 

CISI Coverage is now only available to those travelers who have registered their travel through the International Travel Registry. The blanket policy that previously covered every international employee traveler automatically is no longer in place.


The University may refuse to fund or reimburse any expenses connected with University-Related International Travel that have not been added to this registry. It is good practice to register travel when reservations are made. This is especially important for airline tickets and other travel arrangements booked using a T&E Card.

Please email with any questions.

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