Travel Federation of Iowa
2020 Legislative Update | Issue #3 | February 23, 2020
We have reached the end of the first funnel of the Iowa Legislative session. By the end of this past week, all policy bills (except taxing or spending bills) that were unable to gain the approval of the committee to which they were assigned are dead for the year. The concept within one of those dead bills can still be inserted into other legislation if legislators choose to do so, but making the case for such a move is harder when the idea was unable to gain committee approval. 
This past Friday also marked the end of the 6th week of the session. Monday, February 24th will mark the 43rd day of the 100-day scheduled legislative session, closing in on the halfway mark. 
The goal now will be to move legislation through the House and Senate chambers over the next few weeks in preparation for the Second Funnel deadline on Friday, March 20th. By that date, bills (again, except taxing or spending bills) will need to have been passed by the relevant committee in the opposite chamber from where it was introduced in order to stay alive. Bills that contain taxing or spending provisions are alive throughout the session .
Budget and the Governor’s Invest In Iowa Act
While the funnels govern the policy bills in the Legislature, the one and only thing the Legislature MUST get done every year is the state budget. The completion of the first funnel often signals the beginning of the budget process, but they really can’t begin to put numbers on paper until after they see the March revenue estimates from the Revenue Estimating Conference (REC). 
The REC has set its annual March meeting for Thursday, March 12th. The Legislature is bound by law to produce a budget that uses the LOWER of the two revenue estimates between the March meeting and the meeting they always hold in December. The December REC numbers showed pretty healthy growth, and revenue numbers at the end of January seemed to indicate the March REC numbers could be even better.
A big wild card that will need to be determined before budget bills start to be drafted is whether or not the Legislature intends to take up the Governor Reynolds’ Invest In Iowa Act, in whole, in parts, or some variation. The size and scope of the Governor’s package, combined with the fact that it would alter at least half of the Legislature’s appropriations bills, makes the budget process dependent on an Invest In Iowa Act direction.
For her part, the Governor has been holding press conferences, meetings with legislators, and town hall meetings to discuss her bill. She just released a new round of public town hall meetings in the table below and is looking to talk to as many organizations and Iowans as she can. In addition to the Governor’s town hall meetings, we keep an up-to-date list of legislative forums HERE for your use.
The Governor’s Invest In Iowa Town Hall meetings
Hotel/Motel – 30 to 90 days
While a few key legislators and lobbyists continue to work on getting the 30 to 90 day hotel/motel bill moved forward, we want to take a moment to remind you about the issue. We still need grassroots support coming in to legislators on this so they understand this issue is not just of interest to the Clinton area.

These are big numbers that are being forfeited by our communities!
In Polk County , this amounts to over $600,000 forfeited!
In Woodbury County , it's just under $500,000.
And it exceeds $150,000 in four other counties - Scott, Linn, Dallas and Johnson ! Your communities are owed those funds.

Here's the information from Clinton's issue brief as a reminder:

Iowa law allows guests staying in a hotel for 31 or more consecutive days to pay no sales tax on their stay. Currently, the hotel-motel tax is paid for a guest’s stay for days one through 30. If the guest stays in the hotel room for 31 consecutive days or more, the tax is refunded in its entirety , completely exempting the entire stay from sales tax.
This proposal benefits rural and urban communities across the state in addition to the state’s general fund. A Fiscal Note issued by the Legislative Services Agency for House File 760 (April 3, 2019) estimates that over the next five years the state would gain $15.3 million in general fund revenue, and local communities would gain $17.7—without increasing an existing tax or implementing a new tax—solely by closing the loophole in current law. That represents economic growth for our communities and the state of Iowa.

The proposed solution is to amend current law to allow communities to collect the first 90 days of hotel-motel tax, eliminating the retroactive refunding for hotel stays beyond 30 days, and replacing it with a 90 consecutive days cap on hotel-motel sales tax. Days one through 90 would be subject to the sales tax, while days 91 and beyond would become exempt, changing the exemption of hotel-motel taxes from 31 days to 90.

The Iowa Supreme Court Building, as seen from the 3rd floor of the Capitol. February 19, 2020
Port Authorities
Legislation to expand port authorities ( HF 2266 ) to make it easier for local governments to use the tools in that Code section was approved by the House State Government Committee to stay alive past the funnel. This bill would give a big boost to efforts to collaborate regionally. The House could now consider the bill in the days ahead. 
Bottle Bill
There have been a number of bills introduced this year to make changes to the Bottle Bill, from expanding it to repealing it to everywhere in between. There have also been a number of subcommittees held on the various bills. 
The only bill to advance out of committee this year ( HSB 507 – will be renumbered) is one that would increase the handling fee from one cent to two cents, add canned cocktails and high alcohol content beer, and allow grocers to leave the program if they can ensure there is a “Drop It” depository within 10 miles of their store. The newly numbered bill will be referred to Ways and Means.
The only consensus on the bottle bill is that there is no consensus. Pressure seems to mount every year to take some sort of action on the program in order to save it. Groups interested in the life of the bottle bill are going to need to work together to see that the program isn’t eventually sunsetted through legislation. 
Low-Speed Electric Bicycles
Legislation ( HF 2409 & SF 2354) to amend state law to treat low-speed electric bicycles the same as human-powered bicycles has made it out of committee in both chambers (which protects it from the Second Funnel deadline too). Senator Koelker and Rep. Lohse will each be floor managing the legislation in their chamber. The goal of the legislation is to ensure these devices get recognized in the Iowa Code so they don’t become regulated differently by different local governments.
TFI Bills of Interest - Live Bill Link
It’s post First Funnel, so the Bill List below is split into TWO PARTS: Live Bills and DEAD Bills.
LIVE Bills that TFI is tracking

HF2014 Nonresident Deer Hunting Licenses Summary | Details House Floor
This bill requires 500 deer hunting licenses be reserved for nonresidents who have made a reservation with a registered hunting guide company.

HF2041 Onsite Daycare Facilities Summary | Details House Ways & Means Committee
This bill allows new or existing onsite daycare facilities to qualify as a project under the high quality jobs program.

HF2109 Charity Beer and Wine Event Summary | Details House Floor
This bill authorizes a nonprofit entity to conduct a charity beer and wine event.

HF2259 Human Trafficking Prevention Training Summary | Details House Floor
This bill allows lodging providers to voluntarily complete human trafficking prevention training.

HF2266 Port Authorities Summary | Details House Floor
This bill allows port authorities to enter into loan agreements and lease contracts.

HF2281 Hotel/Motel Tax Summary | Details House Floor
This bill modifies state and local hotel and motel tax exemptions.

HF2304 Live Music Promotion Summary | Details House Floor
This bill prohibits promoting or conducting live music performances using deceptive connections between a performer and a recording group.

HF2332 Quad Cities Regional Metropolitan Authority Summary | Details House Floor
This bill establishes the Quad Cities Regional Metropolitan Authority Compact.

This bill increases funds to the Resources Enhancement and Protection fund.

HF2380 Promotional Play Taxation Summary | Details House Floor
This bill includes promotional play receipts in adjusted gross receipts through June 30, 2024.

HF2389 Rulemaking Process Summary | Details House Floor
This bill makes changes to the rulemaking process for executive branch agencies.

HF2404 Muzzleloading Apparel Requirements Summary | Details House Floor
This bill places apparel requirements on a person passing through public land or water during muzzleloading season.

HF2409 Electric Bicycles Summary | Details House Floor with Companion
This bill makes provisions related to operation of low-speed electric bicycles.

HF2446 Bicyclist Violations Summary | Details House Floor
This bill adds the traffic offense of driving a car too close to a bicyclist that results in serious injury or death as a violation subject to additional penalties.

HF2482 State Historical Sites Summary | Details House Floor
This bill directs the department of cultural affairs to conduct a study regarding the identification, establishment, and promotion of state historical sites.

HF2483 Rest Area Revitalization Summary | Details House Floor
This bill requires DOT to conduct a study on revitalizing and updating rest areas.

HF657 Deer Hunting Summary | Details House Floor
Allows a hunter who wounds a deer while hunting to use a dog to track and retrieve the wounded deer.

HF716 Deer Hunting Summary | Details Senate Floor
Allows a person 20 years of age or younger to hunt using a pistol or revolver under certain conditions.

HF760 Hotel/Motel Tax Exemption Summary | Details Senate Floor, Second Time
Exempts local hotel/motel tax beginning after 90 consecutive days of lodging.

HF771 Child & Dependent Care Exemptions Summary | Details Senate Ways & Means Committee
Creates an income tax exemption for money paid to child and dependent care providers.

HSB663 Wine Sales Summary | Details House Floor
This bill allows certain wine permit holders to sell wine for consumption off the premises in a container other than the original.

HSB683 Beer, Spirits & Wine Charity Event Summary | Details House Floor
This bill authorizes a nonprofit entity to conduct a charity beer, spirits, and wine event.

This bill makes provisions related to state taxation.

SF2013 Land Banks Summary | Details Senate Floor
This bill allows cities to establish land banks.

SF2022 Missouri River Preservation Summary | Details Senate Floor
This bill repeals the Missouri River Preservation and Land Use Authority.

SF203 Private Fishing Summary | Details Senate Floor, Second Time
Allows a person to fish on a private lake or pond without a license. 

This bill requires lodging providers to secure a sales tax permit when renting lodging.

This bill creates a scenic byways enhancement fund.

SF2090 Bicycle Lights and Reflective Clothing Summary | Details Senate Floor
Modifies requirements for bicyclists to use lights and reflective clothing.

This bill modifies certain city and county budget provisions and provides a property assessment adjustment and property tax reduction for certain property owners.

SF2114 Professional/Occupational Licenses Summary | Details Senate Floor
This bill requires reciprocal professional and occupational licenses, certificates, or registrations be issued without an examination to certain individuals.

SF2133 Travel Agency Registration Summary | Details Senate Floor
This bill repeals provisions requiring travel agencies and travel agents to be registered.

SF2134 Canned Cocktail Manufacturing Summary | Details House Floor
This bill allows beer manufacturers to manufacture canned cocktails.

SF2271 Youth Deer Hunters Summary | Details Senate Floor
This bill makes deer hunting licenses available during the same period that genera hunting licenses are available.

SJR2004 Official State Insect Summary | Details Senate Floor
This joint resolution designates the honeybee as the official state insect.

This bill makes provisions related to individual income taxes, sales and use taxes, water service tax, tax credits, and county juvenile court expenses and mental health region funding.

DEAD Bills that TFI was tracking
(Including bills from last year's session that became alive again this year)

HF114 Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund Summary | Details House Natural Resources Committee
Increases the sales and use tax rates and places conditions on the use of funds from the natural resources and outdoor recreation trust fund.

Changes definition of beverages eligible for refund and increases the handling fee charged a distributor.

Prohibits schools from beginning the school year before to the Monday following the last day of the state fair.

HF2037 Bicycle Lights and Reflectors Summary | Details House Transportation Committee
This bill requires bicycles be equipped with specific lights and reflectors.

This bill requires a driver to safely pass a bicyclist traveling in the same direction

This bill prohibits state funds paid to school districts from being used for professional development activities at an amusement park itself.

HF2143 Smoke Free Air Exemption/Casinos Summary | Details House State Government Committee
This bill eliminates the smoke free air act exemption that allows smoking in casinos and other gaming establishments. 

This bill allows all-terrain vehicles to operate on certain two-lane roads between 4am -10pm.

This bill requires the Natural Resources Commission to offer a one-time registration option for canoes and kayaks.

This bill allows a nonresident landowner to apply for deer hunting licenses for use on the property.

HF287 Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact Summary | Details House Transportation Committee
Enters Iowa into the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact.

HF464 Recreation Savings Accounts Summary | Details House Ways & Means Committee
Allows individuals to open a recreation savings account for the purpose of financing eligible recreation costs.

Eliminates the individual income tax and increases the state sales tax to 11 percent.

Allows the use of a crossbow by youth for deer hunting.

Authorizes DNR to establish in-lieu fee programs for the payment of a fee in lieu of performing mitigation.

HF530 Wild Animal Disease Management Summary | Details House Natural Resources Committee
Authorizes the natural resource commission to establish a disease management zone for any wild animal, upon the finding of an infectious or contagious disease.

Limits land acquisition by certain governmental entities and makes other changes to conservation tax credits and programs.

HF566 Criminal Trespass Summary | Details Senate Unfinished Business Calendar
Establishes penalty for trespassing while hunting, fishing, or trapping.

HF599 Apprentice Hunter Licenses Summary | Details Senate Unfinished Business Calendar
Allows a person who is at least nine years old to purchase a license with an apprentice hunter designation. 

HF672 Weapons Discharge from Vehicles Summary | Details House Natural Resources Committee
Prohibits discharging a weapon from a snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle, or any other motor vehicle.

HF749 Snowmobile Permits and Fees Summary | Details Senate Ways & Means Committee
Eliminates a requirement that a resident snowmobile operator must obtain a user permit and raises annual snowmobile registration fee.

Extends REAP by removing end date.

Changes the earliest school start date from August 23 to a day following the closing day of the annual Iowa state fair.

HSB148 Liquor Sales by Native Wineries Summary | Details House State Government Committee
Allows a person with a class C and Class A wine permit to purchase liquor from a class E licensee.

Changes the reversion provision for costs of major maintenance of monuments.

Allows a hunter to use a crossbow when hunting with a bow license during the late split archery season.

HSB205 Federal Funding Inventories Summary | Details House Appropriations Committee
Requires all executive branch agencies and the judicial branch to transmit to the department of management and the legislative services agency a federal funding inventory for the previous fiscal year.

Allows native wine manufacturers to sell wine for on-premise consumption.

HSB649 Recreational Activities Tax Credit Summary | Details House Economic Growth Committee
This bill creates a recreational activities business tax credit.

This bill allows a nonresident landowner to apply for two antlered or any sex deer hunting licenses each year for use on their property.

This bill allows a beer manufacturer to obtain and possess alcoholic liquor foo manufacture alcoholic beverage drink pods.

Increases requirements of a person sponsoring certain events to ensure sales tax is collected by vendors.

SF119 Museum Loans and Gifts Summary | Details Senate Judiciary Committee
Requires documentation of loans and gifts to museums.

Changes the date on which school districts and nonpublic schools can begin the school year.

Prohibits schools from beginning the school year prior to the Monday following the last day of the state fair or August 23, whichever is earlier.

Creates a tree and forest advisory council.

Requires drivers to pass bicycles safely and bicyclists to have lights and reflective clothing.

This bill adds requirements to state Transportation Commission membership.

This bill allows native wine manufacturers to have up to two class "C" permits.

This bill requires periodic review of fees for each government agency.

SF2166 Snowmobile/ATV Registration Summary | Details Senate Transportation Committee
This bill requires snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, and off-road utility vehicles to be registered every three years.

This bill establishes a youth pheasant hunting season.

SF257 Hotel/Motel Tax Exemption Summary | Details Senate Ways & Means Committee
Exempts from the hotel and motel tax the sales price of lodging furnished by a nonprofit lodging provider renting to the friends and family of a hospital patient.

SF277 Alcoholic Beverages Manufacturers Summary | Details Senate State Government Committee
Makes changes to alcoholic beverages licenses and permits.

Requires the state board of education to repeal or amend a rule if a school district submits a petition to do so and the department of education finds no authority to support the rule.

Requires bicycles to give way to the right when being overtaken and passed by a farm tractor.

Appropriates $25 million from the general fund for each fiscal year between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2030, to the enhance Iowa fund. 

Prohibits a person from possessing a glass beverage container while recreating on or near inland waters.

Allows an agricultural landowner to file a petition with the county board of supervisors for redress if the state use of adjacent land diminishes the access of the landowner or reduces the value of the land.

Establishes an interim study to make recommendations on the feasibility of allowing schools to use online learning technology to meet the minimum school day or school hour requirements when inclement weather causes school closures.

Establishes an interim study committee to make recommendations relating to the feasibility of allowing schools to count a day of virtual instruction as a minimum school day when inclement weather causes schools to close.

Repeals the exemption for forest reservations for assessment years beginning on or after January 1, 2020.

SF508 Religious Freedom Restoration Act Summary | Details Senate Local Government Committee
Provides that a person whose exercise of religion has been burdened by state action may assert such violation as a claim or defense in a judicial or administrative proceeding.

Exempts a person hunting on private property from additional restrictions caused by the establishment of a refuge area or restricted area by DNR for any wild goose.

SF574 State Boards and Commissions Summary | Details Senate State Government Committee
Establishes requirements for appointive boards, commissions, committees, and councils to conduct comprehensive reviews over each five-year period, beginning July 1, 2019. 

SF610 Youth Deer and Wild Turkey Hunting Licenses Summary | Details Senate Floor
Prohibits DNR from establishing a cost for a youth deer or youth wild turkey hunting license that is higher than 50 percent of a resident hunting license.

SF613 Game Bird Hunting Summary | Details Senate Floor
Makes changes to established season for hunting game birds on a preserve.

SF630 Shortline Railroad Restoration Tax Credit Summary | Details Senate Floor
Establishes a shortline railroad restoration tax credit.

SJR20 Constitutional Spending Limits Summary | Details Senate Appropriations Committee
Proposes a constitutional amendment establishing a limit on state spending.

SR20 Army Corps of Engineers Investigation Summary | Details Senate Rules & Administration Committee
Encourages state Congressional delegation to pursue an investigation and compete review of Army Corps of Engineers activities related to flood control in western Iowa.

Allows an individual and corporate income tax deduction for Iowa brewing ingredients.

Establishes land banks.
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