Travel Federation of Iowa
2020 Legislative Update | Special Note from the TFI Board | May 22, 2020
To: TFI District Leaders
The Travel Federation of Iowa continues to advocate on behalf of Iowa’s travel & tourism industry and wanted to update you on TFI’s recent efforts including:   
  • Travel related businesses and organizations will save hundreds of dollars in fees because TFI requested a waiver of annual permit renewal fees for Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) signing for FY 21. The request from TFI was approved by IDOT and please contact Shirley Phillips at or 712.830.6768 with questions. 

  • Advocating & communicating with the Governor’s office to allow attractions to re-open. We are not mandating attractions re-open, just that they be given the opportunity to re-open if they choose to do so.   

  • Communicated with the Governor’s staff to allow public and private campgrounds to remain open for essential employees when campgrounds were initially shut down.

  • Communicated with the Governor’s staff to encourage the re-opening of public and private campgrounds to the public during the previous shut down.

  • Co-signed letter to the Governor about the travel industry’s critical role in economic recovery efforts and requested to have a representative from the travel industry on the recovery taskforce.

  • Your TFI board continues to meet to discuss issues important to the industry and recovery efforts. 

  • Your TFI board and lobbyist team is working with legislators to ensure they know how hard the industry has been hit by this pandemic. We are working to protect the funding for TFI priority programs as well as making the case for enhanced economic recovery funding for the industry.
How You Can Help

  • TFI is gathering information for case studies of the impact on tourism organizations & business. 
  • Statistics are more meaningful when attached to personal stories of businesses and organizations. Items such as your fixed costs including property & liability insurance, utilities, property taxes, etc. you have to pay whether you are open or not; along with information about reduced revenue due to lost sales, bookings, cancelled events, etc. helps put a face to the numbers. 
  • If you are willing to share your story, please email information to Ann Vogelbacher, Central Iowa Tourism Region at or contact Ann by email or phone at 515.571.3855 or 800.285.5842 if you have questions. 
  • Take the new Iowa Economic Development Authority survey 
  • Your participation is vital so the impact of the coronavirus pandemic to the travel & tourism industry in Iowa is reflected. 
  • There is a section specifically for tourism related businesses and organizations, and make sure your voice is heard by completing the survey. 
  • IEDA will use survey results to inform public policy on recovery and growth, including potential resources for businesses and organizations
  • The deadline for completing the survey is Friday, May 29 at 5 p.m.
  • Take the survey at 

Lastly, we wanted to update you on the latest information as it relates to the Iowa Legislature and when they will reconvene in session  

  • The legislature will reconvene June 3. They will likely have a short discussion June 3-5 about some of the POLICY bills that were making headway prior to the shutdown. Then, they will work the following week to pass a budget, finish all policy action and adjourn for the year.  

  • TFI continues to be concerned about the state budget. The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) will meet on Friday, May 29, to revise their estimates of the state revenues. Legislators and the Governor will design a budget based on that number. All indications are that state revenues have dropped considerably since the REC met in March.

  • One area of the budget, the Rebuild Iowa’s Infrastructure Fund (RIIF), is currently in VERY bad shape. The RIIF Fund is funded almost entirely by Iowa’s casinos which have been closed since March. RIIF Funds are used to pay for REAP, trails, CAT, and a number of other programs important to the tourism industry.  Additionally, as you all know, beyond the RIIF, the gaming industry provides a tremendous amount of support to TFI and the tourism industry in Iowa, directly and indirectly. Their ability to safely return to work is a priority for all Iowans.

  • What can you do? In the days before the Legislature reconvenes, talk to your legislators about the importance of tourism, the disproportionately severe effect the COVID crisis has had on the tourism/hospitality industry, and the need to push policies and funding for proposals that drive tourism, recreation, and quality of life for Iowans.

Please contact your TFI Advocacy Team with questions.

TFI Bills of Interest - Bill List
HF2109 Charity Beer and Wine Event Summary | Details House Floor
This bill authorizes a nonprofit entity to conduct a charity beer and wine event.

HF2259 Human Trafficking Prevention Training Summary | Details Senate State Government Committee
This bill a llows lodging providers to voluntarily provide employees with human trafficking prevention training beginning January 1, 2022.  

HF2281 Hotel/Motel Tax Summary | Details House Floor
This bill modifies state and local hotel and motel tax exemptions.

HF2332 Quad Cities Regional Metropolitan Authority Summary | Details House Floor
This bill establishes the Quad Cities Regional Metropolitan Authority Compact.

This bill increases funds to the Resources Enhancement and Protection fund.

HF2380 Promotional Play Taxation Summary | Details House Floor
This bill includes promotional play receipts in adjusted gross receipts through June 30, 2024.

HF2389 Rulemaking Process Summary | Details Senate Floor with Companion
This bill makes changes to the rulemaking process for executive branch agencies.

HF2404 Muzzleloading Apparel Requirements Summary | Details House Floor
This bill places apparel requirements on a person passing through public land or water during muzzleloading season.

HF2409 Electric Bicycles Summary | Details House Floor with Companion
This bill makes provisions related to operation of low-speed electric bicycles.

HF2446 Bicyclist Violations Summary | Details House Floor
This bill adds the traffic offense of driving a car too close to a bicyclist that results in serious injury or death as a violation subject to additional penalties.

HF2482 State Historical Sites Summary | Details House Floor
This bill directs the department of cultural affairs to conduct a study regarding the identification, establishment, and promotion of state historical sites.

HF2483 Rest Area Revitalization Summary | Details House Floor
This bill requires DOT to conduct a study on revitalizing and updating rest areas.

HF2502 Local & Judicial Firearm Regulation Prohibited Summary | Details Senate Floor
This bill makes changes to current law regarding carrying weapons in public buildings.

HF2514 Wine Sales Summary | Details House Floor
This bill allows certain wine permit holders to sell wine for consumption off the premises in a container other than the original.

HF2517 Nonresident Deer Hunting Licenses Summary | Details House Floor
This bill requires 500 deer hunting licenses be reserved for nonresidents who have made a reservation with a registered hunting guide company.

HF2527 Live Music Promotion Summary | Details
This bill prohibits promoting or conducting live music performances using deceptive connections between a performer and a recording group.

HF2540 Beer, Spirits & Wine Charity Event Summary | Details Senate Floor
This bill authorizes a nonprofit entity to conduct a charity beer, spirits, and wine event.

HF2580 Port Authorities Summary | Details House Floor
This bill allows port authorities to enter into loan agreements and lease contracts.

HF2593 Onsite Daycare Facilities Summary | Details House Floor
This bill allows new or existing onsite daycare facilities to qualify as a project under the high quality jobs program.

HF657 Deer Hunting Summary | Details House Floor
Allows a hunter who wounds a deer while hunting to use a dog to track and retrieve the wounded deer.

HF716 Deer Hunting Summary | Details Senate Floor
Allows a person 20 years of age or younger to hunt using a pistol or revolver under certain conditions.

HF760 Hotel/Motel Tax Exemption Summary | Details Senate Floor, Second Time
Exempts local hotel/motel tax beginning after 90 consecutive days of lodging.

HF771 Child & Dependent Care Exemptions Summary | Details Senate Ways & Means Committee
Creates an income tax exemption for money paid to child and dependent care providers.

This bill makes provisions related to state taxation.

SF2022 Missouri River Preservation Summary | Details Senate Floor
This bill repeals the Missouri River Preservation and Land Use Authority.

SF203 Private Fishing Summary | Details Senate Floor, Second Time
Allows a person to fish on a private lake or pond without a license.

This bill requires lodging providers to secure a sales tax permit when renting lodging.

This bill creates a scenic byways enhancement fund.

SF2090 Bicycle Lights and Reflective Clothing Summary | Details Senate Floor
Modifies requirements for bicyclists to use lights and reflective clothing.

This bill modifies certain city and county budget provisions and provides a property assessment adjustment and property tax reduction for certain property owners.

SF2133 Travel Agency Registration Summary | Details Senate Floor
This bill repeals provisions requiring travel agencies and travel agents to be registered.

SF2134 Canned Cocktail Manufacturing Summary | Details Signed
This bill allows beer manufacturers to manufacture canned cocktails.

This bill makes deer hunting licenses available during the same period that genera hunting licenses are available.

This bill allows cities to establish land banks.

SF2393 Professional/Occupational Licenses Summary | Details Senate Floor
This bill requires reciprocal professional and occupational licenses, certificates, or registrations be issued without an examination to certain individuals.

This joint resolution designates the honeybee as the official state insect.

This bill makes provisions related to individual income taxes, sales and use taxes, water service tax, tax credits, and county juvenile court expenses and mental health region funding.
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