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Love and light,

-Jordan Canon  

Traveling Light                                                       

Being a light traveler is often thought of as a person who can stay on the go with minimal baggage. Conversely, one who doesn't travel light may bring everything they could possibly need, no matter who many suitcases are required to hold it all.

But of course, none of that would have anything to do with today's spiritual thought of the day.

Lightworkers, as you know, make themselves available to harness charitable energy from the universe. In exchange for this service, lightworkers are granted abilities to identify and execute these charitable tasks.

But Lightworkers also travel with the light. When it is recognized,  it appears as a "glow." If someone ever told you: "I don't know, there just something about you." Put your finger on your nose and say Bingo!

The light you travel with is a huge topic that I will only skim the surface on today. It is basically a tiny power plant, which greatly expands in situations of need. It works that way because it's impossible to travel with a giant ball of light.

But stumble into an environment where temptation seems to own the occupants, and the tiny ball of light expands through you. It provides an immediate connection to the larger source of the universe.

In most cases, you won't have to do anything. Temptation sees and feels this light and runs. Some elements of temptation (which is also an email for another time) may briefly challenge the light, but if you remain Zen and not get drawn into its intentions of minimizing the light's power, it will run like the coward it is too.

So far, I've talked about the Yin, now for the Yang. The light you travel with shares space with all the dark challenges you ever overcame. I'll call these things "spiritual baggage."

For example, say you quit smoking 15 years ago. That spiritual baggage is contained in the same of space as the light you travel with. They are kept in proper balance, (gravity vs. expansion) but it is possible that you can feel a craving to smoke years after you quit, especially after you add new baggage to the container, and the light has to adjust in size to accommodate.

Okay, so all that to get today's readings, which most likely will result in you doing a big, fat, nothing. In a way, you will spiritually "light up a room" today, just by being you. Don't get drawn into any negative emotional confrontations, and simply let the light you travel with do its work.

When you attain the Lightworker ability to see different paths of destiny, these days are much more fun, but today, just your intuition.

Because they are not yours, and they are right-on.

Love and light,
Jordan Canon 

Principal: I Am.
Temptation's Power: You Are Not (Confidence) 
Primary Power: Motivation to Act
Principal: I Have.
Temptation's Power: You Won't Have (Fear of...)

Primary Power: Practical and Preserving
Principal: I Think
Temptation's Power: You Over Think (Failure to decide)
Primary Power: Duality and Communication
Principal: I Feel
Temptation's Power: Extreme Emotional Reaction
Primary Power: Emotions and Nurturing
Principle: I Will
Temptation's Power: You will not (succeed)
Primary Power: Desires and Recognition
Principle: I Analyze
Temptation's Power: What if? (Over analyzing)
Primary Power: Attention to Detail
Principal: I Balance
Temptation's Power: Loss of Control
Primary Power: Relating to Others
Principal: I Desire
Temptation's Power: Overindulgence
Primary Power: Intensity and Forceful
Principal: I Aspire
Temptation's Power: Failure to Achieve
Primary Power: A Broad and Idealistic Outlook
Principal: I Use
Temptation's Power: Work over Relationships
Primary Power: Realism and Responsibility
Principal: I Know
Temptation's Power: Doing
Primary Power: Human Understanding
Principal: I Believe
Temptation's Power: Realistic Goals
Primary Power: Spiritual and Sensitive

Detailed personal and relationship readings by Jordan Canon are provided to as a service for your spiritual growth. Spiritual astrology readings help people "look within" themselves and learn how to harness the power of their souls. It provides you with insights into your character and individual life potentials by indicating the strengths you have and the challenges you experience in life.

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