NEU Updated Compliance and Reporting Guidance
Last week the U.S. Treasury released a new Agreements and Supporting Documents User Guide to be used for compliance and reporting in Non-entitlement communities (typically those under 50,000 in population). The NEU specific document creates a new reporting portal called which is designed to be more user friendly for smaller entities. The guidance provides instructions to NEUs on setting accounts, assigning reporting roles, and providing required documentation to Treasury.
PSC Ends Utility Quarterly Reporting Associated with COVID
At an open meeting on December 16, 2021, the Public Service Commission made decisions regarding the ongoing quarterly reporting requirements for COVID-19 related dockets 5-AF-105 and 5-UI-120. The Commission determined that the report covering the last quarter of 2021 will be the final quarterly report required in the 5-AF-105 docket. In the 5-UI-120 docket, the Commission discontinued the quarterly reporting requirement.
As a result, Wisconsin utilities are no longer required to complete quarterly reporting. For updated announcements and resources related to COVID-19, please visit the Commission’s Frequently Asked Questions for Utilities webpage.
Simple questions on information related to disconnections, arrears, and tax roll arrears placements will now be added as questions to the PSC Annual Reports, which will be available in early 2022.
REMINDER that the following forms must be electronically filed (e-filed) with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. The forms are available on DOR's website
Tax Increment Worksheet (TIW)
- Only municipalities with tax incremental finance district(s) with a positive Total Value Increment must e-file the TIW
- The worksheet is used to calculate and report your municipality's tax increment
- Due date TODAY – Monday, December 20, 2021
Note: Do not file if your municipality does not have a tax incremental finance district and/or your municipality's Total Value Increment is negative
Statement of Taxes (SOT)
- Each municipality must e-file the SOT
- SOT is a summary of the taxes and charges included on your municipality's tax roll for collection
- Due date TODAY – Monday, December 20, 2021
CARES Act Update
On December 14th, the U.S. Department of Treasury ("Treasury") released an update on the Coronavirus Relief Fund ("CRF") created under The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) Act ("CARES Act").
Under the CARES Act's CRF, funds were provided to cover costs that were incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020, and ends on December 31, 2021 (the "covered period"). However, due to numerous circumstances-Delta; supply chain backups; and others, Treasury revised the guidance on incurred costs.
Treasury's guidance now provides that a cost associated with a necessary expenditure shall be considered to have been incurred by December 31, 2021, if the recipient has incurred an obligation with respect to such cost by December 31, 2021. Treasury defines obligation for this purpose as an order placed for property and services and entry into contracts, subawards, and similar transactions that require payment. Please see the linked Frequent Asked Questions document that is associated with the new guidance.
PFAS Surface Water Public Comment Period Closes
On December 8th, public comments on Chapter NR 809 related to drinking water, were due. Read the League's comments here and the Municipal Environmental Group-Water Division comments here.
The surface water rule will affect the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permitting program when the new water quality criteria become effective. The League is pleased the department is pursuing the use of non-numeric standards and a pollutant minimization/source reduction approach to the regulation of PFOS and PFOA in the surface water rule revision.
No Bulletin December 27
This is the last Legislative Bulletin for 2021. The next Bulletin will be published on January 3. Happy Holidays.