Your biweekly newsletter on what to do and where to stay, eat, and shop in Ames, Iowa. 

How to spend Father's Day in Ames

If you are wondering how to celebrate Father’s Day with the people you love, look no further. Here is your Father’s Day itinerary for a perfect day with the family. 

Dad's day done right

Discover what's happening in Ames

June 18, 2023

Juneteenth Celebrations

Celebrate the Freedom Day in Ames/Story County! All weekend long various events will be happening around the Ames and Story County area that are free and available to everyone to enjoy.

See the events

June 22, 2023

Ames Municipal Band Concert

The Ames Municipal Band will present hour-long concerts every Thursday at 8 pm in Bandshell Park in June and July. Each week the band will perform a different concert featuring popular music, light classical, hymns, marches, and music from Broadway and films.

Enjoy the show

July 3, 2023

Fourth of July Fireworks

Fireworks begin at dusk around the Iowa State Center parking area. Sponsored by Discover Ames Community Grant.

Light up the night
View the full events calendar

RAGBRAI L is coming to Ames

2023 will be the fifth time Ames will host RAGBRAI as an overnight town, and no better timing than the 50th Anniversary!

Check out our Tuesday entertainment lineup.

View the bands
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