Best for Children
July 2021
Psychotherapeutic and Behavioral Approaches to Treating Gender Dysphoria
For decades, many of transgenderism’s researchers and clinicians have promoted a false ideology: if a man, woman or child claims to be a member of the opposite sex, or expresses a keen desire to “change sex” through hormonal and surgical intervention, then there is nothing one can do but “affirm” or facilitate that person’s belief and desire. A key component of this ideology is that psychotherapeutic interventions have been tried exhaustively in such patients and that nothing worked.
What are Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)?
An Introduction to a Series
You have likely heard the term. Perhaps you’ve used it in speaking about a patient. It may even be part of your childhood. Whatever the connection, I ask that you now pause and reflect as we move through this Introduction, which will include an ACEs Survey. We’ll consider in the next article the short and long-term associated health risks, then Resilience and its meaning, and finally how to promote it, even moving beyond your practice to the community, especially the schools and Faith community, in order to prevent and ameliorate ACEs.
Recent Press Releases
Department of Education Using Title IX Against Female Students

17 June 2021

The U.S. Department of Education yesterday released a “Notice of Interpretation,” which extends Title IX protections to biologically male students who identify as transgender females and thus mandates a false definition of sex upon American students.
ACPeds Denounces Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia in Minors

17 April 2021

Many countries have legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide for adults. However, this is not the case for the majority of the United States. Only the District of Columbia and nine states...have legalized physician assisted suicide for adults in America.
SCOTUS to Hear Case Challenging Roe v. Wade

19 May 2021

In agreeing to hear this case, SCOTUS will clarify its jurisprudence on abortion regarding states’ authority to enact laws that protect maternal health, safeguard unborn babies, and promote respect for innocent life. 
Statement on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Act Discharge Petition

15 April 2021

As medical organizations that represent approximately 30,000 members, we are deeply concerned about inequities in care for our most vulnerable patients, especially children born at the cusp of viability or with disabilities. Life-limiting or life-threatening diagnoses are not life-negating.

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