Wetutoskimetowin: 'to work on it together'

Welcome back! 

The 2022 - 2023 school year is officially here and the Treaty Education team is excited to be able to work with  you and your school community. 

2021 - 2022 saw a successful year of teacher-training and engagement. We are keen to keep the momentum going. Scroll below for our professional development dates and offerings. We are pleased to deliver synchronous online, in-person, and blended sessions. Let us know how we can support you and all the good work you do in Manitoba schools. 

Featured Teaching Resource

Storytelling is an ideal method for exploring Treaties. Check out the teacher's guide written as a complement to our teacher summer institute, 'Storytelling & Treaties: Connections to Land and People'. Have your students (or co-workers) complete the 'My Personal Treaty Narrative' learning activity. 

Click to access
Treaty Sleuthing: Spaces & Places

The Bannock Point Petroforms are figures laid out on bedrock in the forms of turtles, snakes and humans, and also in abstract patterns. Anishinaabe and other First Nations believe that they were left here long ago for the benefit of all people that might visit this site to receive their teachings and healing. There are many levels of understanding, therefore, many ways to interpret the teachings. The petroforms sites are sacred places and are used today by First Nations people for ceremonial purposes.

Adapted from: https://www.gov.mb.ca/sd/pubs/parks-protected-spaces/park_info/whiteshell_petro.pdf

Treaty Terminology

September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

The day honours the children who never returned home, Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Click on the video to hear Treaty Commissioner Loretta Ross and Dr. Elder Harry Bone discuss the importance the Treaty relationship as part of reconciliation. 

Mark your calendars! The dates for this year's Treaty Education training have been set.

Click here to register

Elder's Voices: Treaty Sites & Places 

Elder Jim Cote, Treaty No. 4 

Treaty Education's work has always been guided by the TRCM's Council of Elders. One of our most recent projects is centred on interviewing Elders at Treaty-significant sites. In this video, Elder Cote is speaking at the Fort Ellice cairn about the making of Treaty No. 4. 

TREATY ED in the classroom

What are our In-School Support Teachers up to? 


“In February 2022, I facilitated learning for French-language educators around the importance and content of Treaty Education. This interactive session featured French-language educators from across the province of Manitoba with a shared commitment to bringing Treaty education to the classroom in innovative ways. Supported by Elders and other educators from the Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba, the 2-day session sought to share resources and ideas that can help students understand the importance of Treaty relationships. Educators in attendance expressed great appreciation for the sessions and for the materials, as well as a desire to enhance the resources available in French in the coming years.”

Our In-School Support Team is here to help! We can support you in the classroom in-person or virtually. We offer:
  • Co-teaching Treaty Education lessons
  • Help in implementing Treaty Education Kit resources
  • Tips on incorporating local Treaty history
  • Support for PLCs and staff professional development
  • We also offer French language support for Immersion and French classes. Make sure to note that you would like our French-speaking In-School Support teacher when you book.

Click here
Treaty Education
300-300 Alpine Way
Headingley, MB R4H 0E1

204-777-1871 | teiadmin@trcm.ca | www.trcm.ca