We are ACT experts
keeping you informed!
We stay on top of our industry by analyzing each question when a new ACT is released. Here's what we discovered after an in-depth look at 300 English questions from 2021.
The Seven Skills of the ACT English Section
The English section is the most predictable part of the ACT. The 75 questions primarily cover only seven skills. Based on our analysis of the most recent tests, these seven skills made up 82% of all questions.
Predictable = Trainable
At Jane Ross Tutoring, we use the image of a suitcase with travel stickers to illustrate the seven most common places the ACT goes to develop the English section. Students quickly learn how predictable the English questions are. That's what makes the English section so trainable: Students need to master only seven skills to see their English scores go up!
The Most Tested Skill is Picking the Right Word
Some English teachers call it "word choice." Others call it "diction." We simply tell students to pick the exact right word. In the most recent tests, this one skill made up almost one fourth of all questions.
This question from June 2021 makes students pick the right word twice.
This type of question is asking students to distinguish between commonly mixed up word pairs. Examples include affect versus effect and then versus than.
One year later in June 2022, student faced the dreaded its'
Students need to sound out contractions like it's, you're, they're, and who's, which are easy to confuse with its, your, their (or there), and whose. Also, never fall for its'...it's not even a word!
During our recent workshops, multiple students admitted they didn't know the difference between who and whom--another example of word choice. Check out this ACT Quick Tip video for a simple strategy. You'll never miss the who vs whom questions again!
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