HERS Breast Cancer Foundation
Special Edition: March 2019 Newsletter

Tri-Valley SOCKs
14th Annual Bras for the Cause Walk 

Greetings Friends of HERS!

As you may know, Tri-Valley SOCKs is a registered nonprofit that has supported local breast cancer-related organizations for many years, including HERS . Since 2004, they've donated an incredible $114,000 to HERS and an astounding $1.8 million to Bay Area breast cancer-focused nonprofits. They're proud that 100% of funds raised are donated to their beneficiaries.
As fundraising walks go, Tri-Valley SOCKs' Bras for the Cause annual fundraiser is truly special. Not only does this dedicated all-volunteer organization work tirelessly to make their event a success year after year, they do so with incredible compassion for breast cancer patients, a sense of fun, and unwavering focus.

We're dedicating this special issue of our newsletter to highlight their work and this year's walk. Enjoy! 
 About Tri-Valley SOCKs


Tri-Valley SOCKs (Stepping Out for Cancer Kures) was established 15 years ago by an all-volunteer group of individuals dedicated to raising funds for local charities that support uninsured patients, breast cancer research and treatment, and educational programs. With the goal of "changing our world and having fun at the same time," they created their signature event, their annual "Bras for the Cause" Walk which takes place in Pleasanton, California.

We had the opportunity to speak with co-founder
Barb Roudebush, who spoke enthusiastically about her team's history and growth, impact, and philosophy.

Barb shared that the founders met while training for other Bay Area walk events. Realizing that they could raise funds themselves, they formed Tri-Valley SOCKs and eventually hit their stride with their Bras for the Cause event.

The secret to their success? Hard work as well as the fact that their walk is an original and highly energetic event. Unique elements include the timing (it's an evening walk), its fun and lighthearted tradition of themed costumes and bra-decorating (yes, there are awards!), top-notch entertainment, delicious goodies, a stellar silent auction, and their tradition of honoring a breast cancer patient each year.

Back to this group's love of fun and encouraging costumes: Barb shared that because breast cancer "causes so many tears," they try to put the focus on happiness and over the years participants have embraced the tradition.

Smiles and costumes abound at the
 Bras for the Cause Walk.

Barb also shared that their event's appeal is also due to their relatively low fundraising minimum --  just $200 per participant which is widely considered to be a manageable goal. Their group also strives to give walkers a beautiful and "pampering" experience. Examples of this special treatment includes a festive finishers party and using a limo as their sweep vehicle. This thoughtfulness is typical of Tri-Valley SOCKs; they go the extra mile for their walkers who, in turn, go the distance in support of breast cancer survivors.

Tri-Valley SOCKs members at their 2018 "Hand Over The Goods" Party. Funds are distributed to beneficiary nonprofits at this yearly event. 
Photo credit: Tri-Valley SOCKs.
HERS Breast Cancer Foundation is grateful to all members of Tri-Valley SOCKs and wish to acknowledge their 2018-19 Officers and Directors: Stephanie Bates, Cathy Brabec,
Barbara Hague, Cheryl Hernandez, Diane Hughes,
Carol Hukari, Jackie Kiyabu, JJ Olsen, and Dina Pann. 
We're also grateful to the volunteers, businesses, foundations, and other donors, and participants for their efforts to make Bras for the Cause a success.
 Ready to walk? Register today!

Saturday, April 13, 2019
Check-in begins at 5 pm -- Walk starts at 7 pm

Can't attend? You can still support the cause -- donate!

Kilts on parade down Main Street!
Photo credit: Tri-Valley SOCKs.

 Honoring Survivors

In Shadia's words, "Live life to the fullest and don't take time for granted."
Photo credit: Shadia Lujan.
As we said earlier, one of the unique elements of Bras for the Cause is honoring a survivor. This year's honoree is Tri-Valley resident Shadia Lujan. We were fortunate to speak with Shadia; her story encompasses determination, the love of family, and the power of optimism.

Just over one year ago, Shadia was a busy married mom with two young sons and a career as a home therapist for children with autism. But then she received devastating news: she had breast cancer. She soon underwent surgery, then chemotherapy, enduring pain and sadness through those experiences. But Shadia is a fighter who is determined to move forward. On the day we interviewed her, she had just begun radiation treatment but was upbeat. Citing the love of her husband, children, family, and friends, Shadia said that she feels "strong and hopeful" and that her bonds with loved ones are greater than ever.

As this year's Bras for the Cause honoree, Shadia will open and close the walk, she's shared her story with local media, and is also highlighted on Tri-Valley SOCKs' website. On April 13th, Shadia will be joined at Bras for the Cause by her walk team, "Sha's Breast Friends." Their costume theme is "things that go together," like peanut butter & jelly and mac 'n cheese, which is a nod to how the love of family and friends go together. Shadia's costume will feature eyelashes and eyebrows -- things that go together and things she missed during her illness. She's looking forward to seeing her team's creative costumes on April 13th.

Shadia knows how important it is to live life to the fullest. She plans to celebrate the end of her radiation treatment and she's also anticipating giving back to her community, including becoming more deeply involved with Tri-Valley SOCKs. We wish Shadia all the best!
 Are you ready to walk?

Saturday, April 1 3, 2019
5pm Check-in opens
7pm Walk starts

The theme for the 14th Annual Bras for the Cause walk is  "Quest For A Cure".  This year's walk image incorporates an elephant, a symbol of strength, power, hope, stamina, and good luck -- the qualities that help breast cancer patients fight their illness and sustain those who are supporting loved ones with the disease.

We invite you to support Tri-Valley SOCKs as they continue their "Quest" to end breast cancer by funding a cure, supporting those going through treatment, and spreading awareness to all through education programs. Register or donate TODAY!

HERS Breast Cancer Foundation

Fremont   *   Pleasanton * San Leandro

(510) 790-1911  

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