Trial Skills Fundamentals: Using Exhibits, Demonstratives, and Technology at Trial

Tuesday, January 21, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Pacific via ZOOM

Join us for a re-airing of Trial Skills Fundamentals: Using Exhibits, Demonstratives, and Technology at Trial. You’ll receive 100% participatory credit CLE for watching this program.

Paul Kiesel, Kiesel Law

This program covers the strategic and practical aspects of using exhibits, demonstratives, and technology in the courtroom. It will explain various types of exhibits, their potential to enhance your case, and strategic considerations for their use, along with pre-trial preparation. The program details techniques for incorporating exhibits during examinations, and moving them into evidence. Additionally, it explores how to strategically use technology to enhance evidence presentation and overall trial strategy.

This program qualifies for 1 hour of General Participatory Credit in California.


You can only receive CLE credit for watching the program one time.

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CLE CREDIT: BHBA CLE programs are eligible for credit in all jurisdictions with mandatory CLE requirements, subject to accreditation and restrictions. The process for obtaining credit varies by state. For comprehensive details on course accreditation, please email Always refer to the registration page and/or course flyer for detailed CLE information for each course.

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