Tribal Public Health Broadcast
December 7, 2017

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Funding and Opportunities



MCARENew Research: Investing in Public Health May Reduce Medicare Spending

Results from a new study published in the December issue of the journal Health Services Research by researchers at the University of Kentucky, suggest new directions for containing costs by aligning medical and public health programs.  The findings suggest that the federal Medicare program could realize an average of $1.10 in savings for each $1.00 invested in local public health activities over time.

The researchers measured the amount of money spent annually by hundreds of local public health agencies in hundreds of communities, and linked these data with measures of Medicare spending per beneficiary in the same local areas, along with detailed information on demographic, economic and community characteristics. Using an advanced statistical methodology known as instrumental variables analysis, the researchers estimated how public health spending influenced Medicare spending over time, while controlling for other factors that tend to obscure the true causal relationship between these two types of spending.  The results show that Medicare spending per beneficiary fell by about 1 percent for each 10 percent increase in public health spending per resident, with even larger offsets observed in low-income and medically underserved communities.

The article concludes that expanded financing for public health activities may provide an effective way of constraining Medicare spending, particularly in low-resource communities.

Success Story from Northwest Tribes: Native CARS (Children Always Ride Safe) Partnership to Improve Child Passenger Safety

In the beginning of the 2000s, Northwest Tribes noticed that vehicle accidents leading to injuries and death were impacting their communities. The Northwest Tribal EpiCenter (NWTEC) confirmed this disparity and noticed, finding that American Indian and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) were experiencing the highest death rate compared to other groups as a result of vehicle accidents . The NWTEC contacted experts and formed partnerships to investigate if this mortality rate might be connected to the low use of safety seats. Partnerships included the Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) and Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center (HIPRC). The group explored this data for six Tribes and found that correct safety seat usage was low - between 25 and 55 percent only. 

The six Tribes are: Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Klamath Tribes, Nez Perce, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, and Spokane Tribe. 

This led to community-based participatory research (CBPR) through the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) in collaboration with the six Tribes, NWTEC, and HIPRC. The Tribes gave the study a name: Native Children Always Ride Safe (Native CARS). 

The study used principles of CBPR to "support [T]ribes, identify local champions, develop lasting expertise, and facilitate [T]ribal engagement with local, state, and national resources. To provide resources to other [T]ribes working on these issues, the partnership published their estimates and correlates along with their survey method." 

Further, Tribes "created multifaceted interventions with activities aimed at multiple sectors within communities, including parents, caregivers, healthcare providers, public health programs, and legal and law enforcement departments. Each set of activities was unique to the [T]ribe's readiness level, at-risk groups, and [T]ribal culture. These interventions measurably increased rates of proper use of child passenger restraints and reduced rates of unrestraint, providing evidence that strategies developed for [T]ribes by [T]ribes work. Each [T]ribe was successful at increasing the percentage of children riding in an age- and size-appropriate restraint." 

Not simply satisfied with the improvement in their own communities, these six Tribal champions wanted to help AI/AN communities across the United States. To do this, they shared their work through the Native CARS Atlas, an online blueprint to help children stay safe in motor vehicles. The atlas can be used by various groups and individuals such as parents, schools, public health programs, and other providers. The site is user-friendly and contains extensive resources for communities including a readiness assessment for communities, a guide for coalition-building, a tutorial on mapping crashes on reservations, stories of individual successes, and much more. 

View the Native CARS Atlas website HERE - an excellent resource and model for Tribes
Read the NIMHD article that inspired and informed this broadcast article HERE
Funding and Opportunities
National Environmental Public Health (NEHA) Internship Program Now Accepting Applications, Due January 3, 2018

NEHA is pleased to announce the fourth year of the National Environmental Public Health Internship Program, which is funded by CDC's Environmental Health Services Branch. Local, state, and Tribal environmental health departments can apply to host one of 35+ environmental health internships during summer 2018. Students from universities with undergraduate and graduate environmental health programs accredited by the National Environmental Health Science and Protection Accreditation Council may be eligible for internships. NEHA encourages health departments to apply to host an intern by submitting an application by January 3, 2018.  Apply here.

AIANSuccessStoriesCDC Calls for American Indian/Alaska Native Public Health Success Stories, Due January 15, 2018

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) invites Tribal Public Health leaders to share stories that show how Tribal cultures have long fostered health and wellness. These stories will take part in an exciting new exhibit at the David J. Spencer CDC Museum in Atlanta.

The exhibition- to be held from Sept 22, 2019, through May 1, 2020, in Atlanta- will recognize the public health contributions of the AI/AN community in a visually compelling, culturally appropriate manner. CDC's exhibition will showcase how native traditions and wisdom have affected public health in the past and present. 

Please send stories that highlight how native traditions and wisdom have affected health, or show contributions of specific AI/AN individuals to health and wellness among AI/AN people. CDC will consider stories that represent the diverse array of tribes, tribal organizations, health issues, and people of Indian Country and AI/AN culture. Stories are due to by January 15, 2018.

For more submission instructions, view the call for submissions  HERE.
Climate Change: The Science - Free Online Course
Learn more about this educational opportunity or register  HERE

Learn more about the National Indian Health Board's climate project HERE or contact Angelica at for more information

Read a recent highlight on Swinomish Indian Tribal Community and their climate health work HERE


Medscape and MMWR: Continuing Education Course on the Use of Seasonal Influenza Vaccines


CDC's MMWR and Medscape have introduced a new and updated activity with recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) regarding the use of seasonal influenza Vaccines.


The activity is targeted towards infectious disease practitioners, internists, pediatricians, family medicine practitioners, pulmonologists, public health officials, nurses, pharmacists, and other clinicians who treat and manage patients in whom vaccination is recommended against seasonal influenza.


To access the activity, click HERE  


Fundamentals of Evaluation for Public Health Programming - NIHB Webinar
Thursday, December 7, 2017 from 3:00-4:15 pm ET ( This webinar is being recorded. Contact

Presenter:  Robert Foley, M.Ed, Chief Programs Officer, National Indian Health Board.

Evaluation is a key programmatic function, however, it often gets overlooked during program implementation, or confusion over how to conduct a good and thorough evaluation may lead staff to forgo such efforts. Evaluation helps us to make solid programmatic decisions and holds us accountable to ourselves, our funders and our communities.  This training will move through the different levels of process and outcome evaluation - clearly defining them and providing suggestions and tips on how to conduct evaluations easily and successfully. The webinar will use widely accepted terminology and methodologies so that the basics are well understand and can be universally applied across different programs or disciplines.  The facilitator will also briefly discuss how to construct evaluation plans (including evaluation questions and indicators) that align with implementation plans, and how to make sure that these plans align with one another.
Note: This webinar will not cover how to create evaluation instruments or how to create logic models.   

This webinar is designed for community health workers, prevention specialists, program directors, program planners, and evaluators that work specifically in the area of public health and programming, and have a vested and sincere interest in conducting evaluation activities on their Tribal programs.  It would also be appropriate for a broader audience of individuals that interact regularly with such programs, including health administrators, grant writers, and contract monitors. 

Learn more about this webinar, including learning objectives, or register HERE.

Please contact Angelica  at  for more information if you have any questions. 

Tribal Accreditation Learning Community- NIHB Webinar
Friday, December 8, 2017 from 2:00-3:00pm ET

National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is pleased to announce the next session of the Tribal Accreditation Learning Community (TALC).  TALC is a free, monthly webinar series held the second Friday of each month.  It is designed for sharing and learning about public health accreditation in Tribal communities.

The December session of TALC will consist of two presentations:

Let Your Data do the Talking:
We will discuss using data collected in accreditation efforts, such as the Community Health Assessment, to share information about accreditation and quality improvement activities in your Tribe.  The training will discuss different ways of presenting data, and how to cater your message to different audiences.

Tribal Presentation: Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center has been on the accreditation journey since 2012, and recently updated their CHA/CHIP/Strategic Plan in 2016. Carrie Sampson, Quality Director with the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation will present on the Tribes efforts towards accreditation. She will share information on preparing their Quality Improvement Plan, the role of their newly acquired CDC Public Health Associate, and their steps and timeline for applying for public health accreditation.

Join this meeting HERE.

For more information about TALC, and to view past presentations, click HERE.
For more information about the Tribal ASI, visit the website  HERE, or contact Karrie Joseph at, (202) 507-4079.


The webinar website states, "The VA Office of Health Equity (OHE) launched the VA Health Equity Themed Quality Improvement Projects Initiative during fiscal year 2014. This initiative was launched to support local and field-based efforts to implement quality improvement efforts that have been designed or identified through existing literature and that are expected to achieve health equity and/or reduce health disparities among vulnerable Veteran groups. The purpose of the current session is to describe quality improvement projects and findings for projects funded by OHE during fiscal year 2017 and discuss lessons learned and actionable steps that can be used by  VA facilities, researchers, and stakeholders to inform local and national efforts that advance health equity for vulnerable Veterans." 

This webinar is intended for "[r]esearchers, clinicians, care coordinators, policy makers, educators, Veteran stakeholders and representatives of vulnerable Veteran groups who are interested in understanding and/or promoting equitable health among all Veterans." 

Learn more or register HERE

Prevention and Unintentional Injuries in American Indian Communities: 5 Day Course
January 8-12, 2018 from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm

Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health is offering a course on injury prevention.  Injuries are the leading cause of death for American Indians ages 1-44 and the third leading cause of death overall. This 5-day day learning opportunity will explore the unique injury patterns experienced by American Indian communities and teach students how to design, implement and evaluate injury prevention initiatives in their community. Throughout the course, students will work to develop basic knowledge and skills relating to all  core competencies of injury prevention. Although some competencies will be addressed in greater detail than others, students will be given as many opportunities as possible, within the constraints of the 5-day training, to practice these skills.  Practical application sessions will provide hands-on, facilitated, skills-development experience.

Tuition:  $1091 per credit for credit, $818 for non-credit.

32nd Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment
January 28-February 2, 2018 in San Diego, CA

Presented by the Chadwick Center for Children and Families at Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego, this Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment "focuses on multi-disciplinary best-practice efforts to prevent, if possible, or otherwise to investigate, treat, and prosecute child and family maltreatment. The objective of the San Diego conference is to develop and enhance professional skills and knowledge in the prevention, recognition, assessment and treatment of all forms of maltreatment including those related to family violence as well as to enhance investigative and legal skills. In-depth issues include support for families, prevention, leadership, and policy-making. Translating the latest research into action is also addressed." The conference includes several speakers  with experience in AI/AN communities. Although most sessions have applicability across multiple communities (and may benefit from a Tribal voice), there are also sessions focused specifically on AI/AN communities such as "The Impact of Historical and Intergenerational Trauma on Child Well-Being in Tribal Communities," "The Challenges and Future Potential for Creating Trauma-Informed Child Protection Services in Tribal Communities," and "Child Sex Trafficking in Indian Country." 

Learn more about the conference or register  HERE