Tribal Public Health Broadcast
May 3, 2018
9th Annual National Tribal Public Health Summit
Sponsor, and More  HERE  

2018 AI/AN National Behavioral Health Conference

Register, Reserve your Room, Exhibit, and More HERE

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Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Passes Resolution Designating May 5th as National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Native Women and Girls

On April 25th, 2018, the United States Senate designated May 5th as the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Native Women and Girls for the second year in a row. This designation is part of a number of new congressional initiatives to bring awareness, attention and resources to combat sexual and domestic violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women, who remain disproportionately impacted by this issue. 

Congressional leaders, including those serving on the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, are also introducing new legislation to help improve surveillance of missing and murdered Native women, including a bill that would reauthorize and expand the Tribal Law and Order Act. 

Find a copy of the resolution  HERE
Find a copy of the Tribal Law and Order Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2017  HERE
Racial & Economic Disparities in Residential Proximity to PM Emission Sources: A National Analysis
Tuesday, May 15, 2018 from 3-4:30 pm ET

This presentation discusses attempts to "quantify nationwide disparities in residential proximity to particulate matter (PM) - emitting facilities by race/ethnicity and poverty status [...] qualitied [...] nationally and for each state and county in the country. [The study] found that those in poverty had 1.35 times higher burden from PM2.5 emissions than did the overall population, and non-Whites had 1.28 times higher burden."
Register for the webinar HERE

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Health Newsletters

Want to learn more about why the quality of the air matters in your home, school, or office and how to improve it?  Join more than 79,000 other subscribers receiving important messages about IAQ and health from the  Indoor Environments Division  of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA].  

Subscribe to receive periodic messages on more than 20 topics, among them  mold asthma radon particulate  matter, home  remodeling , new  home  construction, plus informative presentations and updates from the Federal Interagency Committee on IAQ.  You'll also receive occasional messages on a variety of subjects of general interest.  In subscribing you can select your topics of interest, change your profile or unsubscribe at any time. 

Give it a try  HERE
Funding and Opportunities
Native Behavioral Health Award: Call for Nominations
Due Friday, May 25, 2018 by 11:59 pm ET

In an effort to honor individuals, Tribes, organizations, and programs that have enriched and improved American Indian and Alaska Native be havioral health, the National Indian Health Board (NIHB) invites nominations for the Native Behavioral Health Award. NIHB created this award to recognize excellence, achievement, and innovations that are above and beyond the call of service.  NIHB recognizes that behavioral health is important to Native health and wellness, and that Tribes have led the way in creating and implementing behavioral health programming and services that align not only with contemporary needs, but with cultural beliefs as well.  This award will highlight the work and vision of an individual, organization, Tribe or program that has worked to improve behavioral health status, implement new programming, address long standing health disparities, and/or increase the visibility of behavioral health concerns. 
NIHB will present the award at the Annual National Tribal Behavioral Health  Conference in Washington, DC during a plenary session. All nominations should be received by 11:59 p.m. ET on Friday, May 25, 2018. The winner will be notified within three weeks upon close of the no minations.

Deadline: Friday, May 25, 2018 by 11:59 pm ET
Anyone may submit nominations. To learn more or submit your nomination, click HERE
Have questions? Email Courtney at  
Learn more about the AI/AN National Behavioral Health Conference HERE

SAMHSA Announces the Availability of up to $37.5 Million for the Tribal Behavioral Health Grant Program Application Due Date: Monday, June 22, 2018

SAMHSA is accepting applications for the Tribal Behavioral Health Grant Program (Short Title: Native Connections) totaling up to $37.5 million over the next 5 years. The program aims to help American Indian/Alaska Native youth through the age of 24 years by:
  • Preventing and reducing suicidal behavior and substance use
  • Reducing the impact of trauma
  • Promoting mental health
Find more information about the grant  HERE.

My Brother's Keeper Community Challenge Funding Opportunity
Applications due Thursday, May 24, 2018
The My Brother's Keeper (MBK) Community Challenge is a national competition offering grants to identify several cities, towns, counties, and Tribal Nations that have the potential to substantially improve life outcomes for boys and young men of color, especially outcomes related to reducing youth violence and growing the pipeline of mentors. The Challenge is seeking to work in partnership with communities that can identify and implement evidence-based programs and a specific goal over two years to reduce youth violence or leverage mentors to address milestone-specific challenges. 

Two categories of grants, ranging from $25,000 to $500,000, are being offered. Eligible grantees are high-performing U.S.-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations with strong leadership and a track record of success in driving collective impact efforts locally, initiating program development, and expanding policies and practices that enhance equity and opportunity for boys and young men of color. Visit the MBK website  HERE to learn more about the Challenge.
Tribal Accreditation Learning Community (TALC) May Webinar,  Quality Improvement Training
Friday, May 11, 2018, 2:00 pm-3:00 pm ET
National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is pleased to announce the next session of the Tribal Accreditation Learning Community (TALC).  TALC is a free, monthly webinar series held the second Friday of each month.  It is designed for sharing and learning about public health accreditation in Tribal communities.
Quality Improvement:
Quality Improvement (QI) is the use of a defined improvement process to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, performance, and outcomes of public health services. QI can be a valuable tool in the field of public health. Learn about QI basics, steps to developing a culture of quality, and review a variety of successful QI projects. Emily Vanderklok is the Community Health Outreach Manager with the Notawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi. She is a certified QI Trainer through the Michigan Department of Community Health/Michigan Public Health Institute
For more information about TALC, and to view past webinars, click  HERE
To join this webinar, click  HERE

Zika Champions in Indian Country: Spotlight on Three Zika Projects Funded by the National Indian Health Board Webinar  

Last summer, the National Indian Health Board (NIHB) announced a funding opportunity that would provide Tribes and Tribal organizations with up to $5000 to tackle one or two high impact, capacity building activities to prepare for the possibility of Zika transmission in Tribal communities. Three awardees received funding: Bishop Paiute Tribe (California), Indian Health Council (California), and Kaw Nation (Oklahoma). These Tribal champions have been striving to address this critical threat in creative ways within their communities and will wrap up their current projects at the end of April 2018.
"Zika virus has the potential to cause devastating health affects for Tribal communities and the next generation of indigenous children. This funding opportunity can help mobilize Tribes to take action for preparedness and response planning to help keep their communities safe."
-Stacy Bohlen, Executive Director, National Indian Health Board
This webinar highlights the three Tribes and their projects' successes, challenges, best practices, lessons learned, and ways that this work may be continued beyond the NIHB funding. Project activities include implementing an education campaign and engaging in vector control activities such as: holding partner meetings, participating in community health fairs, creating educational documents, identifying homes at high risk for mosquito activity, writing newsletter articles, providing Zika training to department leads, and distributing Zika kits.
This webinar and the NIHB Zika Response and Planning Mini Award program are part of the NIHB Zika project and are made possible by funding and support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

*Note that times may vary if your state or Tribe does not follow major time zone patterns.

NIHB 9th Annual Tribal Public Health Summit
May 22-24, 2018 in Prior Lake, MN

Summit Highlights:
  • Pre-Summit 2-day Opioid Listening and Consultation Session! (free)
  • Half-Day Pre-Summit Institutes!
  • 5 Tracks and 2 days of over 40 workshops and roundtables!
  • Fitness Event!
The National Tribal Public Health Summit is a premier Indian public health event that attracts over 500 Tribal public health professionals, elected leaders, advocates, researchers, and community-based service providers. This year's conference theme, "Balance, Harmony, Culture, Health", will provide evidenced-based, best, wise, or promising practices developed in and for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities.
For more information, visit the conference page  HERE
Sponsoring the 9th Annual Tribal Public Health Summit
We invite you to contribute to Tribal public health by becoming an official sponsor of the premier national AI/AN specific public health gathering. The National Tribal Public Health Summit (TPHS) offers key opportunities for allies, organizations and agencies to network, build relationships and establish partnerships with Tribal health leaders in an effort to address AI/AN health priorities. NIHB is honored to welcome your support for TPHS.  We offer a variety of sponsorship levels with many benefits included. Sponsoring the TPHS provides a great opportunity to elevate the presence and visibility of your organization and work, as well as your commitment to Tribal public health and healthcare needs.
To view more information about sponsorship opportunities, including our sponsorship packages, click  HERE
Exhibitors and Vendors
Exhibitor and vendor registration is currently full. If you are still interested in exhibiting, email  to join the wait list. 
Learn more about exhibiting HERE
Lodging Information
Lodging in the NIHB room block at  The Mystic Lake Casino Hotel i s now closed.  Rooms may still be available, but you will no longer be able to receive our reduced rate.  To make a reservation call 952-445-9000 or 800-262-7799 and ask for the NIHB block. 
Online reservations can also be made  HERE   

2018 American Indian & Alaska Native National Behavioral Health Conference
July 25-27, 2018 in Washington, DC
Registration is open!

For more information, visit the conference page HERE
Exhibitors and Vendors
Are you interested in exhibiting at the AI/AN National Behavioral Health Conference? Exhibitor registration is open! The deadline to register as an exhibitor is July 13, 2018, but registration is first come, first serve and registration may close sooner for certain exhibitor categories. 
Learn more about exhibiting or register  HERE
Lodging Information
NIHB has a room block at the conference hotel, Omni Shoreham Hotel. To ensure the lowest rate, call 202-234-0700 or 888-444-6664 and ask for the NIHB event block. 
Online reservations can also be made HERE  

HRSA Webinar: Writing a Competitive Grant Application - HRSA Review Criteria
Wednesday, May 9, 2018 from 1:00-2:30 pm ET
The Health Resources and Services Administration invites you to a FREE Grants Education and Technical Assistance Webinar Series for Tribes, Tribal Organizations, Indian Health, Tribal and Urban Indian Health Programs.  The webinars will be held the second Wednesday of every month from 1:00pm to 2:30pm ET (10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT).
The next lesson of the series focuses Writing a Competitive Grant Application / HRSA Review Criteria.
For more information and/or if you have suggestions for webinar topics, please contact Nancy Rios at .

Native Farm Bill Coalition Fly-In Meetings
May 8-10, 2018, Washington, DC
The Native Farm Bill Coalition invites Tribal leaders and representatives to participate in meetings in Washington, D.C., on May 8-10, 2018, to discuss specific risks and opportunities for Native American communities in the 2018 Farm Bill with Members of Congress, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the White House. The voice, expertise and experience of Tribal leaders are essential as members of Congress and the administration craft the next Farm Bill.

Contact Janie Simms Hipp ( ) as soon as possible if you, or your tribe's designee, can participate in the fly-in meetings.

Seeds of Native Health 3rd Annual Conference on Native Nutrition
October 2-5, 2018 at Mystic Lake Center, Prior Lake, MN
This annual conference brings together Tribal officials, researchers, practitioners, and others to discuss the current state of Indigenous and academic scientific knowledge about Native nutrition and food science, and identify new areas of work. Sessions at this year's conference will explore nutrition across the life cycle, intergenerational learning about food, linking agriculture to nutrition, recovering from historical trauma, and more. 

Find and view the current agenda HERE .

A limited number of registration and lodging scholarships are available for the conference. Priority will be given to people who are or who intend to be in a position to directly improve nutrition and health in Native communities.

Scholarship applications are due Friday, June 29, 2018 . Applications are available HERE .

Presentation abstracts
Abstracts are being accepted for three categories of presentations at the Third Annual Conference on American Nutrition. They include one-hour breakout sessions, Pecha Kucha talks, and printed posters.

Abstracts are due by Friday, June 29, 2018. More information can be found HERE .

Find more information and register for the conference HERE .