Join us this Summer
Tribal-State Collaboration Webinar Series
Please join the Tribal Law and Policy Institute for a 5-Workshop Tribal-State Collaboration Webinar Series! The link below registers you for
all 4 remaining webinars.
Webinar 2 | Friday, July 16, 2021 | Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts: Intergovernmental Collaboration
Webinar 3 | Thursday, August 5, 2021 | Justice Reimagined: Healing Communities and Improving Outcomes through Joint Jurisdiction
Webinar 4 | Monday, August 16, 2021 | Tribal-State Court Forums
Webinar 5 | Monday, August 30, 2021 | Tribal, State and Local Collaborations for Enforcement of Tribal Protection Orders
Webinar 1 | Monday, June 28, 2021 | Crossing the Bridge: Tribal-Local-State Collaboration - This webinar has already been held but PPT and recording are available.
Friday, July 16, 2021
11:00am PT | 12:00pm MT | 1:00pm CT | 2:00pm ET
Tribal-State Collaboration in Drug Courts
This webinar will explore ways in which tribes have experimented with their neighbors and strategies for building collaborative infrastructures, as discussed in a new TLPI publication - Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts: Intergovernmental Collaboration. The maze of jurisdiction often means that tribes are with limited authority to meaningfully serve their communities. But in partnership, tribal and state jurisdictions can leverage their resources, ensure holistic case planning, and provide restorative accountability. The Healing to Wellness Court, an intentional deviation from the compartmentalized, adversarial, offense-centric approach, provides an apt opportunity for innovation in collaboration. Needs like housing, social services, vocational training, child care, physical and mental health treatment, can be addressed by both jurisdictions. Court can negotiate supervision, defense counsel, conditions of probation, and other legal motivations.
Presented by:
Lauren van Schilfgaarde, Director, Tribal Legal Development Clinic, UCLA School of Law
WEBINAR 3: Justice Reimagined: Healing Communities and
Improving Outcomes through Joint Jurisdiction
Thursday, August 5, 2021
12:00pm PT | 1:00pm MT | 2:00pm CT | 3:00pm ET
Tribal-State Court Collaborations
Tribal, state, federal and local courts operate in a patchwork of overlapping jurisdictions, facing common challenges and limited resources. To address these concerns, a growing number of courts have come together in a joint jurisdictional model that acknowledges each other’s autonomy, while sharing resources for better outcomes for everyone. During this webinar, the authors of TLPI’s soon-to-be released Joint Jurisdiction Courts: Needs Assessment Report will tell the story of these joint jurisdiction courts, share lessons learned, and make recommendations for other jurisdictions considering a collaborative approach to heal their own communities and improve outcomes for the people they serve.
Presented by:
Hon. Korey Wahwassuck, Judge, Itasca County District Court and Consultant, Tribal Law and Policy Institute
Jenny Walter, Partner, Hedger & Water, LLC and Consultant, Tribal Law and Policy Institute
WEBINAR 4: Tribal-State Court Forums
Monday, August 16, 2021
10:00am PT | 11:00am MT | 12:00pm CT | 1:00pm ET
Tribal-State Collaboration Panel
Tribal and state courts interact across many issues, including child welfare, enforcement of court orders, and civil commitments. Courts are a key arena for interaction and have great potential for collaboration. Unfortunately, Tribal and state courts can disagree on jurisdictional issues and that can interfere with addressing issues of great importance to both jurisdictions. Difficult historical realities exist in some states that create a wedge that takes hard work to mend; but with collaboration comes the trust building that ultimately increases safety and justice in Indian country. Through tribal-state court forums, judges and court personnel have a venue for gathering together to foster relationships, discuss areas of mutual concern, develop legislative initiatives, and find a common ground. There are 13 known tribal-state court forums in the United States. This webinar will include a panel of forum members from: California, Michigan, Minnesota and New York, who will discuss the accomplishments and challenges when working in these unique and promising collaborations.
Hon. Abby Abinanti, Chief Judge, Yurok Tribal Court
Hon. Carrie Garrow, Chief Judge, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Court
Hon. Michael Petoskey, Chief Judge, Pokagon Band of Potawatomi
Hon. Korey Wahwassuck, Itasca County District Court Judge
Moderator: Hon. Bill Thorne
WEBINAR 5: Tribal, State and Local Collaborations for Enforcement of
Tribal Protection Orders
Monday, August 30, 2021
11:00am PT | 12:00pm MT | 1:00pm CT | 2:00pm ET
Tribal Protection Order Enforcement and Collaboration
This webinar will focus on drafting enforceable tribal protection orders. This includes meeting the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Full Faith and Credit requirements, crafting orders that may provide the basis for criminal actions for violations of a protection order and drafting remedies tailored to meet the needs of victims. It will also include a discussion on some promising practices for state and local enforcement of tribal protection orders.
Presented by:
Kelly Gaines Stoner, Victim Advocacy Legal Specialist, Tribal Law and Policy Institute
This webinar has already been held but PPT and recording are available.
Monday, June 28, 2021
1:00pm PT | 2:00pm MT | 3:00pm CT | 4:00pm ET
Tribal-State Collaboration 101
This webinar focuses on a TLPI publication - Crossing the Bridge: Tribal-Local-State Collaboration - that gives practical steps toward initiating discussions across jurisdictions. The webinar will provide details on “crossing the bridge” to meet jurisdictional peers and begin the relationship building necessary for collaborative endeavors that work toward common goals the create better outcomes for victims of crime in Indian country. And while focused on those who are just beginning their collaborations, the ideas and suggestions included in the publication and during this presentation can be used to improve established collaborations.
Presented by:
Judge William Thorne
Suzanne Garcia, Tribal Child Welfare Legal Specialist, Tribal Law and Policy Institute
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meetings via Zoom.
Kind Regards,
The Tribal Law and Policy Institute
8235 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 211
West Hollywood, CA 90046