Tribal Transportation News

December 20, 2022

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In This Issue...

Funding Opportunities Available!

Training Opportunities!

Special Announcement

Cross Timbers is excited to announce and celebrate Chuck Tsoodle's departure as part of our staff. Wait, what? Yes – while we will miss him being part of the Cross Timbers team, we are supportive of his return to work with the Kiowa Tribe. 

Chuck previously worked in tribal transportation and served as the Kiowa Tribe’s transportation director from 1992 to mid-2013 before retiring. In August 2013, shortly after Cross Timbers was formed, Chuck joined our staff, helping to oversee construction projects and lending his expertise in Tribal Transportation.

When Chuck began work for the Kiowa Tribe, he wrote funding grants for a Transportation Department, Indian Reservation Roads Program, Road and Bridge Program, Federal Transit Authority, Tribal Transit Program, and an Environmental Program. The Kiowa Tribe’s transportation department was able to purchase construction heavy equipment, build a department of transportation facility, and assist with tribal needs such as burial services and tribal member driveways. 

While serving the local tribal community, Chuck saw the need to improve tribal transportation across the nation. He had vision and served on national, state, and local tribal transportation committees such as IRRPCC (Indian Reservation Road Program Coordinating Committee), TEA-21, Negotiated Rule-Making Committee, Oklahoma TTAP (Tribal Technical Assistance Program), and the Oklahoma DOT TAB (Tribal Advisory Board). He was a founding member of the OTTC (Oklahoma Tribal Transportation Council) and served as the chairman for twelve years. Chuck was a working group member for the Oklahoma Strategic Highway Safety Plan. 

One of his most notable contributions is to tribal transportation safety. Chuck was on the Safety Management Steering Committee that was responsible for securing funding and establishing the National Tribal Safety Management System Implementation Plan and the Strategic Highway Safety Plan for Indian Lands. 

We wish Chuck the best as he embarks on this “new” endeavor with the Kiowa Tribe. While Chuck is no longer officially part of the company, we will always consider him part of the Cross Timbers family.

Good Luck and Best Wishes, Chuck!

Funding Opportunities

FY23 Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund

On October 1, 2022, the Federal Highway Administration Office of Tribal Transportation began accepting applications for the FY2023 Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund. Up to $23,598,400.00 is available for applications received by January 15, 2023

This funding opportunity is in addition to the $21 million that was available under the FY2022 TTPSF which had a deadline of September 15, 2022. For FY2023 TTPSF, FHWA received $96 million in requests from 150 applications. Because FY2022 grant awards may not be announced before the FY2023 deadline, any applications not selected for funding from the FY2022 funding cycle will also be considered for the FY2023 funding cycle.

Please direct any questions about the TTPSF to the mailbox or call Adam Larsen at 360-619-2601.

On December 1, 2022, FHWA recorded Grant Writing Training for TTPSF and provided Feedback on FY2022 applications. Links to the recording and information below.

Funding Facts
Training Slides
Training Recording
TTPSF Information

TTP Bridge Program

The TTP Bridge Program provides funding to carry out the design, preconstruction activities and construction of bridges that are on the National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory. The new Infrastructure Law set aside 165 million dollars per year for the next four years to fund the TTP Bridge Program. Information about the TTP Bridge Program can be found at If you have questions concerning the TTP Bridge Program, you may contact the FHWA Bridge Program Manager Russell Garcia at 703-404-6223 or

More Information

RAISE Grant FY2023

The U.S. Department of Transportation has published a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for $1.5 billion in grant funding through the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) discretionary grant program for 2023. The popular program helps communities around the country carry out projects with significant local or regional impact. 

The NOFO is available here. The deadline for applications is 11:59 PM EST on February 28, 2023 and selections will be announced no later than June 28, 2023. 

RAISE Grant Info

In the News

FHWA Awards Six Tribal Technical Assistance Program Cooperative Agreements to Support Native American Communities

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) announced cooperative agreements re-establishing regional Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP) centers. The centers will assist Tribal communities as they seek to access $3 billion in Tribal Transportation Program Funding made available by President Biden’s infrastructure package, as well as additional Federal funding opportunities. 

The regional centers will ultimately serve the 12 Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) regions and associated Tribes and meet the transportation training and education needs of Native American communities, building skills and expertise to ensure the safety and maintenance of Tribal roads.

Today’s announcement is a critical step in a process begun earlier this year when FHWA issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announcing the availability of up to $17.8 million over five years to re-establish regional TTAP centers. Of the seven TTAP Centers advertised, the following six TTAP centers were selected for award: 

Full Announcement Here

Upcoming Trainings

Tribal Land Staff

National Conference

March 21-23, 2023

Pechanga Resort Casino

Southern California

More Information

Tribal Transportation Training

Tentative Date: April 25-27, 2023

We will be beginning the planning for our annual Tribal Transporation Training soon! Look for a survey coming soon to help us prepare!


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2023 Planners Available!

Let us know if you would like one of our 2023 planners. Planners are available on a first come, first served basis.

Just email us with your name, tribe, address, and how many planners you would like. We will put them in the mail to you.

Happening Soon

Click on the event name below for a link to more details

Jan. 15

Feb. 15

Feb. 28

March 21-23

TTPSF Application Deadline

OKSCAUG User Group Meeting

RAISE Grant Application Deadline

Tribal Land Staff National Conference

Check out the Calendar of Events on our website!


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Alex, OK 73002


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