Tribal Transportation News
September 6, 2024
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Tribes Awarded $28.4 Million in Round 2 of the SS4A Program | |
On Thursday, September 5, 2024, the US DOT announced more than $1 billion in FY 2024 SS4A Round 2 Grant funding. Over $28.4 million was awarded to fourteen Federally Recognized Tribal Governments. Two Tribes were awarded funding for Implementation Grants and twelve Tribes were awarded funding for Planning and Demonstration Grants. The SS4A program funds regional, local, and Tribal initiatives through grants to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries.
Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma Awarded $228,400 - Cross Timbers Consulting is honored to have assisted with the preparation of a Planning and Demonstration application for the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma, which was awarded $228,400 for the development of the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma Comprehensive Safety Action Plan.
For a full list of FY24 SS4A Round 1 and Round 2 awards, click here. Round 3 of the FY24 SS4A program closed on August 29, 2024. Awards for the third and final round are expected to be announced in November 2024. The FY25 NOFO is expected to be released in early 2025.
For additional information about the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program, visit
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US DOT Assistant Secretary for Tribal Government Affairs Teller
Assistant Secretary Teller hosted the US DOT Modal Panel general plenary session at the conference, bringing together leadership from several US DOT modes to promote agency awareness and to facilitate the flow of information and communication between Tribal and Federal governments.
At right, Assistant Secretary Teller is pictured with Carla Edwards, Director of Finance, Operations, and Business Development at CTC.
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Connect with CTC
We enjoyed seeing many of you at the National Transportation in Indian Country Conference last week! Much thanks to Choctaw Casino & Resort-Durant for hosting this event. Click the link below if we missed you, or if you would like to connect with a member of our staff directly.
CTC Team
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Firepit / Grill Giveaway
Congratulations to Lindsay Ward from Coquille Tribe! She won our giveaway drawing for this Pack-It-Flat Firepit & Grill. Big thanks to Premier Steel for the custom grill!
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Upcoming Trainings / Meetings | |
Benchmarking Equity and Mobility Needs for Tribal Governments:
A Tribal Transportation
Peer Exchange Summit for a New Tribal Self-Determination Paradigm
October 23-25, 2024
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USDOT ROUTES maintains a running list of open NOFOs that may be relevant to rural transportation. This list can be found here, along with historical information on these grants (including prior NOFOs). | |
Current Funding Opportunities | |
Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program
Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program ROUND 2
Description: This program funds the strategic deployment of publicly accessible electric vehicle charging and alternative fueling infrastructure in the places people live and work, urban and rural areas alike, in addition to along designated Alternative Fuel Corridors.
Deadline: September 11, 2024, 11:59 PM ET
Application, Webinar, & Contact Information:
Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant Program
National Culvert Removal, Replacement and Restoration Grant Program (Culvert Aquatic Organism Passage (Culvert AOP) Program)
Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) Program
Description: The RCP Program focuses on improving access to daily needs such as jobs, education, healthcare, food, nature, and recreation, and foster equitable development and restoration, and provide technical assistance to further these goals. Up to $607 million is available for planning, capital construction, and technical assistance.
Deadline: September 30, 2024, 11:59 ET
Application & Contact Information:
Bridge Investment Program, Planning and Bridge Project Grants
Description: This program is a competitive, discretionary program that focuses on existing bridges to reduce the overall number of bridges in poor condition, or in fair condition at risk of falling into poor condition.
Planning Application Deadline: October 1, 2024
Bridge Project Application Deadline: November 1, 2024
Application, Webinar, & Contact Information:
Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects (NSFLTP) Program
Description: This program provides funding for the construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of nationally significant projects within, adjacent to, or accessing Federal and Tribal lands.
Deadline: October 16, 2024, 11:59 PM EST
Application, Webinar, & Contact Information:
Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program
Low Carbon Transportation Materials Program
Description: This program funds activities and projects that advance the use of low carbon materials and products.
Deadline: Monday, November 25, 2024, 11:59 PM ET
Application & Contact Information:
Tribal High Priority Projects (Tribal HPP) Program
Description: This program is a nationwide priority program for: (1) An Indian Tribe or governmental subdivision of an Indian Tribe whose annual allocation of funding under the Tribal Transportation Program is insufficient to complete the highest priority project of the Indian Tribe or governmental subdivision of an Indian Tribe; or (2) Any Indian Tribe that has an emergency or disaster with respect to a transportation facility
Deadline: This is a rolling application process. The current cycle ends January 31, 2025, and the next cycle begins on February 1, 2025.
Application & Contact Information:
TTP Bridge Program
Description: The TTP Bridge Program is focused on improving the number of TTP bridges in poor condition.
Deadline: Any time during the year, in accordance with 23 CFR 661.25, a Tribe can submit an application package for preliminary engineering (PE) and/or Construction funding.
Application and Contact Information:
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Upcoming Funding Opportunities | |
FY 2025 TTP Safety Fund
Projects that reduce the risk of fatal and serious injury motor vehicle crashes and other incidents on tribal transportation facilities are eligible for funding from the Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund (TTPSF). Examples of such safety projects include:
- Transportation Safety Plans
- Electronic Crash Data Collection improvements
- Road Safety Audit on New Mexico State Route 53 by the Pueblo of Zuni
Risk-based (systemic) Safety Studies such as were conducted at the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate
- Roundabout Design and construction at the Seneca Nation
- Guardrail at high-risk locations (systemic roadway departure countermeasures) by the Colorado River Indian Tribes
- Dynamic Curve Warning Signs (systemic roadway departure countermeasures) by the Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma
- Sidewalk construction at the Skokomish Tribe
Applications for the 2025 TTPSF will be accepted by the Federal Highway Administration starting October 1, 2024. The deadline for these applications will be January 15, 2025. For more information visit or send an email to TTPSF@DOT.GOV.
Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant Program
Description: The goal of the RAISE program is to fund eligible surface transportation projects that will have a significant local or regional impact that advance the Departmental priorities of safety, equity, climate and sustainability, and workforce development, job quality, and wealth creation.
Deadline: January 13, 2025 at 11:59 pm Eastern (the FY 2025 RAISE NOFO has not been published)
Additional Information:
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Recent Funding Webinar Recordings | |
Wildlife Crossings Public Webinar
- This webinar is intended to provide an overview of the WCPP, provide applicants with knowledge for applying to the program, and clarify any questions associated with the application process. It is intended for a broad range of attendees, including representatives of entities eligible to receive funds under the WCPP.
This webinar has passed but was recorded and when available it will be posted here.
Wildlife Crossings Tribal Webinar
- This webinar is intended to provide an overview of the WCPP, provide Tribal applicants with knowledge for applying to the program, and clarify any questions associated with the application process. This webinar is free and intended for Tribal representatives eligible to receive funds under the WCPP.
This webinar has passed but was recorded and when available it will be posted here.
SS4A: Action Plans Webinar
- This webinar offered a general overview of the SS4A program and the grant application process, with a particular focus on applying for grants to develop an Action Plan. Action Plans identify the most significant roadway safety concerns in a community and the implementation of projects and strategies to address those roadway safety issues.
View recording here and presentation here. Passcode: 1Zb$EbZ*
SS4A: Supplemental Planning & Demonstration Webinar
This webinar offered a general overview of the SS4A program and the grant application process, with a particular focus on applying for funding for supplemental planning and demonstration activities, which are allowed under both SS4A grant types.
View recording here and presentation here. Passcode: Wa*IhXd5
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If you need help with preparing your application or completing your Safety Action Plan, Cross Timbers can help! Contact us at: | | |
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FHWA’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) website serves as a one-stop shop for FHWA’s implementation of the law, including information on funding, assistance, education, and guidance.
U.S. DOT’s Equity website provides plans and resources for delivering a more equitable transportation system.
DOT Navigator helps communities understand the best ways to apply for grants, and plan for and deliver transformative infrastructure projects and services.
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DOT maintains a calendar of Key Notices of Funding Opportunity that lists anticipated dates for upcoming Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) for key programs within the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), as well as adjacent programs that support BIL and IRA objectives. This is an excellent resource to find out when these significant and popular grant opportunities will become available and to track application deadlines.
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The USDOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard provides communities with an overview of discretionary grant opportunities that can help meet their transportation infrastructure needs. The Dashboard also includes Federal grant programs outside of DOT that may be of particular interest to rural communities. The below list spotlights just a few of the currently open funding opportunities – visit the Grants Dashboard to find more or check out the calendar of open and upcoming grant opportunities! | | |
Proven Safety Countermeasures in Rural Communities
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) developed a new resource, Proven Safety Countermeasures in Rural Communities. The resource provides information on 28 Proven Safety Countermeasures (PSCs) to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes on roads nationwide related to speed management, roadway departure, intersections, pedestrians/bicycles, and other cross-cutting issues. These PSCs are applicable for a range of contexts, road types, and governing agencies across the country. The PSCs can offer significant and measurable impacts across an agency’s rural road network as part of their approach to improving safety. The PSCs can support agencies with implementation of the Safe System Approach, which seeks to build and reinforce multiple layers of protection to both prevent crashes from happening and minimize the harm caused to those involved when crashes do occur.
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Transportation Safety for Tribal Governments
Tribal Transportation Program
Coordinating Committee
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Click on the event name below for a link to more details | |
Sept. 16-17
Sept. 26
Oct. 23-25
Oct. 27 - Nov. 1
Oct. 29
Nov. 19-21
Dec. 10-12
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PO Box 67
Alex, OK 73002
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