Tribal Youth Resource Center

Walking in Three Worlds: Native American/African American Experiences

Greetings Relatives,

We would like to invite you to register for the Tribal Youth Resource Center's (TYRC) upcoming online learning event on Walking in Three Worlds: Native American/African American Experiences that will be held via Zoom on February 23, 2024.

Topic: Walking in Three Worlds: Native American/African American Experiences

Date: Friday, February 23, 2024


Time: 8am AKT/ 9am PT/ 10am MT/ 11am CT/ 12pm ET

Length: 60 minutes

Session Description:

We will celebrate Black History Month by uplifting the profile and voices of our biracial relatives. This online learning event is aimed at exploring the unique needs of biracial Native American/African American youth. The panel will share multi-generational lived experiences as well as current challenges of Native American/African American Youth.

Learning Objectives:

  • Increased understanding of unique life experiences of Native American/African American youth

  • Awareness of biases experienced in Tribal communities of biracial Native American/African American youth

  • Increased knowledge of challenges, resilience, and strengths of biracial Native American/African American Tribal citizens


Glenn Beaver

Kiowa Tribe Tribal Youth Program,

Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma

Kennedy Fridia

Tribal Youth,

Red Cloud Indian School

Isaiah Weasel Bear

Professional Mentor,

Friends of the Children He Sapa


Tasha Fridia


Tribal Youth Resource Center



2024 Census of Tribal Court Systems (2024 CTCS)


The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJS) invites you to a webinar for tribal court systems to discuss the 2024 Census of Tribal Court Systems (2024 CTCS) on February 20, 2024 at 9am-10:30am AKT/ 10am-11:30am PT/ 11am-12:30pm MT/ 12pm-1:30pm CT/ 1pm-2:30 pm ET.

The 2024 CTCS survey will collect information from tribally operated court systems, BIA Code of Federal Regulation Courts, and Alaska Village Courts. The survey questions will be designed to capture the day-to-day functions, staffing, and structure of tribal court systems. Your perspective on the unique nature of the work and attributes of tribal courts is crucial to developing questionnaires that are timely, relevant, and useful to tribes. The 2024 CTCS instrument will be most effective and impactful if they are informed by key stakeholders, like you.

This webinar is co-hosted by National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago, the Tribal Law and Policy Institute, and the National American Indian Court Judges Association.

Please visit the following link for more information: It is our hope you or your designee will be able to participate in this webinar. Your expertise is central to this process.

If you are unable to attend the webinar, please email NORC at to provide your input. We look forward to your participation and hearing from you at the CTCS webinar.

Register at

Webinar Registration

NADCP/ALL Rise National Juvenile Treatment Court Dashboard and Survey

We are sharing the following information and a link to the Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court (JHWC) Questionnaire on behalf of All Rise (formerly the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP)). We encourage your JHWC team to fill out the questionnaire so that your JHWC will be included as part of the National Juvenile Treatment Court Dashboard, and on the national map of Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts.


Tribal Youth Resource Center

Dear Tribal Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court Professionals,


All Rise (founded as The National Association of Drug Court Professionals), The Center for Justice Innovation, and The National Drug Court Resource Center (NDCRC) are pleased to announce the launch of the National Juvenile Treatment Court Dashboard. The Dashboard features a map that provides information about the tools, programs, and resources utilized by Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts across the country. It is our hope this resource will lead to further interactions among practitioners and an opportunity to build upon the best practices for Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts. 


Providing this same support to Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts (JHWC) has been part of our plan since the beginning. With the assistance of our partners at the Tribal Youth Resource CenterTribal Law and Policy Institute, we have developed a JHWC Questionnaire specifically designed to address the unique needs of those courts. The National Juvenile Treatment Court Dashboard will receive a second page dedicated to JHWCs once we receive your information. The JHWC page will be made public so other courts can learn from your work. We are excited to begin this project and share your hard work and dedication with the field.


This project was supported by the Drug Court Training and Technical Assistance Program, a grant awarded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). OJJDP is a division of the Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Assistance.


Click here to complete your JHWC Questionnaire:

JHWC Questionnaire
Tribal Youth Resource Center |
(323) 650-5467 |
8235 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 211
West Hollywood, CA 90046