Greetings from the Tribal Youth Resource Center,
Our team extends continued support to communities enduring the impact of COVID-19. We have had the opportunity to hear from numerous communities who are continuing to develop innovative strategies to connect and engage Tribal youth during the public health crisis. The TYRC also recognizes the extraordinary times that we are now living in and wishes to uplift the ongoing efforts of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color giving voice to racial justice and equity issues to promote systemic change – those who have been committed to this work for the long haul and who are continuing to show up tirelessly in this historic moment. We see you and we stand with you. The dedication of Tribal community prevention, intervention, and juvenile justice professionals is truly remarkable. We thank you for your enduring commitment and are here to offer support.
The Tribal Youth Resource Center Team
The Tribal Youth Resource Center is funded through a cooperative agreement of the
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to Host Virtual Tribal Consultation
On June 25, 2020 the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) invites Tribal leaders and representatives to participate in a virtual Tribal Consultation.
Learn more by visiting:
2018 Juvenile Justice Reform Act- Changes to Support Tribal Youth
Did you know that the 2018 Juvenile Justice Reform Act contains special provisions to support Tribal Youth? Some of the provisions include things like:
- Consultation with Tribes
- Administrative Reporting
- Inclusion of Tribal Representation in State Advisory Groups and Expansion of Pass through Funding Opportunities
- Juvenile Justice Studies and Supportive Funding and Auditing Requirements.
Is your community looking for resources to share with State partners? Check out this
from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's State Relations and Assistance Division. This is how one state is engaging Tribal partners through pass through funding opportunities available from the
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
. Tribes can also review available State plans to address disproportionate minority contact by visiting
and clicking on the desired State to review.
In our previous issue, the TYRC shared information on ways some communities have continued to engage youth during the public health crisis. Virtual, telephonic, and postal mail is being used in innovative ways to stay connected. Many communities are still working to address how and when to allow for in-person youth activities. Below we share some helpful resources for communities.
Summer is usually a time that Tribal communities gather together in many different ways and for many different reasons. From camps, celebrations, to annual events and ceremonies, community leaders are considering the needs of youth and balancing considerations for the safety and health of all community members.
Should your community consider reopening activities for youth?* These helpful tools and resources from the
Centers for Disease Control
may be of use to your community as you consider the health and safety of youth and families.
*Tribal Youth summer camps and activities' risk/safety should be assessed by local leadership. Tools and resources are provided for informational purposes only.
recently reported the impact of COVID-19 in the Southwest and how leaders are working together to protect the community.
Read more
Continued Support During COVID-19
Microsite Available by visiting:
Access Tribal Youth-specific resources by visiting:
Tribal Youth and Community News
"Juvenile Justice in Indian Country"-TYRC Guest Presentation on NCAI Podcast
Have you wanted to attend a UNITY conference, but travel or funds have been a limitation for your community?
Now is the time to get involved!
United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc
., is taking their 2020 national conference
. Registration is
for all youth participants and advisors. Learn more about this exciting event by visiting the UNITY, inc., conference
and make sure to
so you don't miss session one LIVE on June 25, 2020! For more information please contact UNITY, inc., using their
contact us
Funding and Other Opportunities
NCAI Financial Relief for Tribal Nations Affected by COVID-19
Apply Now!
With the continued spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), NCAI is committed to supporting Indian Country and lifting up our communities as we continue to combat this global pandemic. In this vein, NCAI is awarding $5,000 to various tribal nations that have been affected by this pandemic through NCAI’s
COVID-19 Response Fund
for Indian Country.
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling deadline until available funds are exhausted. Applications guidelines are located
For more information on the COVID-19 Relief Fund or to make a donation, please click
Free Virtual Learning Opportunity
Trauma-Informed Policing with Tribal Youth Virtual Learning Module
is a free center developed simulation to support law enforcement professionals to learn about the effects of trauma on tribal youth and how to lead positive police-youth interactions. The simulation covers being trauma-informed, building rapport, and modeling respect and empowering positive decisions.
Law Enforcement/Police/Probation (Tribal and Non-Tribal)
Archived training videos, presentations, and more are available on YouTube visit:
Do you need help finding resources or information to support the work you are doing in your community?
We would love to help you!
Interested in implementing an intervention?
Tribal Youth Resource Center
has a team of professionals that can assist with training, resources, and community partner identification that can support system change and improvement
just reach out to us at
or fill out a
training request
on the Tribal Youth Resource Center website.
8235 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 211
West Hollywood, CA 90046
The opinions written or otherwise in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not represent the views of the United States Government or the U.S. Department of Justice. References made in this newsletter to any specific commercial product, process, or service, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Tribal Youth Resource Center, its individual staff, consultants, or partners thereof.
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