Volume VII | Issue 1
Triennial Today
Tuesday July 3, 2018
49th Triennial Meeting of the Episcopal Church Women
Today's Schedule
Check out today and upcoming schedules here:

Triennial Meeting Registration & Check-in

Tuesday 7/3/18
9:00am -- 5:00pm

Exhibit Hall 1

National Episcopal Church Women
We are Episcopal Church Women of all ages, ethnic origins and socioeconomic backgrounds who hold a variety of views. However, the common denominator of our members is love of God and the wish to do his work.

As the eyes, ears, hands, and heart of Christ in the world, we will persist in the work of healing, justice, and peace.

To live Christ’s ministry we:
  • Listen to voices of women worldwide;
  • Promote educational, spiritual, and social programs which minister to women and children;
  • Provide opportunities and tools to grow relationships with God and others through spirituality, prayer, and worship; and
  • Encourage the development of women’s leadership by example in stewardship, training, and education.

(Adopted at Triennial Meeting 2015)
Yesterday's Highlights
Installation of CPC Board for the Next Triennium
(Church Periodical Club)

The National Board of Episcopal Church Women is on the ground in Austin. In addition to setting up ECW's registration, exhibit, and secretariat space on Tuesday, representatives from the Board's Executive Committee attended the installation of the 2018-2021 National Board of Church Periodical Club by the Most Rev. Michael Curry .
Pictured here, left to right, are the Board's officers: Susan Carter, vice-president; Debbie Ventura, National Book Fund chairperson; Rebecca Markert, treasurer; Caroline Armstrong, president; and Francesca  Onyejuruwa, Miles of Pennies chairperson; as well as the Rev. Deacon Ema Rosero-Nordalm, representing Province IX, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, and the Rev. Deacon Judy Graves, representing Province VI.
Board members receiving
a blessing from
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
Looking Out or Looking In?
Linda Stabinski studiolinski.com
M inistry
O f
C ontemplative
 A ction
Three Triennial Meeting 2018 delegates from the Diocese of West Texas - Dana Sommers, Carol Folbe, and Catherine Lillibridge - offer this story of the MOCA ministry as a way of "sharing the word - every day, comunicamos, everywhere."

We make choices each day to act on things, but what happens if we put contemplation in front of the action? This is what we did when we had a hard topic - human trafficking - to act on, and why we want to share this MOCA model with you. We realized if we took little “sips” of contemplation, action and reflection we could stay energized without burning out. Action seems to present itself easily but we then wonder where the passion went that we had for this in the beginning? 

To see the full article go to:  About MOCA
Dr. Carol Folbre, Catherine Lillibridge, Dana Sommers
Photo taken at Diocese of West Texas
Spring 2018 Women's Gathering
Mission Concepcion San Antonio, Texas
National Episcopal Church Women| info@ecwnational.org| ecwnational.org