Learning to Grow in New Ways
December 13, 2024
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See you at 10:30am
Sunday, December 15
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Check the list below of activities that are happening for our children, youth and young adults. | |
Power-Up Sunday Children and Youth 10:30-11:45, see you this Sunday.
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F.R.O.G. - Join us on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month,
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Board Game Café - TONIGHT Dec. 13 | Join us for an evening of games and socializing. $5 gets you in for the night, 7:30-11:30. Snacks available for purchase. | |
If you are joining us online please have your juice and bread ready. | |
Our Fall Step Up Campaign for 2024, Let It $now! has begun. Your financial generosity makes Trillium possible.
Your Generosity Team
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A huge thank you to all who baked cookies and provided for the bake table at our Christmas Market.Total sales achieved $3,350.00. This will support our Building Fund. Well done Trillium!
The whole Market brought in a total of $7,000!
Thanks to all who volunteered and supported the market!
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This is a reminder for everyone at Trillium NOT to leave any of the doors open, either propped or unlocked unless there is someone there to greet those who enter. If you have propped the door open be certain to ensure the door is securely locked after you have removed the prop.
Thank you, Property Team
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Please Note: there is no FROG on Dec. 25. | |
Mon. Dec. 23, Wed. Dec 25, Fri. Dec. 27,
Mon. Dec. 30, Wed. Jan. 1
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With classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the choice is yours. You can come whenever you like. Join in the fun and stay strong.
Classes are open to everyone, please wear sports shoes and comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle.
Classes start promptly at 1:00pm and run for an hour.
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Green Team Tip of the Week
What’s the most valuable item in your blue box?
Chances are, it’s made of aluminum. Aluminum is a valuable resource. Recycling aluminum saves up to 95% of the energy required to produce new aluminum from raw materials, and it can be recycled repeatedly. Tin foil, aluminum pie plates and aluminum cans are important to recycle, however, they do need to be clean. If it has food that is too baked on to clean, then it has to go in the garbage. They are happy to receive it flat, since they can see if there is food on it.
What’s even better than recycling aluminum?
• Consider folding and re-using if it is clean
• Find ways to avoid using it in the first place! For example, would a plate make a temporary cover for a food dish rather than a sheet of foil?
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Beef pies are available for sale! They are $6 each. Contact Helen, Joan or the church office to get yours. Turkey pies and dumplings will be available in the new year.
All proceeds go towards the upkeep of Trillium and/or outreach projects.
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Thursday Afternoon Discussion Group |
Join us as we discuss and reflect upon the popular daily devotional, My Utmost for His Highest .
Thursday afternoons, 4:45 pm to 5:45 pm.
If you are interested in joining please contact Pastor Mark.
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A big THANK YOU for all the donations to the Blessing Bags.
Please take some bags and hand them out.
God Bless, bch (Brian Hershey)
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With the colder weather upon us there is a need for warm items such as gloves, scarves, hats and socks.
The Blessing Bags are still a vital outreach from Trillium to the community. When people come in for other events they are delighted with this idea and will take one to pass on.
Your continued support is appreciated and needed.
Here is a list of items we always need:
travel-sized personal hygiene items, tooth brush, tooth paste, lip balm, razors, soap, conditioner, deodorant, protein bars, individual packages of raisins, nuts, cookies or crackers, bandages, wipes, hand sanitizer.
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Outside Pantry/Free Library |
On your next grocery trip please consider picking up some items for those less fortunate. You can put the items in the pantry by the elevator.
We put out 4 food items every day and this helps sustain those in need. These items go quickly so your help is always appreciated.
Thank you for your continued support.
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Stone Church Bookstore - Our store is open Tuesdays from 5-6pm, Wednesdays from 10amto 1pm and Sundays from 12pm to 2pm. The sale is still on so stock up for your besties and yourself!
Snack Volunteers Needed: We need help with setting up and cleaning up at the coffee hour after service on Sundays. Please contact the office or Joan Joyce.
Nursery Volunteers Needed:
The Children and Youth Ministry need volunteers for our “supervised nursery”.
If you would like to volunteer, please contact the office at 519-653-6601.
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Mobile Food Market - This market is for everyone to get their fresh produce. Trillium partners with The Cambridge Food Bank - The market is open on Tuesday from 5-6pm. Please join in on the savings and delicious produce.
FREE CSC Caregiver Support Group - This group meets the first Tuesday of each month at 1:00-3:00pm. To register or for more info. Kallie Doak: 519-239-0874 or Holly Williamson: 519-503-8155, caregiver@cscmow.org
Parish Nurse - Sally White, R.N. If you wish to make an appointment please contact the Trillium office at 519-653-6601 x 4.
Church Directory - Have you changed your contact information? If so please advise Jo-Anne at the office.
If you would like an updated directory or photo directory please contact the office.
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Sunday Worship Service Live Stream |
Join us at 10:30am in the sanctuary or online.
How does one access the Trillium Live Stream?
The easiest way is to simply go to trilliumchurch.ca and watch. You will see the Live Stream countdown at the top of the page and once the Live Stream has been launched it is a simple click away.
You could go directly to the Live Stream page on the website by typing in trilliumchurch.ca/live.
You can go to the Trillium YouTube Page directly. type in the YouTube search bar Trillium United Church OR go to https://www.youtube.com/user/TrilliumUnitedChurch
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Sunday Social Time
Be sure to join us in the upper auditorium after the service for refreshments and socializing.
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For general office inquiries or assistance you can email (office@trilliumchurch.ca) or phone the office at 519-653-6601.
OFFICE HOURS - Regular office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10:00am - 3:00pm.
For financial inquiries regarding PAR to support the church contact Mandy Townsend at trilliumfinances@gmail.com.To donate by e-Transfer, send to trilliumfinances@gmail.com.
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Trillium United Church | 519-653-6601 |450 King St E Cambridge | www.trilliumchurch.ca | | | | |