Apalachicola, Florida

December 9, 2022

Trinity's Year of Change and Resilience

As we move through these joyful and celebratory seasons of Advent and Christmas, it is helpful to examine our status as a parish family and reflect on recent events that have gotten us here. 


The past year has been quite the journey for Trinity Church. With the easing of COVID restrictions, we looked forward to returning to some sense of normalcy. Unfortunately, Eric’s failing health and ultimate resignation changed the direction of that path. We have had to establish a new normal.

The Good Lord sent us an Easter miracle when the Rev. Catherine Quehl-Engle appeared on Good Friday and offered to preach and celebrate Holy Eucharist for us on Easter Sunday. In May, dozens of people came together to make the newly resurrected Tour of Homes a huge success. This past summer, with no rector, many of you stepped up to participate in Morning Prayer on Sundays.

Our second “heavenly gift” came in the form of the Rev. Rusty Goldsmith who served as our interim rector this past Fall. He shared his wisdom, experience, and encouragement and left us well-grounded as we work our way through this transition. Your Vestry learned much about leadership from Rusty, and we hope that will help us to better serve Trinity and its members.

I want to thank the search committee for their tireless efforts in finding our next priest. I also want to thank each of you for your faithfulness and generosity of spirit. I feel that a real sense of vitality has returned to Trinity, and we are well positioned to take on the challenges of the coming year with hope and optimism.

Enjoy time with family and friends this holiday season remembering that

God gave His greatest gift to us on that first Christmas Day and

may the wonder of it always guide and light your way.


Rennie Edwards, Sr. Warden

Readings for December 11, 2022, the third Sunday of Advent

Readings for December 18, 2022, the fourth Sunday of Advent


Celebrate Christmas at Trinity

Trinity Annual Meeting and Lunch

Sunday, December 11 -- in Benedict Hall following 10:30 service

Annual Meeting: Election of one new vestry member to replace Mickey Harris. If you are a registered member in good standing, you are eligible to vote.

We will also review the past year's activities and discuss plans for 2023.

Pot Luck Lunch: The church will provide fried chicken and drinks.

Please bring a dish to share.

Go Forward: Bring your mite box collections for the

Diocese's capital campaign.


Bay Area Choral Society presents "It's Christmas"

Tickets are $10 and can be purchased online at or

from BACS members. Trinity BACS members are: Randy Mims,

Jo Branch, Susan Galloway, Ina Margaret Meyer, Joy Tracy,

Gloria Austin, Brooks and Faye Jones.

Sunday, December 11 -- 4 pm at Trinity


Deadline for returning Angel Tree gifts for school children

Friday, December 9 -- Franklin County School


Deadline for ordering Dedication Poinsettias

Return your dedication form & $15 per poinsettia

Wednesday, December 14 -- Church Office

Last Holiday Shopping Day at Penny's Worth

Saturday, December 17 -- 10 am - 3 pm

(Re-opens on Tuesday, January 3)


Greening of the church

Under the guidance of the Flower Guild we will decorate the

church with greenery for the holiday season.

Thursday, December 22 -- 10 am

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service of Holy Eucharist

 Saturday, December 24 -- 5 pm

Christmas Day Service of Lessons & Carols

 Sunday, December 25 -- 10:30 am

Renovations Bring New Life to Benedict Hall

Renovations have been completed in Benedict Hall and with great pride we welcomed everyone to the first hospitality hour in our beautiful new space on December 4.

Following the Ilse Newell concert featuring the Tallahassee Bach Parley last Sunday afternoon, everyone was treated to a spectacular reception in Benedict Hall. Decorated in red and green with silver serving trays and candelabras, the hall was absolutely beautiful.

The renovations of Benedict Hall began on October 24, 2022 and were completed in record time on November 28, 2022. The old walls were removed, insulation was installed, and new walls have replaced the old walls. Six (6) new twelve (12) blade black ceiling fans with LED lights were hung, and two (2) new black wall sconces were mounted on the entryway walls. The ceiling and walls were painted Linen white; crown molding and trim were painted Snow white. The new paint colors have really enhanced the beauty of the hall, allowing it to resonate in beauty, pride, and new life.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during the renovations. I hope everyone enjoys the newly revived Benedict Hall as much as I have enjoyed assisting with the renovations. God bless you all.

-- Karen Brown

Read, Study, Discuss at Trinity -- all are welcome

Sunday morning Bible study group meets every Sunday at 9:15 am in the Trinity Office conference room. Jason Carter is the leader and teacher of the class.

Monday School will be starting two new books beginning with “God’s Psychiatry” by Dr. Charles L. Allen ($7), followed by “An Altar in the World” by Barbara Brown Taylor ($10). You can purchase both books from the church office for $20, while supplies last. All readers are welcome.

Holiday Joy for Local Children

Trinity's Outreach Committee coordinated with the Franklin County School's annual Angel Tree giving opportunity, providing Christmas gifts for 12 local children. Karen Kessel & Toni McIntosh, representing their Frenchies group, gathered and delivered toys, games, shoes, and clothes, creating a Merry Christmas for a family with four children.

Another giving opportunity -- Ramon Valenzuela is seeking help for his small class of special needs children at the Franklin County School during this holiday season. If you wish to offer donations or gifts, please contact Martha Harris or Rennie Edwards. Let’s make sure no child is forgotten this Christmas!

NOTE: If you'd like to include Eric+ and Rusty+ in your Christmas card greetings, here are their addresses:

-- The Rev. Eric Zile, 216 Long Cove Lane, Essex, MD 21221

-- The Rev. Dr. Rusty Goldsmith & Carolyn Goldsmith, 732 Montgomery Drive, Birmingham AL 35213


December 11, 2022

Celebrant - Rev. Martha Harris

Greeters - Chris Presnell, Mandi Singer

Lectors - Rennie Edwards, Dave McLain

Prayers of the People - Dee Crusoe

Acolyte - Susan Farmer

Lay Eucharistic Minister - Dee Crusoe

Altar Guild - Candace Springer

December 18, 2022

Celebrant - Rev. Martha Harris

Greeters - Ralph and Susie Wagoner

Lectors - Patti McCartney, Ralph Wagoner

Prayers of the PeopleIna Margaret Meyer

Acolyte - Rick Watson

Lay Eucharistic Minister - Candace Springer

Altar Guild - Jane Harris


Your Bay View: Trinity's bi-weekly e-newsletter, the Bay View, reaches members and friends every other Friday, sharing news and inspiration for and about our parish. Please send information and announcements, as well as photographs, to or call the church office at 850-653-9550. The deadline for submission is noon on Wednesday of each publication week. (The next deadline is December 21, 2022)

-- Kay Carson, Editor

Worship Service at 10:30 am Sunday, Eastern time

Church address: 79 6th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320

Office address: 76 5th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320

Mailing address: PO Box 667, Apalachicola, Florida 32329

Phone number: (850) 653-9550


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