Trinity Annual Meeting and Lunch
Sunday, December 11 -- in Benedict Hall following 10:30 service
Annual Meeting: Election of one new vestry member to replace Mickey Harris. If you are a registered member in good standing, you are eligible to vote.
We will also review the past year's activities and discuss plans for 2023.
Pot Luck Lunch: The church will provide fried chicken and drinks.
Please bring a dish to share.
Go Forward: Bring your mite box collections for the
Diocese's capital campaign.
Bay Area Choral Society presents "It's Christmas"
Tickets are $10 and can be purchased online at or
from BACS members. Trinity BACS members are: Randy Mims,
Jo Branch, Susan Galloway, Ina Margaret Meyer, Joy Tracy,
Gloria Austin, Brooks and Faye Jones.
Sunday, December 11 -- 4 pm at Trinity
Deadline for returning Angel Tree gifts for school children
Friday, December 9 -- Franklin County School
Deadline for ordering Dedication Poinsettias
Return your dedication form & $15 per poinsettia
Wednesday, December 14 -- Church Office
Last Holiday Shopping Day at Penny's Worth
Saturday, December 17 -- 10 am - 3 pm
(Re-opens on Tuesday, January 3)
Greening of the church
Under the guidance of the Flower Guild we will decorate the
church with greenery for the holiday season.
Thursday, December 22 -- 10 am
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service of Holy Eucharist
Saturday, December 24 -- 5 pm
Christmas Day Service of Lessons & Carols
Sunday, December 25 -- 10:30 am