Apalachicola, Florida
December 8, 2023
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When I was ordained a priest, more trust and responsibility was added to my existing ministry as a deacon. Though I am a priest now, I am first and foremost a deacon, a ministry built upon servanthood.
In the ordination rite for the diaconate, there is a phrase that some of you who have worked in management positions will know well: “[Y]ou are to carry out other duties assigned to you from time to time” (BCP, p. 543). Yesterday I was preparing for our Annual Meeting and visiting parishioners. Today I assisted the technician who drove from Georgia to service the Erben organ in the church, wrote an Advent reflection, planned a service, and fixed a leak in the side of Benedict Hall. And I loved every minute of it.
Other duties assigned; what a catch phrase. In bad employment situations it can spell disaster for an employee. But I read somewhere that, used properly, that phrase can foster responsibility and authority in someone far beyond what their zone of influence might be.
Other duties assigned may be overused in workplaces, but it is underutilized as a call to serve. And it is a key part of being in relationship with others, whether it is ordained ministry, a marriage, a domestic partnership, a friendship, or someone standing in line behind you at the store.
Other duties assigned means unclogging the sink, or taking the job that pays less but offers more time at home. Other duties assigned means taking the 2 am call from someone at their wit’s end about their situation. Other duties assigned means paying for the groceries of the person behind you, or offering to watch the neighbor’s pets and water the plants while they are away.
Other duties assigned is a way of saying, “Go beyond what you signed up to do”. Whether it is the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-7:27) or the Sermon on the Plain (Luke 6:20-49), Jesus teaches us that our call is to actively participate in the world by doing more than what is expected; by backfilling hate with love; by countering being wronged with forgiveness.
Maybe you don’t feel like you need any help. Maybe you feel your life overflows with only love and never hate. Maybe you’ve never had to forgive someone or ask for forgiveness yourself. But in the small chance that none of that applies, God has a message for you: “Pay attention this Advent season for the other duties assigned in your life. They are your growing edges. They are beyond what you think you know. And they are where my love for the world is revealed through the gift of you.”
Advent is more than just watching for Christ in your life; it is helping Christ show up in the other duties assigned.
God’s Peace,
Stephen +
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Trinity Annual Meeting - December 10 | |
Please join us in Benedict Hall immediately following the 10:30 am Eucharist on Sunday, December 10. We will need a quorum to hold votes for the following: the 2024 annual budget; approval of Vestry members; Delegates to the Diocesan Convention; and accepting the annual committee reports. A hearty fare of soups will be served, so you can get your fill of a meal and all the great things happening (and planned) at Trinity! It will be a fabulous time, and we need you; please be there! Download Trinity's 2023 Annual Report here.
Nominations for Vestry. At the Annual Meeting we will be recognizing the good and faithful service of two Vestry members whose 3-year terms are ending: Rick Watson (Junior Warden) and Steve Watkins. We will also vote on nominations to fill the three open seats on the Vestry and request approval by one-year extension for another Vestry member, Karen Brown. The extension is done within the authority of parish bylaws and only by necessity to smooth out a term-of-office imbalance brought on by the pandemic and clergy transition. With the approval of Karen’s extension and filling the three seats opening, we will begin to bring the distributions of Vestry member terms back into balance. The three nominations for the Vestry seats are: Jason Carter; Dee Crusoe; and Kerry Petty.
Nominations for Delegates to Convention. We will also be voting on delegates to send to the 53rd Diocesan Annual Convention to be held February 23-24, 2024 at St. Paul’s in Daphne, AL. If you are interested in participating as a delegate, we will accept floor nominations during the meeting as only one member has put their name forward for this important responsibility. Thank you, Penny Marler, for stepping up! The convention is always a great time, and we need two more people to put their name forward. You can nominate yourself or someone else (ask their permission, please) to these very important roles.
A quick bio about our convention delegate nominee, Penny Marler: “I am a newer member of Trinity and the Episcopal Church. My husband, Kirk Hadaway, and I joined Trinity in October of 2019 and were received by the bishop on Pentecost Sunday 2021. I have been active in Outreach and on the Flower Guild. I also serve as a lay Eucharistic minister and lector. I am professor of religion emerita at Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama. It is a Christian university with a Baptist heritage. As a life-long student of American congregations, I have a strong interest in Episcopal Church governance, especially as a member. I would be happy to serve as a delegate to the 2024 diocesan convention, if asked to serve.”
Regarding Nominations. Per church bylaws, any adult and confirmed Communicant in Good Standing of Trinity is eligible to serve on the Vestry (a 3-year term) or as a Delegate or Alternate to the annual diocesan convention. You can nominate yourself or someone else (ask their permission, please) to these very important roles. Things are looking very bright for 2024, so prayerfully consider being part.
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Advent & Christmas Services at Trinity
12/10, 10:30 am - Holy Eucharist, Rite I
12/13, 8:15 am - Morning Prayer
12/13, 8 pm - Compline (online via Trinity Facebook page)
12/17, 10:30 am - Holy Eucharist, Rite I
12/20, 8:15 am - Morning Prayer
12/20, 8 pm - Compline (online via Trinity Facebook page)
12/24, 10:30 am - Holy Eucharist, Rite I (no choir)
12/24, 5 pm - CHRISTMAS EVE, Holy Eucharist Rite II (full choir)
12/25, 10 am - CHRISTMAS DAY, Holy Eucharist Rite II
12/27, 8:15 am - Morning Prayer
12/27, 8pm - Compline (online via Trinity Facebook page)
12/31, 10:30 am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II
12/31, 5 pm - Lessons and Carols
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New Landscape Plan for Trinity | |
Presentation on Monday, December 18 at 4 pm in Benedict Hall
The grounds at Trinity were neglected during the Pandemic. In January of 2023, a new lawn service was contracted with a goal of fertilizing and watering the plants on a regular basis to determine if the plant stock could be revived. Many of the beds perked up; however, during the last year, five mature trees that were diseased or blown down by the recent cold snaps and storms, were removed. A local landscape designer has donated a draft landscape plan.
The designer and lawn service contractor have offered to meet with interested parties in the congregation to review the plan, which can be implemented in stages, during the meeting noted above.
If you are interested in receiving notice of the meeting, and have not already signed up, please send your name and email address to Rick Watson at rickwatson47@gmail.com.
Once the final plan has been adopted by the Vestry, we will obtain cost estimates and an opportunity to underwrite the cost will be available.
-- Rick Watson, Junior Warden
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Formation Groups and Classes. Jason Carter is continuing the chronological study of the Gospels on Sundays at 9:15 am in the Parish Conference Room. All are welcome! The Monday and Thursday schools are on a short hiatus but will start up again in January. | |
Wednesday Compline Begins. If you love the Order for Compline from our Book of Common Prayer but want to participate from the comfort of your home, you are in luck! On Wednesdays at 8 pm Eastern, Trinity is pleased to host an online Compline via Facebook Live. Each week, Father Stephen will welcome a different guest as a co-officiant or reader from around our diocese and The Episcopal Church. This past Wednesday, Stephen welcomed a good friend, The Reverend Steve Bragaw, Priest-in-Charge at St. Peter’s Parish in New Kent, VA. St. Peter’s Parish was 157 years old when Trinity Parish was incorporated in 1836 and the church where George and Martha Washington were married in 1759. Stay tuned for more interesting guests and sites! And if you need in-person worship during the week, don’t forget that we have Morning Prayer on Wednesdays at 8:15 am.
Lectors & Readers. Anyone desiring to become a new Lector and/or Prayers of the People reader should contact Candace Springer (850-653-8072) or email: clspringer@fairpoint.net) by December 10, 2023. Even if you have previously spoken to Candace about being included on the upcoming schedule, please recontact her to make sure she has your latest email address. Also, please indicate if you want to be a Lector, Prayers of the People reader, or both. Instructions on reader protocol will be included in a letter accompanying the new schedule. If you are already serving as a Lector and/or Prayers of the People reader, you will automatically be included on the forthcoming January-July 2024 schedule, unless Candace hears otherwise from you.
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Poinsettia Dedications
Dedicating poinsettias for the church is a lovely Trinity Christmas Tradition. If you would like to participate, dedication forms are in the back of the Church, in our office, or you can print it here.
Please complete the dedication section and include $15 for each small poinsettia and $30 for each large one. Return forms and payment to the office by December 16, 2023.
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Benedict Hall’s kitchen has gotten a face lift with new windows!
Let’s continue to treat the kitchen this holiday season with a few
needed items to make Coffee Hour and other events easier for
the kitchen elves, parishioners, and visitors. Please take an
ornament from the Kitchen Christmas Tree located in
Benedict Hall through the rest of December. Return the
items to the kitchen at your earliest convenience.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a BIG thank you for your generosity!
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Servicing the Urben Organ | |
On December 5, Trinity welcomed George Miller from Georgia who was here to provide some much-overdue service on Trinity’s Henry Erben pipe organ. He spent several hours checking stops, tuning pipes, and brightening up our beloved instrument. Our organists, Martha Watson and Ina Margaret Meyer, were quite pleased at the results. As a testament to the care given the organ, George remarked that it was in superb shape and required very little adjustment. Even our priest got involved with the visit, removing the panels and assisting George as he carefully checked the toe holes, pallet, key channels, and wind chest box. Come hear the result on Sundays! | |
Trinity Delivers Angel Tree Gifts | |
This year, Trinity parishioners are provideing a Merry Christmas for 20 Franklin County School children. Bob & Susan Pruitt, who led the effort, along with Penny Marler, Outreach Chair, delivered the gifts to Karen Ward who coordinates the Angel Tree program for the school. | |
Holiday Shopping
at Penny's Worth
Stop by Penny's Worth soon for snazzy Christmas decor and clever gifts - Tuesdays & Saturdays, 10 am - 3 pm through December 16.
Plenty of quality items at great prices!
Penny's Worth will close at 3 pm on December 16 for Christmas break and will re-open on Saturday, January 6 at 10 am.
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Make it a Matthew 25:35 Holiday Season, Y’all! Great job on your generous contributions to Franklin’s Promise Coalition Food Pantry in 2023, everyone. Let’s finish the year strong. Instead of the usual “boring” canned chicken, etc. let’s make it a little more personal for the holidays. Just double up on some of your favorites the next time you’re at the grocery store and bring that as your donation. Food for thought: if the average person consumes 3+ pounds of food daily, I’ll leave the math to you for how many of your neighbors have had full bellies thanks to your simple but life-changing generosity. It’s an absolute pleasure serving alongside you in this Matthew 25:35 congregation!
– Travis Pecot
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Bingo Fun at Trinity
In November, Trinity's Parish Life Committee held a Bingo night where participants enjoyed the game as well as an evening of fun with friends in Benedict Hall. Bonnie Lewis received a candle from Coast Beach and Bungalow with her winning card, presented by Mandi Singer.
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53rd Annual Diocesan Convention, February 23-24, 2024. Our annual diocesan convention is coming up in February and will be held at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Daphne, AL. It is always a well-attended affair and a superb way to keep grounded in what the diocese is doing as well as the larger Episcopal Church. And it is a great chance to show the rest of the diocese all we are doing! We have two slots available for those who wish to be a delegate, with one alternate slot. If you would like to learn more, contact the parish office. Deadline for nominations is December 3.
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer. For churches and ministries: on December 10, please pray for Church of the Advent (Lillian, AL); and on December 17 pray for St. Mary’s (Milton, FL). For prisons: on December 10, please pray for the prisoners, families, and staff of the Calhoun County Jail (Blountstown, FL), and on December 17 please pray for the prisoners, families, and staff of the Gulf County Jail (Port St. Joe, FL).
Cursillo Weekends Are Back! Cursillo is a three-day retreat offered to persons who wish to deepen their faith and walk with Christ. Many in our Trinity family (including Stephen and Travis Pecot, Ina Margaret Meyer, Brooks Jones, Patti McCartney, among many others) have attended this fulfilling and life-changing program. It is offered through our diocese at Beckwith Conference Center in Fairhope, AL. Cursillo is currently offered two weekends each year, and it is free to attendees. Cursillo #170 will be held March 7-10, 2024, and our own Stephen and Travis Pecot will be on staff. To learn about Cursillo, the diocese has a great website or talk to someone who has been. Check it out. Who wouldn’t want to be loved on and pampered for three days? You deserve it! De Colores!
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Watch our Sunday sermons online:
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Your Bay View: Trinity's bi-weekly e-newsletter, the Bay View, reaches members and friends every other Friday, sharing news and inspiration for and about our parish. Please send information and announcements, as well as photographs, to info@trinityapalachicola.org or call the church office at 850-653-9550. The deadline for submission is noon on Wednesday of each publication week. (next deadline is December 20)
-- Kay Carson, Editor
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Worship Service at 10:30 am Sunday
Morning Prayer at 8:15 am Wednesday
Church address: 79 6th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320
Office address: 76 5th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320
Mailing address: PO Box 667, Apalachicola, Florida 32329
Phone number: (850) 653-9550
Email: info@trinityapalachicola.org
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