Apalachicola, Florida

September 2, 2022

A Quietly Intentional Disciple of Jesus Christ

Frederick Buechner (Beek-ner) died last week at the age of 95. He was an ordained Presbyterian minister and theological novelist, honored for his unique style and deep humanity. I am privileged to claim him as an acquaintance, with whom I also corresponded on several occasions. His work did as much as any writer’s to influence my faith and my literary style, such as they are. He was a quietly intentional disciple of Jesus Christ and a lovely man. 

No doubt many of you are familiar with Buechner, but for those who are not, let me do you the great favor of recommending his books to you. You might begin with one of these – The Magnificent Defeat, Telling the Truth, The Alphabet of Grace.  


David Brooks, opinion columnist for the New York Times, wrote a very insightful memorial piece for him, which I attach here. He ends by quoting one of Buechner’s most grace-filled lines.

“What’s lost is nothing to what’s found, and all the death that

ever was, set next to life, would scarcely fill a cup.”

May he rest in peace, and rise in glory.


Readings for September 4, 2022, the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Readings for September 11, 2022, the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost


The Five-Step Process of Calling a New Rector

-- Illustration by Brooks Jones

Calling a new rector normally involves a Five-Step process. Looking at this depiction of the calling process, creatively prepared by Brooks Jones and displayed in Benedict Hall, we can see Trinity is in the “Prepare” stage. This means the search committee is gathering information from the parish in several ways and getting ready to update our parish profile and other information used to inform prospective candidates about our vacancy.

The “Prepare” stage includes selecting a search committee, designing and distributing a survey, and conducting parish forums that will provide additional input.

These parish forums will be composed of “natural groups” at Trinity; that is, people who regularly work (or play) together in our worshipping community. The purpose of the groups is to generate stories of your experience of Trinity’s ministry including worship, pastoral care, new member recruitment and incorporation, ministry to our local (and the wider) Church and geographic community, developing leaders for the Church of the future, stewardship, and decision-making. 

Your stories will be used to prepare a narrative for Trinity’s Ministry Portfolio which will appear online through the Office of Transition Ministry (OTM)

and potentially find (and make) a holy “match” among prospective rectors. Watch for parish forum participation sign-up sheets in Benedict Hall in a couple of weeks.

-- Patti McCartney, for the Search Committee

This Sunday, September 4, we welcome back Trinity's favorite end-of-summer tradition - the Ice Cream Social, brought to you by Bill McCartney & Ed Springer. Come and enjoy a bowl full of sweet deliciousness in Benedict Hall after the service!

The Trinity Church Office will be closed on Monday,

September 5, 2022 in observance of Labor Day.

On this Labor Day - Prayer for Commerce & Industry

Book of Common Prayer II, page 259

O Lord Jesus Christ, in your earthly life you shared our toil and hallowed

our labor; Guide those who maintain the commerce and industries of

our land, and give to all who labor pride in their work, a just reward, and

joy both in supplying need and in serving you; who with the Father and

the Holy Spirit live and reign, one God, world without end. Amen.

Join the Penny's Worth Volunteer Team

Penny's Worth, Trinity's popular community thrift shop, is welcoming new volunteers to join the existing team. Come to a training session for new and current volunteers on Thursday, September 22 at 10 am at the shop located at 195 Avenue E to learn more. There are tasks to suit most anyone, including sorting donations, stocking racks and shelves, and customer sales and service.

Veteran Penny's Worth volunteers Candace Springer & Dot Hill handle sales while Jody Fortunas-Wilson & Jane Harris sort and stock donations.

Our friend and fellow parishioner, Bob Seaborn, is currently receiving hospice care at home. He and Marlene appreciate

everyone's support; please keep them in your prayers.

A Weekend of Fun & Fellowship

in Support of Beckwith

September 30 - October 2, 2022

A Getaway to Beckwith and Weekend Event Fundraiser


Weekend events include -

Friday Night:

6:30pm Dinner at the Undercroft Cafe

and music by Casey Kearney


Activities all day, BBQ lunch, Diocesan Ultreya, 

Football shown in Wilson Hall

Saturday Evening:

 5:00 pm Music by Robert Sully 

6:00pm Low Country Boil 

8:00pm Last ticket drawn and the online auction closes


Dot Hill recently spent a long weekend at Indian Pass with her family, filled with lots of love and laughter. One of the many captured memories made was Dot with her great grandchildren. Pictured (left to right) are: Back row: Everly (2), Dot, Tucker (9); Front Row: Camden (6), Madelyn (3 months), Wallace (9), Wyatt (7), Waylon (11 months), Brantley (5), Whitley (5).

Kay Carson & Paul McAbee completed a three-week road trip to New England and the East Coast during August. Highlights of their adventure included celebrating the engagement of their daughter, Anna Carson, to Juan Siliezar, in Cranston, RI; and, visiting the Wright Brothers Monument in Kitty Hawk, NC where 12 seconds of flight changed our world in 1903.


September 4, 2022

Celebrant - The Rev. Rusty Goldsmith

Greeters - Tom Edwards, Ralph Wagoner

Lectors - Susan Galloway, Tom Edwards

Prayers of the People - Dee Crusoe

Acolyte - Brooks Jones

Lay Eucharistic Minister - Patti McCartney

Altar Guild - Susan Galloway

Flower Guild - Joy Tracy, Dee Crusoe

Hospitality Hour - Ice Cream Social - Bill McCartney, Ed Springer

September 11, 2022

Celebrant The Rev. Rusty Goldsmith

Greeters - John Crusoe, Chris Presnell

Lectors - Brooks Jones, Candace Springer

Prayers of the People - Brooks Jones

Acolyte - Susan Farmer

Lay Eucharistic Minister - Candace Springer

Altar Guild - Susan Galloway

Flower Guild - Aglaia Dolan

Hospitality Hour - Penny Marler, Kerry Petty


Your Bay View: Trinity's bi-weekly e-newsletter, the Bay View, reaches members and friends every other Friday, sharing news and inspiration for and about our parish. Please send information and announcements, as well as photographs, to the editor, Kay Carson, at kaycars@icloud.com or call

617-388-8598. The deadline for submission is noon on Wednesday of each publication week (the next deadline is September 14).

Worship Service at 10:30 am Sunday, Eastern time

Church address: 79 6th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320

Office address: 76 5th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320

Mailing address: PO Box 667, Apalachicola, Florida 32329

Phone number: (850) 653-9550

Email: info@trinityapalachicola.org

Visit our Website