Apalachicola, Florida
December 6, 2024
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I spent the better part of this week preparing for the annual meeting this coming Sunday. Over 20Trinity members and our fearless Parish Administrator, Jean Bush, contributed to this document. You will find a link to it later in this Bay View newsletter. Each person expressed gratitude for their ministries and those who give freely of themselves to help Trinity be a beacon of hope. The final tasks for the report were to write my review at the front of the document and find an image for the front cover. And I anguished over these! You might wonder why, when there is so much to say. And you would be right; we do have much going on and even more for which to be thankful.
I suppose where I was stuck is that, in the recollection of the past year, there were too many options, like when you stand at the pasta aisle in Wal-Mart. Last year at this time some of you were still feeling me or Trinity out (and maybe you still are). Last year at this time, we didn’t know people we now see every week and count as dear friends: people like Randy, Ellen, Annie, Joan, Kathy (and Kathy), Donia, and Warren, just to name a few of the many new members of Trinity. People have returned who left for a time. People have moved here and heard about this church that accepts people as they are. Others are in the process of moving away from the area but will still call Trinity their home.
What I’m saying is that Trinity is growing. And yes, this is good. With it comes a challenge, at least on my part: to answer my Holy Orders and ensure peoples’ needs are met to the best of my ability. I ain’t perfect by any stretch, and where I have dropped the ball, I ask for your forgiveness and patience. Perhaps this is why the laity are always listed as the first ministers of the church (look it up; BCP, p. 855), because the priest can’t—and shouldn’t—do it all. I hope you know that I cherish every moment I have with each of you, because someday all this will fade into a blessed memory of blessed company.
As I searched for an image for the front cover, I asked a couple of people what typified 2024 for them in the life of Trinity. A few responded: the Thanksgiving potluck; Blessing of the Golf Carts; the night we hosted Hurricane Milton evacuees; Shrove Tuesday pancake supper; Third Thursday Bingo; the big services on Christmas and Easter. Then there were little things: Kristin Anderson offering healing prayers at the altar rail; the many home or hospital visits as I reboot the pastoral care program; altar flowers driven to Holy Family for ECCC; listening to Martha’s preludes or the choir’s anthems; polishing the silver for the Tour of Homes auction; or Josie the cat attending Morning Prayer in the church or joining the peer groups in Benedict Hall on some evenings.
I settled on the picture of our bishop’s visit on Trinity Sunday, 2024. On that day we received six people as Episcopalians and baptized members of Trinity. And on that day, Russell and your vestry saw it fit to name me as the 44th rector of Trinity. Look closely at that picture, because the 188-year history of Trinity flows from it. Episcopalians, from brand-new to life-long, celebrating the Scripture we follow, the tradition we hold dear, and the reason we use to live a life for Christ…in that picture is the past, present, and future melded into a sanctuary and congregation I cherish.
That’s a picture of God’s grace for which I am most thankful.
Love Big and Be Well,
Stephen +
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Trinity members & friends celebrated Thanksgiving with
a delicious and joyful Potluck on the Grounds last Sunday.
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Annual Meeting This Sunday, December 8!
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The 2024 annual report can be found by clicking on this link or by going to the Trinity website. If you have any issues with opening this document, please contact Fr. Stephen at 850-653-7978 or email stephen@trinityapalachicola.org to receive a copy electronically. Hard copies will be available in Benedict Hall for the meeting, so you need not print out a copy.
Please plan on attending our annual meeting so that we can properly see to the affairs of the church. We must have a quorum in order for the votes to count! We will be voting on new vestry members (Denise Butler, Karen Kessel, Alan Pierce, and Chris Presnell) and delegates to the diocesan convention in February (Penny Marler, Debbie Hooper, and one alternate). We also must approve the proposed budget for 2025.
Now, you may be thinking, who are these vestry folks? Look in the previous two Bay View issues (available via the Trinity website) for the bios of the vestry candidates. I thank them for stepping up to serve. In order to balance out vestry tenures I have asked Chris Presnell and Denise Butler to stand for one-year terms and Karen “KK” Kessel and Alan Pierce to serve out the normal three-year term.
The meeting will not be long, but it will be a great opportunity to hear summaries of all that has been going on and what is planned for 2025.
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A New Chapter in the Service Bulletin Reflections. Pat Horn maintained a decades-long ministry of writing reflections on the back page of our weekly service bulletin. When she submitted her last reflection, we knew this ministry must keep going. To that end, we are continuing this ministry in her honor. Starting on December 15th, the last page of the Sunday service bulletins will be called “The Horn of Plenty”, with contributions offered by Fr. Stephen, Debbie Hooper, PJ Erwin, and Thomas Becknell. We are excited to continue in Pat’s footsteps, and we will do our best to honor the depth and meaning she would bring to the readings for the day or the season of the liturgical calendar. If you are interested in participating in this fun ministry as a contributor, contact the parish office.
Wednesday Compline. If you love the Order for Compline from our Book of Common Prayer and want to participate from the comfort of your home, you are in luck! On Wednesdays at 8 pm Eastern, Trinity is pleased to host an online Compline via Facebook Live. And don’t forget that we have Morning Prayer on Wednesdays at 8:15 am.
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Trinity's Giving Tree for Franklin County School: All students were adopted! Return gifts to Benedict Hall no later than December 8. Gifts should be placed, unwrapped, in a large opaque bag with the student's ornament number on the outside. Questions? Text or call Bob Pruitt at 205-915-5264. | |
Bay Area Choral Society Performs at Carnegie Hall | |
Five members of Trinity's Choir - Susan Galloway, Ina Margaret Meyer, Jo Branch, Joy Tracy & Sofia Fonseca ,performed in a Christmas concert at Carnegie Hall & enjoyed the riches of New York City as well. | |
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer. For churches and ministries: on December 8, pray for St. John’s in Wewahitchka and St. James in Port St. Joe (the bishop will be visiting both churches on the 8th); on December 15, pray for St. James in Eufala, AL. For prisons: on December 8, pray for the prisoners, families, and staff of the Calhoun County Jail, Blountstown, FL; and on December 15, pray for the prisoners, families, and staff of the Gulf County Jail, Port St. Joe, FL. | |
Ralph & Susie Wagoner welcomed the California branch of their family during Thanksgiving week. Standing, left to right - Joe (son), Rachel (daughter-in law), Amanda (daughter), Charlotte (granddaughter) & Ryan (grandson). | |
Annie & Donnie Pitts enjoyed a Thanksgiving visit from their son Ben, daughter-in-law Erica, and granddaughter June. | |
The TRINITY TEN, a ten-point questinnaire that provides a light-hearted,
yet sincere, profile of Trinity parishioners, is designed for us to get
to know each other a little better. Your responses, along with a
photograph, will appear regularly in the Bay View.
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Originally from Detroit, Bonnie Stewart retired in 1995 from her long-time job as administrator of a large cardiovascular practice in Michigan. Several years later, she became the dog director of a humane society in Greensboro, Georgia, providing her with valuable experience dealing with people from all walks of life. Bonnie’s volunteer endeavors include all types of animal rescue. She moved to Apalachicola a few years ago and enthusiastically continues to provide love and care for local pups.
Greatest influence on your life (person or experience):
I credit two great influences on my life. The first is a person, the doctor with whom I worked for most of my career who taught me so much about life, people, and medicine. The second influence is the experience of going to New Orleans right after Hurricane Katrina for dog rescue. I was billeted at a dormitory with other rescuers caring for so many of the dogs who were devastatingly affected by the storm and rehoming many of them. No cell phones, no power, but an amazing camaraderie with strangers developed over a shared purpose and passion. These influences helped shape my life.
How would someone else describe you:
A friend describes me as level- headed, able to keep emotions in check and deal with the facts. And, a total puppy lover! Always opening my home to those that need one; always willing to help others either with a hug or action; and, deep love of family and friends, plus faith in God.
One thing people might be surprised to know about you:
Can't think of anything surprising about me.
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Favorite part of living here:
I love living in Apalachicola because of the people, sense of community, weather and water.
Dogs or cats:
I love dogs and cats; much more experience with dogs.
Bacon or broccoli:
Coleslaw - vinegar or mayo:
Combination of vinegar and mayo for great coleslaw.
One thing you are good at:
Good at rescuing, treating and caretaking dogs.
One thing you’d rather not do:
I would rather not be in charge of committee; happy to do the grunt work!
What drew you to Trinity:
The primary reason is Trinity’s service is closer to the Lutheran church in which I grew up. Now, Stephen and the members, as well as the service, keep me at Trinity.
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Watch our Sunday sermons online:
Generosity is a key component of our successful ministry: You can share your generosity easily and safely through our secure Electronic Giving platform.
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Your Bay View: Trinity's bi-weekly e-newsletter, the Bay View, reaches members and friends every other Friday, sharing news and inspiration for and about our parish. Please send information and announcements, as well as photographs, to info@trinityapalachicola.org or call the church office at 850-653-9550. The deadline for submission is noon on Wednesday of each publication week. (next deadline is December18)
-- Kay Carson, Editor
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Worship Service at 10:30 am Sunday
Morning Prayer at 8:15 am Wednesday
Church address: 79 6th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320
Office address: 76 5th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320
Mailing address: PO Box 667, Apalachicola, Florida 32329
Phone number: (850) 653-9550
Email: info@trinityapalachicola.org
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