EASTER is a time of joy for all believers. EASTER is and means victory. EASTER is the great victory of love over death. EASTER is the gift of faith.
In this week's gospel, one thing is clear. Jesus, in his appearance, shows the disciples the marks of his love. On this Second Sunday of Easter, we hear that the disciples were gathered together. Even though they knew that Jesus had risen, John writes that "they had shut the door of the room for fear of the Jews." They were terribly afraid! In the community there is a void that no one can fill. They are missing Jesus.
Jesus appeared in their midst. He addressed the disciples with the simple words, "Peace be with you." Peace brings confidence and joy. When the disciples heard Jesus' greeting, peace began to fill their hearts, they began to understand the reality that Jesus was with them once again, What a wonderful gift! Jesus comes into your life and brings peace, he wants to fill you with him and for you to live in him.
Today we may recall times in our lives when we were fearful and sad and felt lost and alone. Perhaps we experienced a loss or significant change in our life or were struggling with a painful situation. At that moment, it would be a great gift if Jesus had suddenly appeared to you and said, "Peace be with you." Remember the early disciples had put locks on their doors. And Christ broke them. Every Sunday the Lord wants to break open the locks of our hearts, our fears, and that impossible situation in which you live.
Jesus is always with us, giving us grace; however, we may not tangibly experience Jesus with us. Jesus walks with us every day; do we believe and trust in that reality? Even if we have a sense of Jesus' presence, we may want proof that Jesus is with us, just as Thomas did. If today we sense that Jesus is near us and with us, let us trust and believe that Jesus has also appeared to us. May we have open minds and open hearts, Jesus will come to us today!
The risen Christ opens the doors of the church without the need for keys and fills it with his own life and the Holy Spirit. Without his presence the church is an empty space that no one can fill.
Happy Easter. Alleluia. Alleluia.
Father Rafael Garcia