We welcome Holy Comforter into our Trinity Cathedral family |
I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go to the house of the Lord." Psalm 122:1
Dear Friends,
Please join me in welcoming the parishioners of Holy Comforter Episcopal Church to Trinity Cathedral during this period of transformation and rebirth for their congregation. Our own Priest Associate, Father Rafael Garcia, has been their rector since 2013, and now they will join us at the Cathedral for a time while their church property is redesigned and redeveloped. Father Rafael offers his own reflection on this important moment in the history of Holy Comforter below.
We welcome our siblings from Holy Comforter to Trinity with open arms!
Father Jason
The Very Reverend Jason Roberson
Cathedral Provost
| Holy Comforter Episcopal Church on SW 13th Avenue in Little Havana | |
After many years of serving the community in Little Havana, and after a time of discernment and prayer for a new and vibrant future, Holy Comforter has paused to begin a revitalization project. All of the buildings on Holy Comforter's property built years ago were already unsustainable. | |
Our Vestry members, with the help of the Diocese, have been working together to provide a sustainable ministry with a worshiping community and a dedicated priest. Also, we remain committed to our ministry of serving the community by providing new affordable housing in the future. To this end we have begun a period of construction.
Holy Comforter is not closed! Holy Comforter is still alive and well, because you and I are the Church. In the future we will return to our community in Little Havana. In all these years we have learned to love each other, and that love between us is great. We have known each other for a long time now, and we have learned to walk and work together. During this period, we have decided that we will continue to worship the Lord together at Trinity Cathedral until we return to our new parish building.
We thank Provost Jason Roberson and the leaders and parishioners of Trinity Cathedral for opening their doors and welcoming us during this time. We thank God for being part of the Episcopal Church where we have a larger family that offers us this opportunity. We also give thanks for God's gifts of being part of a diocese that offers us opportunities for a more sustainable and stronger future for our congregation and to participate in God's mission in South Florida.
With warmest regards,
Father Rafael
The Reverend Rafael Garcia
Rector, Holy Comforter Episcopal Church
Priest Associate, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
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This weekend we remember the life and ministry of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Almighty God, by the hand of Moses your servant you led your people out of slavery, and made them free at last: Grant that your Church, following the example of your prophet Martin Luther King, may resist oppression in the name of your love, and may secure for all your children the blessed liberty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
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We welcome the Right Reverend Pete Wilcox, Bishop of Sheffield, as our guest celebrant and preacher this Sunday at 10:00 am! | |
I spent my childhood in India, as the son of missionary parents. This has left me with a love for travel — so I am very much looking forward to our visit to Florida, as part of a period of sabbatical leave which will also take us to Australia. The years in India have also left me with a love for hot weather and hot food, as well as with a concern for global inequalities of health and wealth.
On returning to the UK in the early 70s I went to boarding school, where I was able to indulge my love of sport. To this day I am an enthusiastic fan of all ball sports: the size and shape and hardness of the ball make little difference. I have a particular passion for soccer. It was also at school that I became a Christian. In fact, I first knew myself called to the ordained ministry upon conversion at the age of 13 and I have never had any other professional career.
I have now been ordained for over 35 years and have spent most of that time in the north of England and in urban settings. I served in parish ministry for 16 years and then on the staff of two cathedrals for a further 11 years, where I relished the civic opportunities granted to cathedrals in this country. I became Bishop of Sheffield in 2017.
I spent three years in the early 1990s studying for a doctorate at Oxford University on the life and missionary theology of John Calvin. I retain a lively interest in theological education and in formation for ordained ministry, and especially enjoy opportunities to preach and teach the Bible.
I have been married to Cathy for 34 years. Cathy is a novelist (she writes as Catherine Fox) and a senior lecturer in creative writing at Manchester Metropolitan University. We have two adult sons, two daughters in law and three little grand-daughters.
Bishop Pete Wilcox
December, 2023
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A new Podcast with Bishop Eaton | |
There is still time to submit your pledge for 2024!
The 2024 Budget will be presented at the Cathedral Annual Meeting on January 21st. We need your pledge as we prepare the budget for next year!
Download the 2024 Pledge Form HERE.
Download the 2024 Stewardship Brochure HERE.
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Sunday 14th
8 am Holy Eucharist
10 am Choral Eucharist
12:15 pm Santa Eucaristía
Monday 15th
6:15 pm Yoga in the Cathedral
Wednesday 17th
12:10 pm Bilingual Holy Eucharist
Thursday 18th
6:00 pm Fitness Class
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Save the Date!
Please make sure to attend the Cathedral's Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 21st at 11:15 a.m.
Agenda items: Election of new Chapter members, Trinity Block Redevelopment, Transforming Trinity Project, Centennial Anniversary plans, and more.
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American Guild of Organists - Miami Chapter
Hymn Festival with Dr. David Hurd
Sunday, January 21st at 5:30 pm
The Miami Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and Trinity Cathedral have the distinguished honor of hosting Professor David Hurd on January 21st. Dr. Hurd was Professor of Church Music at the General Theological Seminary from 1976 until 2016, and he currently serves as the Organist and Music Director of the Church of Saint Mary the Virgin in New York City.
You won't want to miss this exciting opportunity!
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If you would like to include someone on the Prayer List or add an anniversary or birthday for special prayers, please call the Cathedral office at 305-456-8851, use the 'Contact Us' link on our website, or send an email ...
Also, please let us know when names can be removed from the list.
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Sick - In Recovery
Doris Gray, Julio Rodriguez, Les Tablada, Esteban Rodriguez, Andye Moss, Anita Damnavits, Albert Halverstadt, Robert Horton, Dr. Joe Walker, Santiago Hernandez, Melba D. León, L.S., Mike Guidry, The Most Reverend Michael Curry, Santi Archer, Iván Quiñones, Dolores Triana, Carole Halverstadt, Carole Duv, Nina Schumann, Linda Hackenjos
Anglican Cycle of Prayer
The Church of the Province of South East Asia
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Lucy Martin
Errol McKenzie
Kenneth Merrill
Myles Trapp
Wedding Anniversary of
Lennox and Esther Griffith
In Memoriam
David Negron
Myeisha Bishop
The Reverend Steve Fregeau
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Presiding Bishop is discharged from the hospital and continues to recover at home | |
We continue to pray for Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and his family as he continues to recover from a Jan. 6 surgery to treat a reoccurrence of the subdural hematoma he experienced early last month. Read the full article HERE. | |
Yoga in the Cathedral - Jan. 15, 22, and 28 | |
Immerse yourself in a truly rejuvenating and spiritual experience. All levels welcome! $20 (including mats and parking). Entry at the North Door (16th Street). To assure a prompt start, if at all possible please do sign up beforehand using this link. | |
Second Saturday - Tomorrow, January 13th at 8:30 a.m. | |
Calendar of Fitness Classes for 2024
Thursdays at 6:00 p.m.
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Altar Flowers & Sanctuary Candle | |
It is the tradition each week at Trinity Cathedral for individuals and families to make a donation for the altar flowers and the sanctuary candle in honor of or in memory of a family member, friend, or a specific cathedral ministry or organization. Names for the donations are listed in the Friday e-Newsletter and in the Sunday service bulletin.
Please email the Cathedral office at office@trinitymiami.org or call (305) 456-8851 to make your donations to this important ministry.
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Food Pantry Ministry
These are difficult times and many struggle to make ends meet. When you come on Sundays, please consider bringing one or more items of canned or boxed food. Items to consider include canned goods, peanut butter, packaged cereals, paper products, bottled water, dish and laundry soaps, boxed dinners, toiletry items, and feminine hygiene products. Remember that we cannot accept expired food or items that need refrigeration.
Gift Card Ministry
The LGBTQ+ ministry has organized an on-going Gift Card collection drive to aid in the purchase of perishable food items for food pantry recipients. These cards are distributed on a weekly basis to families and individuals in need. To continue to help this cause or if you or someone you know could benefit from this ministry, please contact Roberto Soto at:
Trinity Cathedral, c/o Roberto Soto
464 N.E. 16th Street, Miami, FL 33132
(305) 456-8851 or via email roberto@trinitymiami.org
Names of donors and recipients will remain confidential
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"Pews to Chairs" Project
There is still time to donate a chair!
For many decades now, pews have been replaced by chairs in countless cathedrals and churches across the Episcopal Church and the world with remarkable success. In many cases, it has allowed congregations to experience a transformation and rebirth of their communities. Stackable, multi-use chairs will give Trinity a fully flexible and multi-purpose space that functions not only for worship, but for a variety of ministry and community events. (See the above picture of Trinity's new cathedral chairs which arrived the week before Christmas.)
The success of Transforming Trinity and the Pews to Chairs project depends on the donation of chairs by cathedral parishioners, congregations, and individuals across The Episcopal Church in Southeast Florida and the wider Church. Chairs may be donated in honor of or in memory of a loved one or in honor of a specific church, congregation, or organization. Please consider donating one or more chairs!
To donate: Please download the chair donation form HERE, complete it, and make your check payable to Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. Please make sure to write “Pews to Chairs” in the memo line. Mail checks and forms to: Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, 464 NE 16th Street, Miami, FL 33132.
Online donations can also be made on the Cathedral website (www.trinitymiami.org) under the “Giving” tab – please be sure to choose the “Pews to Chairs Campaign” on the dropdown menu to designate your donation.
Please reach out to Father Jason by email at frjason@trinitymiami.org if you have any questions or concerns. You can also find more details about the Pews to Chairs project HERE.
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We need Ushers and Lectors!
We you like to be an usher on Sunday mornings?
Would you like to read a scripture lesson or lead the Prayers of the People during our Sunday services?
Please consider joining our Usher or Lector Ministries. We need volunteers to help fill these important roles during our Sunday worship.
If you are interested, please email Mr. Thomas Porto at thomas44a@gmail.com, or call the Cathedral office at 305-456-8851.
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Join the Cathedral Flower Guild!
Do you love arranging flowers? Please consider joining the Cathedral Flower Guild. We need volunteers to help on Saturday mornings to arrange flowers for our Sunday worship services.
If you are interested, please reach out to Mr. Roberto Soto at office@trinitymiami.org, or call the Cathedral office at 305-456-8851.
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Morning and Evening Online Reflection | |
Begin and end your weekday with online reflections. Reflections feature prayers, readings from Holy Scripture, and contemplative music and are led by clergy from National Cathedral in the morning and from Canterbury Cathedral in the evening. In addition, daily Choral Evensong song by the Canterbury Cathedral Choir is available online. Select the applicable link below for access. | |
The Second Sunday after Epiphany | |
For more than two decades, YASC participants have served in areas of administration/communication, agriculture, community development, education, health care, parish ministry/chaplaincy, social services, youth work, and more, while participating in the daily life and ministry of churches, cathedrals, and dioceses around the Anglican Communion.
Bulletin Insert in full...
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Trinity in Pictures
Saturday, January 6th - The Reverend Canon Fletcher Montgomery celebrated the wedding of Soleil and Adam Santana at the Cruz Building in Coconut Grove
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Cathedral Office Hours
Monday – Thursday 9:00am until 3:00pm
In case of pastoral emergency, please call 786-682-5354.
Email: office@trinitymiami.org
Cathedral Visits
The Cathedral doors are open Monday - Friday from 9:00 - 1:00 for visits and for prayer.
Visit us at trinitymiami.org
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