
 Forward Day  by Day
The Book of Common Prayer
Lectionary Calendar
2024 Pledge Form 
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Electronic Offerings

Pastoral Care at the Cathedral

This week a newly formed Pastoral Care Committee met for the first time since the pandemic. Pastoral care is a pillar of the Church’s mission in the world, as understood in the rite of ordination of a priest in our Book of Common Prayer: “You are to love and serve the people among whom you work, care alike for young and old, strong and weak, rich and poor. In all that you do, you are to nourish Christ’s people from the riches of his grace and strengthen them to glorify God in this life and ministry.”

The Pastoral Care ministry of our Cathedral cannot be carried out without the full participation of the laity – parishioners and volunteers who give of their time to visit the sick, to take Holy Communion to those who cannot attend worship services, and to pray for all those in the community who need our prayers. In an effort to strengthen and expand this ministry, you will see several changes and additions to pastoral care at the Cathedral in the coming weeks.

Eucharistic Visitors

On the first Sunday of each month, beginning on Sunday, April 7th, we will officially begin two very important components of our pastoral care ministry. First, we will send out Eucharistic Visitors to take Holy Communion to those who are sick or those who cannot attend the Cathedral. This sacred ministry represents a fundamental connection between us and the larger community, outside the walls of the Cathedral. If you would like to be trained and licensed as a Eucharistic Visitor, please send me an email at: frjason@trinitymiami.org.

Prayers for Healing

Also on the first Sunday of the month, clergy will begin to offer special prayers for healing at the altar rail after each worship service. If you would like to receive individual prayers of any kind, for healing of mind, body, or spirit, please come and kneel at the high altar as soon as the dismissal is given at the end of the 8:00, 10:00, and 12:15 services. Clergy will meet those who cannot climb the steps at the baptismal font.

Prayer Requests

Lastly, over the next few weeks we will expand and improve the ways that you can submit prayer requests, both online and by using a hard copy form. We are still working on the details of this process, so watch for more information to come, both in the newsletter in our Sunday service bulletins after Easter.

I am very grateful to everyone involved in this vital ministry of the Cathedral, and I am especially thankful to Chapter member Diana Ohman and to Alex Paulmer for their leadership. 

Blessings for a continued Holy Lent,

Father Jason

The Very Reverend Jason Roberson

Cathedral Provost

TODAY - Diocesan “Lenten Morning" with

The Very Reverend Dr. Robert Willis

Saturday, March 9 from 9 am - 12pm

Come this morning and spend a quiet morning during Lent of study, reflection, and prayer with Dean Willis, Dean Emeritus of Canterbury Cathedral for over 20 years. Dean Willis became familiar to the world during the pandemic, leading online morning prayer in the Cathedral garden, with occasional special appearances from the cathedral cats, Leo and Tiger.  Dean Willis will also be our guest preacher this Sunday at both 8:00 and 10:00.

The Very Reverend Dr. Robert Willis is a priest in the Church of England. He is known for being a theologian, hymn writer, and pastor. He served as Dean of Canterbury, running the mother church of the Anglican Communion and the King’s School, Canterbury (the world’s oldest school, founded by St Augustine in 597) and advising three archbishops, from 2001 to 2022 following nine years as Dean of Hereford and five years as Vicar of Sherborne Abbey. A leading member of the General Synod for over thirty years and with oversight of the Deans’ council of England for two decades, he has also worked on numerous regional, national and international boards – including here in the US – of charities and associations ranging from the arts and music to homelessness and healthcare. 

He is most recently well known for the broadcasts of Morning Prayer that he and his civil-partner of 22 years, Fletcher Banner, made every day for 26 months from the Deanery Garden in Canterbury during the COVID-19 pandemic which attracted and still attracts millions of views from all over the world of people of all faiths and none (www.youtube.com/@GardenCongregation), helping people through those dark years and bringing many back to faith.  

He has received doctorates from various universities, including Yale, and the rare Freedom of the City of Canterbury in recognition for his work for the people of the city and the wider county of Kent, the Cross of St Augustine from Archbishop Rowan Williams and the gift of a relic from His Holiness in recognition and thanks for his work in ecumenism and reconciliation. On January 23, 2023 he was named Dean Emeritus of Canterbury by Archbishop Justin Welby and since then both he and Fletcher have been working as ambassadors for the church and various charities all over the world, most especially the Episcopal church in the US – with which they have worked for the past two decades.  

Dean Willis and Fletcher are both thrilled and delighted to be visiting Miami for the first time, and we are honored to host them both at Trinity Cathedral!

Spring Forward One Hour Tonight!

Support the Episcopal Cathedral in Cuba during Lent

This Week - March 10

Sunday - 10th

8 am Holy Eucharist

10 am Choral Eucharist

11: 15 (No Lenten Book Study this week)

12:15 pm Santa Eucaristía

Monday - 11th

6:15 pm Yoga in the Cathedral

Wednesday - 13th

12:00 pm Holy Eucharist w/Prayers for Healing

Thursday - 14th

6:00 pm Group Fitness

Bulletin 8 am
Bulletin 10 am
Bulletin 12:15 pm

Prayer Requests

If you would like to include someone on the Prayer List or add an anniversary or birthday for special prayers, please call the Cathedral office at 305-456-8851, use the 'Contact Us' link on our website, or send an email ... 


Also, please let us know when names can be removed from the list.

Sick - In Recovery

Doris Gray, Julio Rodriguez, Esteban Rodriguez, Andye Moss, Anita Damnavits, Albert Halverstadt, Robert Horton, Dr. Joe Walker, Santiago Hernandez, Melba D. León, L.S., The Most Reverend Michael Curry, Santi Archer, Iván Quiñones, Nina Schumann, Rebecka Ayala, Ryan Armoogam, Sharon Brown, Doren Valero, Justin van Brakel, Maureen A. Mena

Anglican Cycle of Prayer

The Episcopal Church


Joan Lutton

Mike Twyford

Jonas Martinez


In Memoriam

Linda Hackenjos John Michael Idol

New Podcast Episode with Bishop Eaton

Bishop Eaton's latest podcast is now available on AppleSpotify, and RSS feeds.

In this newest episode, Bishop Eaton sits down with the Very Reverend Tim Fleck, Rector at Saint Thomas Episcopal Parish Church and School, alongside two insightful 4th grade students, Gabriella and Thomas. Together, they explore the profound theme of love, offering inspiring perspectives and touching insights.

Tune in now for a conversation that's sure to uplift your spirit and ignite your heart! Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and share it with your family and friends.

Podcast Link

Paul Farmer, M.D., Ph.D. (1959-2022) was Kolokotrones university professor and chair of the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School, chief of the Division of Global Health Equity at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, and co-founder and chief strategist of Partners In Health. Farmer and his colleagues pioneered novel, community-based treatment strategies that demonstrated the delivery of high-quality health care in resource-poor settings. He wrote extensively on health, human rights, and the consequences of social inequality. He was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, from which he was the recipient of the 2018 Public Welfare Medal.

Dr. Farmer built a network of 16 medical centers in Haiti, and he also did extensive public health work in Rwanda. He authored multiple books, including: In the Company of the Poor: Conversations with Dr. Paul Farmer and Fr. Gustavo Gutiérrez, Reimagining Global Health: An Introduction, and To Repair the World: Paul Farmer Speaks to the Next Generation. His most recent book was released in November 2020: Fevers, Feuds, and Diamonds: Ebola and the Ravages of History. Read Dr. Farmer's obituary in the New York Times here.

We are honored to host the Memorial Service for Dr. Farmer here at Trinity Cathedral on Sunday, March 10th at 5:00 pm.

Second Saturday - **MOVED to

March 16th at 8:30 a.m.


A Meditation on the Sacred Passion

of the Holy Redeemer


John Stainer (1840-1901)

The Fifth Sunday in Lent

Sunday, March 17, 2024 at 5:30 pm

Sung by the Anglican Chorale of Southeast Florida

Select for Holy Week Schedule

Yoga in the Cathedral - Mondays at 6:15 pm

Immerse yourself in a truly rejuvenating and spiritual experience. All levels welcome! $20 (including mats and parking). Entry at the North Door (16th Street). To assure a prompt start, if at all possible please do sign up beforehand using this link. 

Fitness Classes

Thursday, March 14 at 6:00 pm

Altar Flowers & Sanctuary Candle

It is the tradition each week at Trinity Cathedral for individuals and families to make a donation for the altar flowers and the sanctuary candle in honor of or in memory of a family member, friend, or a specific cathedral ministry or organization. Names for the donations are listed in the Friday e-Newsletter and in the Sunday service bulletin.

Please email the Cathedral office at office@trinitymiami.org or call (305) 456-8851 to make your donations to this important ministry. 

Food Pantry Ministry 

These are difficult times and many struggle to make ends meet. When you come on Sundays, please consider bringing one or more items of canned or boxed food.  Items to consider include canned goods, peanut butter, packaged cereals, paper products, bottled water, dish and laundry soaps, boxed dinners, toiletry items, and feminine hygiene products. Remember that we cannot accept expired food or items that need refrigeration.


Gift Card Ministry 

The LGBTQ+ ministry has organized an on-going Gift Card collection drive to aid in the purchase of perishable food items for food pantry recipients. These cards are distributed on a weekly basis to families and individuals in need. To continue to help this cause or if you or someone you know could benefit from this ministry, please contact Roberto Soto at:


Trinity Cathedral, c/o Roberto Soto

464 N.E. 16th Street, Miami, FL 33132

(305) 456-8851 or via email roberto@trinitymiami.org


Names of donors and recipients will remain confidential

"Pews to Chairs" Project 

There is still time to donate a chair!

For many decades now, pews have been replaced by chairs in countless cathedrals and churches across the Episcopal Church and the world with remarkable success. In many cases, it has allowed congregations to experience a transformation and rebirth of their communities. Stackable, multi-use chairs will give Trinity a fully flexible and multi-purpose space that functions not only for worship, but for a variety of ministry and community events. (See the above picture of Trinity's new cathedral chairs which arrived the week before Christmas.)

The success of Transforming Trinity and the Pews to Chairs project depends on the donation of chairs by cathedral parishioners, congregations, and individuals across The Episcopal Church in Southeast Florida and the wider Church. Chairs may be donated in honor of or in memory of a loved one or in honor of a specific church, congregation, or organization. Please consider donating one or more chairs!

To donate: Please download the chair donation form HERE, complete it, and make your check payable to Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. Please make sure to write “Pews to Chairs” in the memo line. Mail checks and forms to: Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, 464 NE 16th Street, Miami, FL 33132. 

Online donations can also be made on the Cathedral website (www.trinitymiami.org) under the “Giving” tab – please be sure to choose the “Pews to Chairs Campaign” on the dropdown menu to designate your donation.

Please reach out to Father Jason by email at frjason@trinitymiami.org if you have any questions or concerns. You can also find more details about the Pews to Chairs project HERE.

We need Ushers and Lectors!

We you like to be an usher on Sunday mornings?

Would you like to read a scripture lesson or lead the Prayers of the People during our Sunday services? 

Please consider joining our Usher or Lector Ministries. We need volunteers to help fill these important roles during our Sunday worship.

If you are interested, please email Mr. Thomas Porto at thomas44a@gmail.com, or call the Cathedral office at 305-456-8851.

Join the Cathedral Flower Guild!

Do you love arranging flowers? Please consider joining the Cathedral Flower Guild. We need volunteers to help on Saturday mornings to arrange flowers for our Sunday worship services. 

If you are interested, please reach out to Mr. Roberto Soto at office@trinitymiami.org, or call the Cathedral office at 305-456-8851.

Morning and Evening Online Reflection

National Cathedral.jpg
Canterbury Cathedral 3.jpg

Begin and end your weekday with online reflections. Reflections feature prayers, readings from Holy Scripture, and contemplative music and are led by clergy from National Cathedral in the morning and from Canterbury Cathedral in the evening. In addition, daily Choral Evensong song by the Canterbury Cathedral Choir is available online. Select the applicable link below for access.

Morning Prayers
Evening Prayers
Choral Evensong

The Fourth Sunday in Lent

How might readers relate to Nicodemus? Do we seek Christ in the “darkness” or in the “light?”

Bible Study in full...

The journey through Lent into Easter is a journey with Jesus. We are baptized into his life, self-giving, and death; then, we rise in hope to life transformed. This Lent, communities are invited to walk with Jesus in his Way of Love and into the experience of transformed life.

Bulletin Insert in full...

Lenten Meditations

Psalm 51:10 reads, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.”

Reflect on your newness in Christ as you journey through Lenten Meditations and discover new ways your faith is guiding you through the world. Use this space to read and re-read the Lenten Meditations each week.

Lenten Meditations Link

Trinity in Pictures

Open House Miami - Trinity Organ Recitals

Dr. Bill Hopper and Mr. Xavier Richardson.

Lenten retreat by Mishkah and Kate Eaton

Cathedral Office Hours

 Monday – Thursday 9:00am until 3:00pm

 In case of pastoral emergency, please call 786-682-5354.

 Email: office@trinitymiami.org

Cathedral Visits

The Cathedral doors are open Monday - Friday from 9:00 - 1:00 for visits and for prayer.

Visit us at trinitymiami.org

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