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Electronic Offerings

Our New Online Cathedral Directory is Here!

Our new online directory for the Trinity Cathedral community called "Realm Connect" is finally ready for launch! Not only will Realm improve work life for our clergy, staff, and Chapter, it will make it easier for our Cathedral family to connect with each other, keep up with what’s going on, and grow as a connected community. (The "Realm Connect" online directory will replace the old printed, spiral-bound booklet that the Cathedral used for many years.) And in the coming months, we will also begin to connect your pledge and giving records through Realm so that you can track your financial contributions to the Cathedral in an easy and completely secure and confidential way using the app.

But in order for the launch of the Realm Connect directory to be successful, we need your help! Here are the steps to get started:

Step 1 - Download the "Realm Connect" mobile app

Every member of the Cathedral community will need to first download the free "Realm Connect" mobile app on your phone or other device. Here are the links to the App Store (iPhone or iPad) or the GooglePlay Store (Android) to download the app:

Step 2 - Check your email, and then log in to your Realm account using the Realm Connect app

In the next few days, you should receive an email invitation to log into your Realm account on the app. Be sure to check the email account that you have on file with the Cathedral. (If you don't receive an email, please let us know so that we can add yours in the system.) Once you receive the email invitation, you can log in to your Realm account and create a new password.

Step 3 - Update your Realm profile

Everyone at the Cathedral gets a unique profile. Your profile contains everything you want people in our church to know about you. Your profile also enables you to join a small group, RSVP to events, track your giving (coming soon!), update your contact information, change family details, set notification preferences, or replace that outdated photo.

By keeping your information current, you are helping our staff, clergy, and our entire Cathedral community. Your Profile includes:

  • Contact Information* (e.g. name, address, email, phone)
  • Photo - please upload a current photo of yourself!
  • Family Members
  • Personal Information (e.g. marital status, birthday**, etc.)
  • Connected Social Media accounts

*You can decide later what data you want to hide online by setting your privacy preferences.

**Feel free to enter your full birthday. The year and your age will not be displayed on your Cathedral directory profile.

Realm Privacy - Your information is your information!

  1. You have complete control over who can see your contact and personal information.
  2. Contact information is never public or searchable on the Internet. Any information you elect to make visible to your church family is always protected behind a login.
  3. Authorized staff will always have access to your profile information.
  4. You and authorized staff may update your profile information. In some cases, your group leader may update your contact information if you have made it visible to group leaders.
  5. For safety reasons, sharing contact and personal information for children under 18 is limited. Parents determine whether or not to display their child’s name in the church directory.
  6. Children under 13 may not participate and will not be able to sign in.
  7. Privacy Settings - If you choose to, you can make your information visible to the entire Cathedral community. But if you prefer to be more private, you can customize how people see specific information. You control your own Privacy Settings. Everyone in the Cathedral community will only be able to see whatever profile information is "marked as visible" to everyone. 

Chapter members, clergy, staff, and volunteers will be available to help you if you need assistance with setting up your profile. We can help you over the phone, during the week in the Cathedral office, or after services on Sundays.

The launch of Realm is a truly exciting step into the future at Trinity Cathedral. Thank you for doing your part to help us get it up and running!

Many blessings,

Father Jason

The Very Reverend Jason Roberson

Cathedral Provost

**The Livestream Guild needs VOLUNTEERS!!**

Would you like to learn to operate our new livestream system on Sunday mornings? We need your help!

Please email Father Jason at frjason@trinitymiami.org for more information.

Choral Evensong

Sunday, May 19th at 5:30 p.m.

with the Installation of the

Reverend Canon Fletcher Montgomery as a

Canon of the Cathedral in his role as

Canon for Redevelopment and Transitions

Music Improving Lives

Charity Concert - May 30th at 6:00 pm

Works by Mozart, Schubert, Strauss, & more

This Week - May 12

Sunday - 12th

8 am Holy Eucharist

10 am Choral Eucharist

12:15 pm Santa Eucaristia

Monday - 13th

6:15 pm Yoga in the Cathedral

Wednesday - 15th

12:10 pm Holy Eucharist w/Prayers for Healing

8 am Bulletin
10 am Bulletin
12:15 pm Bulletin

Prayer Requests

If you would like to include someone on the Prayer List or add an anniversary or birthday for special prayers, please call the Cathedral office at 305-456-8851, use the 'Contact Us' link on our website, or send an email ... 


Also, please let us know when names can be removed from the list.

Sick - In Recovery

Doris Gray

Esteban Rodriguez

Anita Damnavits

Albert Halverstadt

Robert Horton

Santiago Hernandez

Melba D. León


The Most Reverend Michael Curry

Nina Schumann

Camille Smith

Anthony Munis

Gloria Abdelrahamn

John Montgomery

Carole Springer

Arturo Alvares

Fefa Robles


Maraquita Steinmetz

Norma Meredith

Dean Banks

Mary Sutor

Linda Barnett


Colin Smith

Richard Kiszonas

Marling Perez

Everett Ford

Joshua A. Moreno

Dennis Mendonca

Adrian Madriz

Angel J. Soto


In Memoriam

William Watkins

Ernesto Makintoch

Anglican Cycle of Prayer

The Anglican Church of Burundi

Altar Flowers

To the glory of God an in thanksgiving for and memory of all mothers

New Podcast Episode with Bishop Eaton

Bishop Eaton's latest podcast is now available on AppleSpotify, and RSS feeds.

In this podcast, Bishop Eaton speaks with Father Steven Olds, who is a professor at St. Vincent De Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach and Dean of Spiritual Formation.   At this midpoint in the season of Lent, they discuss the significance of Lent and explore ways to make the most of the time that remains to us in this sacred time. Together, they look at the spiritual journey ahead, offering insights and guidance for those seeking to deepen their faith and connection as we look to Holy Week and Easter.

Tune in now for a conversation that's sure to uplift your spirit and ignite your heart! Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and share it with your family and friends.

Podcast Link

Second Saturday - Tomorrow, May 11th at 8:30 a.m.

Yoga in the Cathedral - May 13, 20, and 27

Immerse yourself in a truly rejuvenating and spiritual experience. All levels welcome! $20 (including mats and parking). Entry at the North Door (16th Street). To assure a prompt start, if at all possible please do sign up beforehand using this link. 

Altar Flowers & Sanctuary Candle

It is the tradition each week at Trinity Cathedral for individuals and families to make a donation for the altar flowers and the sanctuary candle in honor of or in memory of a family member, friend, or a specific cathedral ministry or organization. Names for the donations are listed in the Friday e-Newsletter and in the Sunday service bulletin.

Please email the Cathedral office at office@trinitymiami.org or call (305) 456-8851 to make your donations to this important ministry. 

Food Pantry Ministry 

These are difficult times and many struggle to make ends meet. When you come on Sundays, please consider bringing one or more items of canned or boxed food.  Items to consider include canned goods, peanut butter, packaged cereals, paper products, bottled water, dish and laundry soaps, boxed dinners, toiletry items, and feminine hygiene products. Remember that we cannot accept expired food or items that need refrigeration.


Gift Card Ministry 

The LGBTQ+ ministry has organized an on-going Gift Card collection drive to aid in the purchase of perishable food items for food pantry recipients. These cards are distributed on a weekly basis to families and individuals in need. To continue to help this cause or if you or someone you know could benefit from this ministry, please contact Roberto Soto at:


Trinity Cathedral, c/o Roberto Soto

464 N.E. 16th Street, Miami, FL 33132

(305) 456-8851 or via email roberto@trinitymiami.org


Names of donors and recipients will remain confidential

"Pews to Chairs" Project 

There is still time to donate a chair!

For many decades now, pews have been replaced by chairs in countless cathedrals and churches across the Episcopal Church and the world with remarkable success. In many cases, it has allowed congregations to experience a transformation and rebirth of their communities. Stackable, multi-use chairs will give Trinity a fully flexible and multi-purpose space that functions not only for worship, but for a variety of ministry and community events. (See the above picture of Trinity's new cathedral chairs which arrived the week before Christmas.)

The success of Transforming Trinity and the Pews to Chairs project depends on the donation of chairs by cathedral parishioners, congregations, and individuals across The Episcopal Church in Southeast Florida and the wider Church. Chairs may be donated in honor of or in memory of a loved one or in honor of a specific church, congregation, or organization. Please consider donating one or more chairs!

To donate: Please download the chair donation form HERE, complete it, and make your check payable to Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. Please make sure to write “Pews to Chairs” in the memo line. Mail checks and forms to: Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, 464 NE 16th Street, Miami, FL 33132. 

Online donations can also be made on the Cathedral website (www.trinitymiami.org) under the “Giving” tab – please be sure to choose the “Pews to Chairs Campaign” on the dropdown menu to designate your donation.

Please reach out to Father Jason by email at frjason@trinitymiami.org if you have any questions or concerns. You can also find more details about the Pews to Chairs project HERE.

We need Ushers and Lectors!

We you like to be an usher on Sunday mornings?

Would you like to read a scripture lesson or lead the Prayers of the People during our Sunday services? 

Please consider joining our Usher or Lector Ministries. We need volunteers to help fill these important roles during our Sunday worship.

If you are interested, please email Mr. Thomas Porto at thomas44a@gmail.com, or call the Cathedral office at 305-456-8851.

Join the Cathedral Flower Guild!

Do you love arranging flowers? Please consider joining the Cathedral Flower Guild. We need volunteers to help on Saturday mornings to arrange flowers for our Sunday worship services. 

If you are interested, please reach out to Mr. Roberto Soto at office@trinitymiami.org, or call the Cathedral office at 305-456-8851.

Morning and Evening Online Reflection

National Cathedral.jpg
Canterbury Cathedral 3.jpg

Begin and end your weekday with online reflections. Reflections feature prayers, readings from Holy Scripture, and contemplative music and are led by clergy from National Cathedral in the morning and from Canterbury Cathedral in the evening. In addition, daily Choral Evensong song by the Canterbury Cathedral Choir is available online. Select the applicable link below for access.

Morning Prayers
Evening Prayers
Choral Evensong

The Seventh Sunday of Easter

How do the voices I surround myself with shape my Christian identity?

Bible Study in full...

The Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ is celebrated 40 days after Easter Day, marking the conclusion of Jesus’ postresurrection appearances and his ascension into heaven. This year, Ascension Day fell last Thursday, May 9.

Bulletin Insert in full...

Cathedral Office Hours

 Monday – Thursday 9:00am until 3:00pm

 In case of pastoral emergency, please call 786-682-5354.

 Email: office@trinitymiami.org

Cathedral Visits

The Cathedral doors are open Monday - Friday from 9:00 - 1:00 for visits and for prayer.

Visit us at trinitymiami.org

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