E-News: November 8, 2024

 Forward Day  by Day
The Book of Common Prayer
Lectionary Calendar
2025 Pledge Form 
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Electronic Offerings

Healing and Unity after the Election

Grant, O God, that your holy and life-giving Spirit may so move every human heart, and especially the hearts of the people of this land, that barriers which divide us may crumble, suspicions disappear, and hatreds cease; that our divisions being healed, we may live in justice and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(The Book of Common Prayer, p. 823)

Dear friends and family of Trinity Cathedral,

Since Wednesday, I have spoken and texted with many of you about the results of the presidential election. During our conversations I have heard and seen that our church family here at Trinity Cathedral, just like with any family, is made up of many different opinions about what might come next in the future of the United States. There are feelings of relief, happiness, and joy, and there are feelings of fear, sadness, and anger. I pray that each and every one of us at the Cathedral will do all that we can to respect and understand the feelings and opinions of those with whom we disagree. I realize this is very difficult work, and we may continue to disagree, but this must be the way forward for us as a people and for us as a nation. Please remember that your neighbor may be hurting and afraid. Please remember that your neighbor may be excited and relieved. This is the Church's work of healing and reconciliation in the world.

Yesterday I spent almost three hours in my office talking about the election with a member of the Cathedral with whom I disagree on many topics. Our time together was respectful and caring, and we were both able to gain some new perspective and insight about how someone who voted differently might be feeling at this moment. Our conversation was difficult at times, but in the end it was incredibly life-giving for me. I needed to be heard, and I needed to hear. We ended the conversation with a big hug, and we said the words, "I respect you, and I love you." I am very grateful for this time of mutual respect and understanding.

As Christians, we can all move forward by remembering one important thing: regardless of political affiliation, we are, first and foremost, citizens of the Kingdom of God. And as Episcopalians, we live, and move, and have our being grounded in the promises we make in our Baptismal Covenant: to seek and serve Christ in ALL persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves, and to strive for justice and peace among all people, respecting the dignity of EVERY human being.

Rest assured, Trinity Cathedral is a safe place for all people. Father Rafael and I are always available to have these conversations, now and in the coming days, weeks, and months. Whether it is to talk about your hopes and dreams, or whether it is to talk about your fears and anxieties, we are here to listen. And especially if you are not doing well, please reach out and ask for help.

I encourage everyone to find the time at some point in the future to sit down with someone with whom you disagree and share your opinions in a respectful way. With God's help, the healing of division in our nation can begin with us, one loving conversation at a time.

Many blessings,

Father Jason

The Very Reverend Jason Roberson

Cathedral Provost

Happy Veterans Day, Monday, Nov. 11th!

Mission-Focused Stewardship for 2025

This week we officially launch our annual stewardship campaign in support of the mission and ministries of the Cathedral. We have a goal to raise $400,000 in pledges for 2025 so we can continue to grow in faith and reflect God’s grace and love in the heart of Miami.

Next year, we will celebrate the centennial of our beautiful cathedral building. We have amazing plans to mark this historic occasion in 2025 for both our church and the wider community. These first 100 years would not have been possible without the generations of Miamians who built and maintained this building as a living symbol of Christian hope and God's love in Downtown Miami. Now, it is our turn to continue the tradition and lay the foundation for the next 100 years as the spiritual center of Miami.

Please pledge generously to support the vital mission of this Cathedral community. The printable 2025 Stewardship pledge form can be downloaded here.

New this year, you can now make your 2025 Pledge online using our new, secure application called REALM!

Click on the Realm image below to make your 2025 pledge now!

**The Livestream Guild needs VOLUNTEERS!!**

Would you like to learn to operate our new livestream system on Sunday mornings? We need your help!

Please email Father Jason at frjason@trinitymiami.org for more information.

Join us on Wednesday evening, Nov. 13th at 7:00 pm for this important conversation about Migration and Human Rights in Central America.

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral will participate in Give Miami Day on Nov. 21st

Support Trinity Cathedral on Give Miami Day (11-21-24) by clicking HERE!

Please RSVP for Thanksgiving Lunch HERE!

Episcopalians around the world and in various time zones gathered to welcome the Most Rev. Sean Rowe as the church’s 28th presiding bishop in a first-of-its-kind virtual investiture service, livestreamed Nov. 2 from the Chapel of Christ the Lord at The Episcopal Church Center in New York City.

Recorded Service
Service Booklet

2024-25 Music in the Cathedral Schedule

Alcoholics Anonymous Returns to Trinity Cathedral

A newly-formed AA group is now meeting at the Cathedral on Friday evenings at 7:30. The group is the only one currently meeting in the Edgewater/Omni area, and we are honored to host this very important program for our community.


Our new online directory for the Trinity Cathedral community called "Realm Connect" is finally ready for launch!

Select for more information...

Sunday, November 10th

8:00 am

Holy Eucharist

8 am Bulletin


Brian Avello


Diana Ohman

Alex Paulmer

Coffee Host

Brian Avello

10:00 am

Choral Eucharist

10 am Bulletin


Beau Daane

Nina Schumann


Gerry Vergason

Steve Kretsch

Coffee Host

Mario Leon

12:15 pm

Santa Eucaristía

Boletín 12:15 pm


Alexis Barreto


Gladis Suarez

Adrian Madriz

Monday - 11th

6:15 pm NO Yoga in the Cathedral - Veterans Day

Wednesday - 13th

12:10 pm Holy Eucharist w/Prayers for Healing

7:00 pm Migration and Human Rights in Central America Conversation

Friday - 15th

7:30 pm AA on the Bay

Prayer Requests

If you would like to include someone on the Prayer List or add an anniversary or birthday for special prayers, please call the Cathedral office at 305-456-8851, use the 'Contact Us' link on our website, or send an email ... 


Also, please let us know when names can be removed from the list.

Sick - In Recovery

Esteban Rodriguez

Anita Damnavits

Robert Horton

Melba D. Leon

Anthony Munis

Doris Grey

The Reverend James Considine

Norma Wright

Kevin Ryan

The Reverend Albert Halverstadt, Jr.


Loli Triana

Angie Halverstadt

Carmenza Rave

Gema Montoya

Carol Vaughan

Santiago Mathias Lesmes Real 


Gilles Prod'Homme

Maria Silva

Vance Payne

Gary Snider

Anita Damnavits

Ann Berger 

The Reverend Merecedes Busto

The Reverend Canon Licia Affer


In Memoriam

Dr. M. Minnette Massey

Zaida Soto

Maria Reyes

Anglican Cycle of Prayer

The Church of South India

Altar Flowers

In memory of Zaida Soto

Yoga in the Cathedral

November 18th, & 25th at 6:15 pm

Immerse yourself in a truly rejuvenating and spiritual experience. All levels welcome! $20 (including mats and parking). Entry at the North Door (16th Street). To assure a prompt start, if at all possible please do sign up beforehand using this link. 

Second Saturday - TOMORROW, November th at 8:30 a.m.

Altar Flowers & Sanctuary Candle

It is the tradition each week at Trinity Cathedral for individuals and families to make a donation for the altar flowers and the sanctuary candle in honor of or in memory of a family member, friend, or a specific cathedral ministry or organization. Names for the donations are listed in the Friday e-Newsletter and in the Sunday service bulletin.

Please email the Cathedral office at office@trinitymiami.org or call (305) 456-8851 to make your donations to this important ministry. 

Food Pantry Ministry 

These are difficult times and many struggle to make ends meet. When you come on Sundays, please consider bringing one or more items of canned or boxed food.  Items to consider include canned goods, peanut butter, packaged cereals, paper products, bottled water, dish and laundry soaps, boxed dinners, toiletry items, and feminine hygiene products. Remember that we cannot accept expired food or items that need refrigeration.


Gift Card Ministry 

The LGBTQ+ ministry has organized an on-going Gift Card collection drive to aid in the purchase of perishable food items for food pantry recipients. These cards are distributed on a weekly basis to families and individuals in need. To continue to help this cause or if you or someone you know could benefit from this ministry, please contact Roberto Soto at:


Trinity Cathedral, c/o Roberto Soto

464 N.E. 16th Street, Miami, FL 33132

(305) 456-8851 or via email roberto@trinitymiami.org


Names of donors and recipients will remain confidential

"Pews to Chairs" Project 

There is still time to donate a chair!

For many decades now, pews have been replaced by chairs in countless cathedrals and churches across the Episcopal Church and the world with remarkable success. In many cases, it has allowed congregations to experience a transformation and rebirth of their communities. Stackable, multi-use chairs will give Trinity a fully flexible and multi-purpose space that functions not only for worship, but for a variety of ministry and community events. (See the above picture of Trinity's new cathedral chairs which arrived the week before Christmas.)

The success of Transforming Trinity and the Pews to Chairs project depends on the donation of chairs by cathedral parishioners, congregations, and individuals across The Episcopal Church in Southeast Florida and the wider Church. Chairs may be donated in honor of or in memory of a loved one or in honor of a specific church, congregation, or organization. Please consider donating one or more chairs!

To donate: Please download the chair donation form HERE, complete it, and make your check payable to Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. Please make sure to write “Pews to Chairs” in the memo line. Mail checks and forms to: Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, 464 NE 16th Street, Miami, FL 33132. 

Online donations can also be made on the Cathedral website (www.trinitymiami.org) under the “Giving” tab – please be sure to choose the “Pews to Chairs Campaign” on the dropdown menu to designate your donation.

Please reach out to Father Jason by email at frjason@trinitymiami.org if you have any questions or concerns. You can also find more details about the Pews to Chairs project HERE.

We need Ushers and Lectors!

We you like to be an usher on Sunday mornings?

Would you like to read a scripture lesson or lead the Prayers of the People during our Sunday services? 

Please consider joining our Usher or Lector Ministries. We need volunteers to help fill these important roles during our Sunday worship.

If you are interested, please email Mr. Thomas Porto at thomas44a@gmail.com, or call the Cathedral office at 305-456-8851.

Join the Cathedral Flower Guild!

Do you love arranging flowers? Please consider joining the Cathedral Flower Guild. We need volunteers to help on Saturday mornings to arrange flowers for our Sunday worship services. 

If you are interested, please reach out to Mr. Roberto Soto at office@trinitymiami.org, or call the Cathedral office at 305-456-8851.

Morning and Evening Online Reflection

National Cathedral.jpg
Canterbury Cathedral 3.jpg

Begin and end your weekday with online reflections. Reflections feature prayers, readings from Holy Scripture, and contemplative music and are led by clergy from National Cathedral in the morning and from Canterbury Cathedral in the evening. In addition, daily Choral Evensong song by the Canterbury Cathedral Choir is available online. Select the applicable link below for access.

Morning Prayers
Evening Prayers
Choral Evensong

The Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Where have you come to see abundance where it might not be immediately apparent?

In this text, Elijah has been sent to Zarephath, and in this place he encounters a widow. He finds her at the gate, making her both literally and figuratively in the margins of society. In 1 Kings a continual theme is that God overcomes drought and famine to assert power over the natural world, in such a way that questions the sensibilities of the people. This is no different. Elijah speaks to the widow and asks her to feed him, and she explains that she has such little food that after eating it with her son, they would still die. Elijah empowers her and sends her to feed the three of them, with the promise that she can, through the power of God, offer this meal. Not only does he ensure that they will be fed once, but he also ensures that the jar of meal will not empty until God’s power is shown to the earth in the form of the end of the drought. Elijah brings to the widow a prophecy of abundance in a scarce land. Where the world may offer death, Elijah promises that God offers the provisions that ensure life.

Bible Study in full...

Trinity in Pictures

Yesterday we celebrated Roberto Soto's birthday and thanked him for all he does for Trinity Cathedral. Happy birthday, Roberto!

Yesterday, members the North Dade Deanery gathered at the Cathedral to dive into the Strategic Messaging Resource Toolkit, focusing on ways to reach and engage the younger members of our our Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z communities.

Cathedral Office Hours

 Monday – Thursday 9:00am until 3:00pm

 In case of pastoral emergency, please call 786-682-5354.

 Email: office@trinitymiami.org

Cathedral Visits

The Cathedral doors are open Monday - Friday from 9:00 - 1:00 for visits and for prayer.

Visit us at trinitymiami.org

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