E-News: October 4, 2024

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In the Aftermath of Hurricane Helene

The entrance to the Episcopal Cathedral of All Souls, Asheville, NC on September 28th

The destruction we have seen unfold during the past week in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee is heartbreaking and difficult to take in. No one could ever imagine this could happen upwards of 500 miles north of Helene's landfall in the Big Bend area of Florida. As of this morning, over 215 people have died, hundreds more are still missing, countless homes and buildings have been destroyed, communications and electricity are just beginning to come back online, and many residents are still scrambling for basic needs like food, water, and first aid. First responders and rescue teams are still searching for survivors, and we continue to pray for them as life-saving efforts continue.

The people and congregations in our neighboring dioceses of the Episcopal Church have been affected by Helene in varying degrees (the dioceses of Southwest Florida, Florida, Central Gulf Coast, Georgia, Atlanta, Western North Carolina, and East Tennessee). Some churches saw only minor damage from wind and rain, but others experienced catastrophic flooding and massive structural failures. In the past few days, bishops have made visits to the affected congregations, and damage assessments and cleanup efforts have begun. This week our Bishop's Office has been on regular, daily calls with our neighboring dioceses and with Episcopal Relief and Development, and we will offer our support and our prayers in the coming days and months.

Bishop Doug Scharf and Canon Richard Norman from the Diocese of SW Florida, along with two representatives from Church Insurance, toured Saint Thomas Episcopal Church in Saint Petersburg to see the damage left by Helene. Read more from Bishop Scharf here.

Saint Bartholomew's Episcopal Church near Savannah, GA suffered major damage. Read more from the Diocese of Georgia here.

Volunteers in the Diocese of Western North Carolina at Saint Gabriel's Episcopal Church in Rutherfordton, NC handed out food and water to those in need.

The Episcopal Cathedral of All Souls in Asheville, NC suffered major damage from flooding. Read more from the Diocese of Western North Carolina here.

As we all know, the Church is not made up of brick and mortar buildings, but instead, it is made of all the faithful people who serve God and our neighbors in need. Repair and rebuilding will happen with God's help, and until then, we are inspired to pray, to volunteer, and to give of our time, talents, and treasure to help them in this long and difficult process. Please watch for information in the Friday e-News on how we at Trinity Cathedral might assist in the coming months.

To help financially, you can donate to the Hurricane Helene relief fund on the Episcopal Relief and Development website here.

Many blessings,

Father Jason

The Very Reverend Jason Roberson

Cathedral Provost

In the Aftermath of Hurricane Helene

We continue to pray for all who have died, for first responders and rescue teams, for all who are injured, for those who are still missing, for all who have lost their homes, churches, and businesses, and for all who mourn.

Molisa Sjogreen

With deep sadness, and yet with steadfast faith in God, we announce the death of Cathedral parishioner Molisa Sjogreen on September 29th. Molisa joined Trinity in 1983, the Cathedral was her home, and she encouraged all six of her grandchildren to become acolytes. The funeral service for Molisa will be held at the Cathedral at a later date, and details will be announced soon. Please keep Molisa, her family, and her friends in your prayers. May she rest in peace, and let light perpetual shine upon her.

**The Livestream Guild needs VOLUNTEERS!!**

Would you like to learn to operate our new livestream system on Sunday mornings? We need your help!

Please email Father Jason at frjason@trinitymiami.org for more information.

TOMORROW - Saturday, October 5

THIS Sunday - October 6th

Estate Planning Workshop

This Sunday, October 6th at 9:00 am in the All Saints Chapel, Trinity parishioner Donna Delgado will present “Practical Tips for Planning Your Estate” between the 8:00 and 10:00 services. For anyone interested in starting their planning journey or just organizing themselves toward decision-making, this is the first in a series of presentations on planning, probating an estate, becoming a guardian and end-of-life decisions. Donna Delgado is an experienced probate attorney who has practiced in the area for over 30 years.

Please join us, and invite your friends, neighbors, and family members to the Blessing of the Animals THIS Sunday, October 6th at 2:00 pm!

The War in the Holy Land:

A Conversation with Bishop Greg Rickel

Wednesday, October 9th at 7:00 pm

followed by

Prayer for the Holy Land and the Service of Compline

Our Assisting Bishop, The Right Reverend Greg Rickel, who has traveled extensively in the region and has just recently finished a five year term as Chair of the American Friends of the Diocese of Jerusalem, will be with us on this evening to discuss this war and especially its affects on the “Living Stones," the Christians of the Holy Land, who happen to all be also Palestinians.  

"Even the title of this presentation should give pause to any person of faith and certainly to those who pledge their allegiance to the Christian Way and the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. In the last four months I have traveled to Scotland, England, and France, and in every town, even in the smallest villages, I have witnessed concern, protest, and outrage over this war. The Holy Land has often been called the navel of the world, the center of the world if there is one, and it has often been said, as the Holy Land goes so do we all. I happen to believe that." -The Right Reverend Greg Rickel

In preparation for this important discussion, we ask that you submit your questions for Bishop Rickel by email to Father Jason at frjason@trinitymiami.org.

2024-25 Music in the Cathedral Schedule

Choral Evensong & International Food Reception

Sunday, October 20th - 5:30 p.m.

After Evensong on October 20th we are excited to reinstate our International Food Reception, a Trinity Cathedral tradition from years past. Everyone is encouraged to attend the October Evensong and to bring a favorite dish to share from your country of origin or from a country you love!

This is being co-coordinated by Jackie Clarke and Shirley Pardon. Please let them know in advance what dish you will bring by emailing them at jackietrinity.ac@gmail.com or shirleypardon@gmail.com.

Thank you - help make this a memorable Evensong and International Food Reception, and please invite your friends and neighbors to join us!

(**Since we do not currently have a kitchen at Trinity, we are asking for FINGER FOOD ONLY - we have no way of reheating or cooking any food.)

Alcoholics Anonymous Returns to Trinity Cathedral

A newly-formed AA group is now meeting at the Cathedral on Friday evenings at 7:30. The group is the only one currently meeting in the Edgewater/Omni area, and we are honored to host this very important program for our community.


Our new online directory for the Trinity Cathedral community called "Realm Connect" is finally ready for launch!

Select for more information...

Sunday, October 6th

8:00 am

Holy Eucharist

8 am Bulletin


Clarence Smith

Alex Paulmer

Coffee Host

Helen Ebanks

10:00 am

Choral Eucharist

10 am Bulletin


Christine Gay

David Gay


Judy Paul

Tony Major

Coffee Host

Shirley Pardon

Tom Cunningham

12:15 pm

Santa Eucaristía

Boletín 12:15 pm


Gladis Suarez

Adrian Madriz

Monday - 7th

6:15 pm Yoga in the Cathedral

Wednesday - 9th

12:10 pm Holy Eucharist w/Prayers for Healing

Friday - 11th

7:30 pm AA on the Bay

Prayer Requests

If you would like to include someone on the Prayer List or add an anniversary or birthday for special prayers, please call the Cathedral office at 305-456-8851, use the 'Contact Us' link on our website, or send an email ... 


Also, please let us know when names can be removed from the list.

Sick - In Recovery

Doris Grey

Esteban Rodriguez

Anita Damnavits

Robert Horton

Melba D. Leon

Anthony Munis

The Reverend James Considine

Norma Wright

Kevin Ryan

The Reverend Albert Halverstadt, Jr.


Rodney Owen 

Vince Wolski

Loli Triana 

Angie Halverstadt

Arturo Alvarez

Kathleen Sample

Lidia Natal

Noemi Gonzalez


Aidoune Nezya

The Right Reverend Leo Frade

Marguerite Merrill

Anita Samuels

Deangelo Griffith 

Ugo Uzoeqhelu


In Memoriam

Milton Horne 

Manuel A. Leon 

Molisa Sjogreen 

Anglican Cycle of Prayer

The Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea

Conversations with Bishop Eaton

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, Bishop Eaton and Canon Eddie Lopez, our Missioner for Hispanic Ministries, discuss the rich contributions of the Hispanic community to the life of the Episcopal Church in Southeast Florida. Together, they explore faith, culture, and mission in this podcast episode.

Click here to listen to the Apple Podcast

Join us in honoring the vital role of Hispanic Ministries within our diocese and beyond.

Yoga in the Cathedral

October 7th, 14th, 21, & 28th at 6:15 pm

Immerse yourself in a truly rejuvenating and spiritual experience. All levels welcome! $20 (including mats and parking). Entry at the North Door (16th Street). To assure a prompt start, if at all possible please do sign up beforehand using this link. 

Second Saturday - Begins again on OCTOBER 12th!

Altar Flowers & Sanctuary Candle

It is the tradition each week at Trinity Cathedral for individuals and families to make a donation for the altar flowers and the sanctuary candle in honor of or in memory of a family member, friend, or a specific cathedral ministry or organization. Names for the donations are listed in the Friday e-Newsletter and in the Sunday service bulletin.

Please email the Cathedral office at office@trinitymiami.org or call (305) 456-8851 to make your donations to this important ministry. 

Food Pantry Ministry 

These are difficult times and many struggle to make ends meet. When you come on Sundays, please consider bringing one or more items of canned or boxed food.  Items to consider include canned goods, peanut butter, packaged cereals, paper products, bottled water, dish and laundry soaps, boxed dinners, toiletry items, and feminine hygiene products. Remember that we cannot accept expired food or items that need refrigeration.


Gift Card Ministry 

The LGBTQ+ ministry has organized an on-going Gift Card collection drive to aid in the purchase of perishable food items for food pantry recipients. These cards are distributed on a weekly basis to families and individuals in need. To continue to help this cause or if you or someone you know could benefit from this ministry, please contact Roberto Soto at:


Trinity Cathedral, c/o Roberto Soto

464 N.E. 16th Street, Miami, FL 33132

(305) 456-8851 or via email roberto@trinitymiami.org


Names of donors and recipients will remain confidential

"Pews to Chairs" Project 

There is still time to donate a chair!

For many decades now, pews have been replaced by chairs in countless cathedrals and churches across the Episcopal Church and the world with remarkable success. In many cases, it has allowed congregations to experience a transformation and rebirth of their communities. Stackable, multi-use chairs will give Trinity a fully flexible and multi-purpose space that functions not only for worship, but for a variety of ministry and community events. (See the above picture of Trinity's new cathedral chairs which arrived the week before Christmas.)

The success of Transforming Trinity and the Pews to Chairs project depends on the donation of chairs by cathedral parishioners, congregations, and individuals across The Episcopal Church in Southeast Florida and the wider Church. Chairs may be donated in honor of or in memory of a loved one or in honor of a specific church, congregation, or organization. Please consider donating one or more chairs!

To donate: Please download the chair donation form HERE, complete it, and make your check payable to Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. Please make sure to write “Pews to Chairs” in the memo line. Mail checks and forms to: Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, 464 NE 16th Street, Miami, FL 33132. 

Online donations can also be made on the Cathedral website (www.trinitymiami.org) under the “Giving” tab – please be sure to choose the “Pews to Chairs Campaign” on the dropdown menu to designate your donation.

Please reach out to Father Jason by email at frjason@trinitymiami.org if you have any questions or concerns. You can also find more details about the Pews to Chairs project HERE.

We need Ushers and Lectors!

We you like to be an usher on Sunday mornings?

Would you like to read a scripture lesson or lead the Prayers of the People during our Sunday services? 

Please consider joining our Usher or Lector Ministries. We need volunteers to help fill these important roles during our Sunday worship.

If you are interested, please email Mr. Thomas Porto at thomas44a@gmail.com, or call the Cathedral office at 305-456-8851.

Join the Cathedral Flower Guild!

Do you love arranging flowers? Please consider joining the Cathedral Flower Guild. We need volunteers to help on Saturday mornings to arrange flowers for our Sunday worship services. 

If you are interested, please reach out to Mr. Roberto Soto at office@trinitymiami.org, or call the Cathedral office at 305-456-8851.

Morning and Evening Online Reflection

National Cathedral.jpg
Canterbury Cathedral 3.jpg

Begin and end your weekday with online reflections. Reflections feature prayers, readings from Holy Scripture, and contemplative music and are led by clergy from National Cathedral in the morning and from Canterbury Cathedral in the evening. In addition, daily Choral Evensong song by the Canterbury Cathedral Choir is available online. Select the applicable link below for access.

Morning Prayers
Evening Prayers
Choral Evensong

The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

In what ways do you now, or might you eventually, experience yourself as intricately connected to the web of Creation – to the animals, the plants, the very earth on which you stand?

In the first story of Creation from Genesis 1, humanity is created on the sixth day and cast as something of a pinnacle of God’s creative imagination. Such an account of the process of the Divine creative act lends itself to a particular theological perspective that locates the grace of. God at the top of the hierarchy. By contrast, in this account of the Creation narrative, we see the singular human person formed out of the very dust of the ground. In a sense, humanity is “flesh of the flesh” of the earth, connected in a profound way with the stuff of all things. And in God’s loving care for the human, God notices the existential aloneness of what it is to be human. In this account of Creation, animals are brought into being as potential partners for humanity. Formed out of the same dirt, humankind and animals are deeply connected in a web of intricate relationship, yet it is only when another is created from the very same flesh that the person recognizes the potential of a true partner with whom to share fully in what it means to be human.

Bible Study in full...

Trinity in Pictures

This past Sunday Father Jason led trainings for lectors and ushers at 9:00 and 11:15. At 12:15 we celebrated birthday blessings and had cake for Father Rafael’s birthday!

Diocesan Celebration for Hispanic Heritage Month at

Holy Redeemer Episcopal Mission in Lake Worth on Saturday, September 28th

Cathedral Office Hours

 Monday – Thursday 9:00am until 3:00pm

 In case of pastoral emergency, please call 786-682-5354.

 Email: office@trinitymiami.org

Cathedral Visits

The Cathedral doors are open Monday - Friday from 9:00 - 1:00 for visits and for prayer.

Visit us at trinitymiami.org

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