Sharing Christ's love and grace in a vibrant community whose joyful spirit empowers people to do God's work. | |
Serving This Week
8:00 am - Sunday Service - Rite I
Acolyte - Val Folden
Lector - Sven Rundman
Eucharistic Minister - Sven Rundman, Val Folden
Healing Prayer Minister - Joanne Beck
Vestry Member - Val Folden
10:30 am - Sunday Service - Rite II
Crucifer - Victoria Haase
Torch Bearer - Caroline Haase
Lector - Linnea Haase
Intercessor - Matthew Haase
Eucharistic Minister - Anne Adams, Tim Allison
Vestry Member - John Deppel
Digital Ministry - Dave Hosaflook
Ushers - John Deppel, Michelle Deppel
Flower Delivery - Tim Allison
Parish Shepherd - Mark Cook
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Table of Contents
- Trinity Says "Cheers" To Michael Cooper-Smyth
- Elf Sunday -- Final Reminder!
- Fun Stars Are Having a Meeting!
- 20s & 30s Xmas Party
- Thanksgiving and Christmas Special Offering
- Advent Update
- An Episcopal Podcast ft. Fr. Ethan
- Trinity College Students Update
- Lessons and Carols
- Is Your Pet a Trinity Star?
- Micah Cold Weather Volunteer Opportunities
- Interim Rector's Office Hours
- Blessings in a Backpack: Update (12/3)
- News from the Trinity Library
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Trinity Says “Cheers” to Michael Cooper-Smyth
Trinity congregants gave their Minister of Music, Michael Cooper-Smyth,
a touching send-off reception after the 10:30 am church service on Sunday, December 1st. With a packed Barber Hall, Michael led the choir in a custom rendition, arranged by him, of “Auld Lang Syne” which they sang a capella. The attendees gave a round of applause.
Val Folden, Trinity Senior Warden, presented Mr. Cooper-Smyth with a purse (cash gift) on behalf of the church along with some heartfelt comments of how much he appreciated the fine music he gave to Trinity and how he is welcome back at Trinity anytime. Chris Falter, a choir member, gifted Michael a shirt from choir members; the shirt had “I Hear Voices” on the front. The choir also gave personal notes.
The Reverend David Crosby, Trinity Interim Rector, prayed a special blessing over Michael as the final part of the reception. Michael Cooper-Smyth has been with Trinity for two years; he will be moving to West Virginia to continue his life’s journey.
A special thanks to everyone who helped with the reception!
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Elf Sunday -- Final Reminder!
Elf Sunday is almost here. There are still some gifts to be claimed! Please drop off all gifts on December 8 by 10:30 a.m. downstairs in the lounge.
Gifts can be wrapped, please put gift receipts in an envelope with the child’s name. Labels will be provided upon check in.
Questions? Please contact Donna Krauss. Thank you for all the support for our Holiday Outreach program this year.
Elf Sunday is December 8th this year!
You can contact Donna at
To contribute to Christmas Outreach,
click here.
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Fun Stars Are Having A Meeting!
Children in grades 2 - 5 will meet this Sunday, December 8th after the 10:30 service in Jamison Hall for lunch, cookie decorating, and a Christmas service project.
They should be picked up at 2:30. Miss Mandy and Miss Kelly hope you will be able to join us for this fun event!
Fun Stars is a fellowship group at Trinity for children in grades 2 - 5 to build community while having fun and doing service projects.
If you have any questions, please contact Sam Burton at
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20s & 30s Xmas Party
Join in a festive and tender Christmas party for folks in their 20s and 30s on Wednesday January 11th at 6 pm.
There'll be a white elephant gift exchange (all gifts provided), snacks, fellowship, and of course lots of gaudy xmas music.
The party will take place in the library/chapel of Trinity Episcopal Church at 825 College Ave. With interest or questions, please be in touch w Fr. Ethan.
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Poinsettias and Greens
will decorate the Church for Christmas
Trinity will be adorned with beautiful greenery and poinsettias on Christmas Eve.
A $15 donation for a memorial or thanksgiving in a loved one’s name contributes to the seasonal beautification of Trinity.
The deadline for dedications is Monday, December 16th.
Poinsettia donations can be made the following ways:
● In person - envelopes are available in the church entryway. Please place your donation in the offering plate or drop it in the mailbox.
● Online sign up and payment - use the following link - In the optional memo field please enter "IMO" or "ITF" with the name of the person.
● Email - send your donation request to Michele Brantley - Payment can be made either via cash or check or online.
Sign up deadline is Monday, December 16th.
Poinsettias are $15 each.
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Thanksgiving and Christmas Special Offering
The Vestry has designated the special offerings for Thanksgiving and Christmas to be split evenly between the school at El Hogar and Micah Ecumenical Ministries. We have supported El Hogar for more than 30 years. Micah started in our Jamison Hall and continues to do great work getting homeless folks off the street. Please use the special offering envelopes, send a check to Trinity Church (825 College Ave., 22401) with Thanksgiving or Christmas offering in the memo space, or go to the Trinity website, pick donate, and select Thanksgiving/Christmas as the fund. Hopefully we can be generous from our abundance in continuing our support for these important programs.
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Advent Event Update
The Daughters of the King thanks everyone who attended the Advent Event. We hope you had a good time getting ready for Advent, the church season when we prepare for the celebration of the birth of Jesus and look forward to His coming again.
If you desire Advent candles, wreath forms, or booklets there are some on the table in the narthex. Also, please help us support Trinity’s Outreach work by using a “Reverse Advent Calendar” to collect and donate food for the food pantry. Reverse Calendars are also on the table in the narthex. Thank you!
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An Episcopal Podcast
ft. Fr. Ethan
Our campus and young adult missioner, Fr. Ethan, is the featured guest co-host for a few months on the And Also With You podcast.
If you're interested in putting together some more of the fundamental building blocks of the Christian faith in the Episcopal tradition, you can find him on episodes about liturgical time, lay ministry, Christian hope, reading the bible from scratch, and more as well as there being a tremendous catalog of episodes on everything from the Eucharist to prayer to baptism to Christmas. Give it a listen here: HERE.
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Trinity College Students Update
Thanks go to our generous fellow Trinitarians who have volunteered to “adopt" college students from our Trinity families.
Exams are coming up and I am sure that our Trinity students will appreciate hearing from their Trinity Family. These students have experienced particular challenges during the time of Covid, and after.
Knowing that their Trinity family is praying and thinking of them is a blessing. If you have a college student and you have not been contacted by me please let me know and I will pair your student up with a Trinitarian.
-Destine Bradshaw
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Is Your Pet A Trinity Star?
The Animal Welfare Ministry wants to feature Trinity pets and their owners. If you would like to highlight your pet, please send a photo and a paragraph about the animal to Claire at We'd especially like to feature Trinity children and their pets.
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Micah Cold Weather
Volunteer Opportunities
Cold Weather Shelter - Micah is operating a Men’s and Women’s Cold Weather Shelter this winter season and could use a few more volunteers to help there. The shelter is only open on nights that are projected to be 32 F or below or very adverse winter weather conditions. Please contact Cory Gudowicz at for more information about volunteering at either the Men’s or Women’s Shelter.
Micah Breakfast - On Fridays, November 15th-March 15th, when the overnight temperature is below freezing, our neighbors at Micah will be coming to Trinity breakfast. We have planned simple menus, and have a great core of volunteers ready to help, but we need you.
We need more volunteers to help with this very important ministry. If you can help prepare or serve our simple breakfasts, or visit with the guests, please contact Claire Curcio at or Cory Gudowicz at If you can help with this important ministry.
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Interim Rector's Office Hours
Tuesday: 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Wednesday: 9:30 am - 11:00 am
Thursday: 1:30 pm -3:30 pm
Friday: 9:30 am -11:00 am
+ Appointments are encouraged and will be honored.
++ Drop-ins could miss me if pressing needs (pastoral care needs, meetings) take me away from the church.
+++ 3rd Wednesday each month, I am out, volunteering at the Washington National Cathedral.
Peace & Cheers,
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Blessings in a Backpack:
Food is a School Supply!
Blessings in a Backpack thanks our Trinitarians for your generosity! As of Nov. 30, BIB has $3,911. 98.
BIB has packed 1,260 bags and has 3 more weeks to pack 270 bags to distribute to Rocky Run Elementary School to finish 2024.
We depend on your financial contributions with checks in the collection plate marked BIB and by donations made on our Trinity website at through our Online Giving ( portal. Thank you again for keeping this vital mission going!
John Henze and Leigh Morris,
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News from Trinity's Library
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas will arrive at Trinity very soon. Yikes!!! Yes folks, stop by the Library on Sunday December 15th between the two services and meet the Grinch himself.
Great photo op with the Grinch for kids of all ages. The Library Committee will decorate the library in Christmas Grinch finery and there will be cookies and other baked goods to enjoy along with wrapped Christmas gifts for the kids.
So mark your calendars and don’t miss the fun!
-Tom Rotella, Library Manager
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Text To Donate
Want to support life at Trinity?
Give using text messaging!
to 73256.
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Items for the Newsletter
Have something to say?
All items for the Trinity newsletter need to be submitted by Monday at 5:00 pm.
Please send all newsletter items to Send as workable documents and NOT PDFs. Please send photographs as separate attachments in your emails.
If you want your group's meeting date on the calendar, send it as a newsletter item to be included.
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At the bottom of the events page, you'll find a complete calendar of all our upcoming events so you can invite a friend and plan ahead!
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