Sharing Christ's love and grace in a vibrant community whose joyful spirit empowers people to do God's work. | |
Serving This Week
10:30 am - Sunday Service - Rite II
Crucifer - Samantha Bathgate
Gospel Book - Hayden Bathgate
Lector - Jessica Smith
Intercessor - Ally Arendt
Eucharistic Minister - John Tyler, Tom Rotella
Vestry Member - Chris Brantley
Digital Ministry - David Hosaflook
Ushers - John Henze, Adrian Smith
Healing Prayer Minister - Robin Barrett
Parish Shepherd - Barbara Atkins
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A Bishop Is Coming!
The Rt. Rev. Gayle E. Harris, Assisting Bishop in Virginia, will preside and preach at our one service this Sunday at 10:30 am.
Bishop Harris will officially receive Chris & Linda Falter, members of our choir, into The Episcopal Church.
A festive reception follows in Barber Hall.
All are welcome!
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From the Interim's Desk: On Proper Alleluias
Dear Trinitarians,
I've worshipped with you several weeks now, and you may have noticed I have not included Alleluias at times.
Our 1979 Book of Common Prayer (BCP) offers the option to use Alleluias at a few points during the Eucharistic liturgy: the Opening Sentence, the Fraction Anthem, and the Dismissal. In the case of the Opening Sentence, the BCP indicates that the form with Alleluia included must be used from Easter Day through the Day of Pentecost (This is the "Alleluia. Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia" combo). In the case of the Dismissal, Alleluias may be added from the Easter Vigil through the Day of Pentecost, but they are not required. In the case of the Fraction Anthem, an Alleluia may be added at any time as long as it's not Lent. So aside from the Fraction Anthem, which we can say or sing, there's not a whole lot of wriggle room when it comes to using Alleluias during worship.
Why does the Prayer Book restrict the use of Alleluias?
"Alleluia" roughly translates to "praise the Lord," and is traditionally a term used to express great joy in the worship of God. Because of this, Alleluia is used to highlight the most joyful times of the liturgical season--Easter through Pentecost, when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and then the arrival of the Holy Spirit into the Church. The use of Alleluias sets this joyful season apart, and draws our attention to that special time of year.
Note: Our funeral rites, a.k.a., Burial of the Dead: Rite I/II are Easter liturgies. They find all meaning in the resurrection. Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we too, shall be raised. While we grieve, these liturgies are characterized by joy, and Alleluias are included.
Please see David+ with questions or comments.
Thank You,
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Interim Rector's Office Hours
Tuesday: 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Wednesday: 9:30 am - 11:00 am
Thursday: 1:30 pm -3:30 pm
Friday: 9:30 am -11:00 am
+ Appointments are encouraged and will be honored.
++ Drop-ins could miss me if pressing needs (pastoral care needs, meetings) take me away from the church.
+++ 3rd Wednesday each month, I am out, volunteering at the Washington National Cathedral.
Peace & Cheers,
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Animal Welfare Ministry
To celebrate St. Francis Day, Sunday, October 4th, the Animal Welfare Ministry requests dog and cat food to give out at our food pantry and to assist area animal shelters.
Both wet and dry food are welcome.
Let’s fill up the red wagon in the narthex on October 4 to honor St. Francis, so we can feed the pets of our neighbors in need at our food pantry and help the shelters care for animals waiting for adoption.
The Animal Welfare Ministry
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Blessing of the Animals
Trinity's Annual "Blessing of the Animals" will take place Saturday, October 5th from 12:30 - 1:15 pm.
This event is open to the public! All creatures great and small are invited to Trinity as we celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis and bless your pets! Treats and refreshments available!
A friendly reminder - all dogs need to be on a leash & other critters should be crated for the safety of all.
We hope to see you there! All are welcome!
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Is Your Pet A Trinity Star?
The Animal Welfare Ministry wants to feature Trinity pets and their owners. If you would like to highlight your pet, please send a photo and a paragraph about the animal to Claire at We'd especially like to feature Trinity children and their pets.
My name is Fletcher and I live with Joanne Beck. I am 4 ½ years old and have a wonderful life. Joanne’s daughter brought me to live with Joanne and Waldo as a surprise when I was a little puppy. I take Joanne on long walks each day to keep her healthy. She fixes me the same meals as she eats herself, but she won’t let me eat from the table (Waldo used to slip me food when Joanne wasn’t looking). I know she gets lonely since Waldo is no longer with us and I try to cuddle with her so she will feel loved. Thank you, Joanne, for such a great life.
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Trinity Italian Dinner
Top off your holiday weekend on Monday, October 14th from 5:30 pm until
7:00 pm at the annual Trinity Italian Dinner in Barber Hall.
Pasta (including gluten free) topped with your choice of homemade tomato or
Alfredo sauces, meatballs, garlic bread, salad, and beverages for all ages will provide a memorable evening of good food and fellowship.
All proceeds support the outreach efforts of Trinity's Chapter of the Brotherhood of Saint Andrew. Mangia! Mangia!
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Trinity's Annual
Red Cross Blood Drive
Trinity will be sponsoring its annual Red Cross Blood Drive on Saturday, October 26th, 9:00 am through 1:00 pm in Barber Hall.
If you are eligible please consider giving the gift of life to someone else.
In order to sign up go to and choose a donation time. The Red Cross always needs blood and we hope our generous Trinitarians will help them with the invaluable work that they do.
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Blessings in a Backpack:
Food is a School Supply!
"Blessings in a Backpack" thanks you Trinitarians for your generosity! We've packed 540 bags of nutritious food for kids so far.
We're up to $1,410.10 and will need about $2,600 more to get through the Fall school year.
Please donate to get us through this Fall.
Food is a School Supply to get Rocky Run Elementary School children to their Mondays well fed and ready to learn. We depend on your financial contributions with checks in the collection plate marked BIB and by donations through our Trinity website at through our Online Giving ( portal or in the collection plate with the checks marked to BIB.
John Henze and Leigh Morris,
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Outreach Update
Since July 1 of this year, we have fed over 500 families at Outreach and paid about $9500 (in one hundred dollar increments) for significantly overdue utility bills, usually water, natural gas, or electricity with a disconnect notice. We continue to give food to whoever comes, but to pay a bill no more often than once every six months for a resident of Spotsylvania, Stafford, or Fredericksburg. The extra items you provide are very popular with our clients – they love the occasional book, small toy, or pet food someone has brought in for us to distribute.
Last week we had a tall, gaunt man come for food who was shaking because he was so hungry. He and his wife lived in a motel and had run out of food. We gave him a beef jerky stick and a squeeze-package of applesauce to eat while we prepared his food bag and he ate them while we talked. He was most grateful for that small bit of on-the-spot breakfast. It is heart-breaking to hear the stories of our clients who struggle so hard when so many of us have more comfortable lives.
The Fredericksburg Food Bank continues to have low supplies of some items so we are most grateful if the parish can augment the supplies we need, especially these:
- Peanut butter
- Canned fruits and veggies
- Dried beans, packages of rice
- Pasta, sauce, canned items like beef-a-roni, mac & cheese
- Protein items like canned tuna and chicken.
- Packaged snacks for school children.
- Pet food.
We also get requests for diapers, both babies/toddlers and adults, baby formula, and other such items such as nutritional shakes that you may no longer need.
The generosity of Trinitarians continues to overwhelm us and those we serve with gratitude.
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Text To Donate
Want to support life at Trinity?
Give using text messaging!
to 73256.
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Items for the Newsletter
Have something to say?
All items for the Trinity newsletter need to be submitted by Monday at 5:00 pm.
Please send all newsletter items to Send as workable documents and NOT PDFs. Please send photographs as separate attachments in your emails.
If you want your group's meeting date on the calendar, send it as a newsletter item to be included.
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At the bottom of the events page, you'll find a complete calendar of all our upcoming events so you can invite a friend and plan ahead!
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