Trinity Presbytery-Wide Vital Book Study is Underway!
Want to Participate? Join Your Cluster.
Many churches, especially small congregations, are facing numerous challenges. Church leaders are not in denial of
this difficult state. In fact, they recognize that the first step toward change and moving toward revitalizing is the
admission of the current reality.
If you are interested in participating in an open discussion about the how to work toward actions and solutions to the challenges we are facing in our churches, join one of the Trinity Presbytery Cluster’s Vital Book Study: Reaching
People under 40 while Keeping People over 60—Being Church for All Generations. The book may be purchased at Amazon or your local book store.
God has given us excellent Co-Facilitators, experienced in preaching, teaching and leading to facilitate this Vital Book Study for our Presbytery.
Find your cluster and Co-Facilitators below and join in with study buddies across the presbytery to seek God and solutions to the challenges of our churches. Special recognition will be given to all participants.
Contact Information:
West and North Clusters
Caroline Dennis
Leon Page
East and Northeast Clusters
Jana Creighton
Robert Scotland
South Cluster
Rob Cely Cherokee Pres. Ch.
Jason Hammersley South Aiken
You may also contact Phyllis Sanders at