Click the seal below forHighlights of our latest Stated Meeting

A conference for members of faith communities and community partners

October 12-14, 2022, Furman University

The Julie Valentine Center is pleased to invite you to attend When Faith Hurts. We are excited to bring Victor Vieth, the Chief Program Officer for the Zero Abuse Project, to Greenville to conduct the training.

This training will prepare attendees to recognize and respond to cases of sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse and neglect. We will discuss the prevalence of child abuse, the impact of abuse on spirituality, the interest offenders have in churches and faith-based camps and schools, and will offer suggestions for working to assist a child in coping with maltreatment. The training will also discuss ideal child protection policies for a faith based institution, including handling a situation in which a convicted sex offender seeks to join a congregation.

Please RSVP no later than October 3, by registering online at
For more information, please feel to contact Carrie Nettles, or call 864.331.0560 ext. 230.  Scholarships available upon request.
Click the image above for more information.
October 6-8, 2022 
Bloomington, MN
A Hybrid Event: Attend In-Person or Virtually
Up to 9 CEUs Available

Wee Kirk Conference 2022
Bearing Much Fruit
October 17–19, 2022

The Wee Kirk conference aspires to provide Christ-centered opportunities for inspiration, encouragement, and community among leaders of small membership churches so they can do the same in their congregations and regions.

Lay School of Theology
Fall 2022
Click HERE for More Information
Click the image for the Youth Council Application
To find out how you can be a part of TPYC, contact Bill at

South Carolina
Presbyteries Retreat
October 24–26, 2022
Abbeville County Men (ACM) Meetings
Abbeville County has a Men's Fellowship Group that meets the second Tuesday evening of each month [at 6:30 p.m.]. Men from churches within the county, and some in Greenwood County, gather for an evening meal at the Upper Long Cane Presbyterian Church.

The Presbyterian congregations with members participating are as follows: Abbeville Presbyterian Church, Hodges Presbyterian Church, Little Mountain Presbyterian Church, and Upper Long Cane Presbyterian Church. Members of the group have taken on house repair projects for those in the surrounding community unable to pay the costs involved. In addition to the delicious meals, those present receive devotionals and spiritual food from various members.  
PCUSA Calendars Available
Take Advantage the Bulk Order Price - $11 per calendar!

Trinity Presbytery has (as always) placed a bulk order for the calendars in order to take advantage of the bulk discount rate, which we pass on to churches and individuals in our Presbytery. Click below to reserve and pay for your calendar(s).

Calendars have arrived at the Presbyterian Distribution Center and will be shipped to the Presbytery soon. Click here to place your order.
Save the Date for a
Mission Trip to the
Ferncliff Disaster Assistance Center
Little Rock, AK
October 8th – October 15th
Time will be spent preparing Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Gifts of the Heart Kits and working with mission agencies in the area
Cost is $350 per person
(plus lodging and food on travel days to be determined)
This trip is limited to 24 people. Please email Peggy Swann @ to save your spot!
Click HERE for more
McGregor Presbyterian Church (USA), in Columbia SC, is searching for a part time staff position: Administrative Coordinator for Education and Communications.  This position is temporary/short term while McGregor determines staffing needs going forward, then searches for a permanent position. The person who fills this position temporarily will be able to be considered for the permanent position.
The Administrative Coordinator will coordinate faith formation for all ages including Sunday School, Youth Groups and small groups, as well as develop and manage the church’s internal/external communications and social media.
Please see the job description for more information.
For questions and inquiries, please contact:
Louise Carter, Personnel Committee Chairperson
McGregor Presbyterian Church (USA)
6505 St. Andrews Road
Columbia SC 29212
The Presbytery office has reopened. However, if you are planning on visiting the office, please call beforehand to be sure the staff member you need to see will be there.

All safety precautions continue to be observed.

The Presbytery Office Hours

9:00 a.m.- 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 a.m. -1 p.m. on Friday

Wednesday- open only for appointments, staff will be working remotely.

Please call ahead if you need to make an appointment for Wednesdays.
