Restoration Laos and The Rev. Canon Michael Ambler and Darreby
Ambler come to Emerson Hall, Castine, Sunday, August 20, 2:00-3:00 PM
sponsored by Trinity. Why Restoration Laos? Restoration Laos has a single
goal: to fund a bomb clearance team that would otherwise not be able to
operate. Every rice paddy that is cleared can feed a village. Every school
yard can become a place of play without fear. Clearing bombs not only
saves lives, it sets people free.
A video about the bomb clearing in Laos may be seen here:
Michael will be our guest preacher in the morning of this visit. You may
read more about the Amblers and Restoration Laos here:
Seafood and Rice Supper is scheduled for Friday, August 25.
Trinity’s Vestry August meeting is Wednesday, August 16, in-person at
church, 9:00 AM. Agenda items may be sent to before noon, Tuesday, August 15.
Coming to Trinity this Fall (more events and details to follow):
Oct. 1, Nov. 12, Dec. 10 10:45 AM
Family worship service children/youth/parents
Oct. 5-Dec. 21 (not Nov. 23) 7:45-9 PM`
ZOOM Prayer and Praise with St. Augustine’s D-F
Oct. 18, Nov. 15, Dec. 13 3:45-5 PM
Trinity Kids after school (all ages)
Nov. 19 4:00 PM
Ecumenical community Thanksgiving service, Trinitarian Parish Church
Nov. 29, Dec 6, 13, 20 5:30-7 PM
Advent Potluck Dinners and Conversation
Dec. 10, 4:00 PM
Celtic Music Concert and Covered Dish Supper
Dec 17, 4:00 PM
Christmas Pageant
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