Trinity Episcopal Church

Important Information

Trinity Worship Service In-person and

on Trinity's YouTube Channel. Please see links below.

Join us for in-person worship on Sunday morning at 9 am.

Sunday's Service will be officiated by The Rev. Dr. Jenny Reece

Message from Douglas A. Beck, ObJN


Dear Friends in Christ,

Jesus addresses Peter. “Oh, you of little faith, why did you doubt?” It’s a good question. What about us? When we recall times in our own lives and the lives of those around us, there seems plenty to doubt. There is plenty to be skeptical about. This is where faith makes the difference. “For faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of what is unseen” (Hebrews 11:1).


I recall a particular conversation with the priest in the church where I

worshiped as a young adult. Fr. Miller encouraged my questions and doubts. “How else do you get to know someone if you don’t ask questions?” That conversation from thirty years earlier has stayed with me.


If it were not for our doubts and questions, there would be no opportunity

for belief in what we may not see or realize fully, but yet it is that for which

we hope and that which is the substance of faith. And not only is this so for

us as individuals. It is so as each of us is part of the Body of Christ that is the

Church. Being a part of this body reminds us how we are upheld by God,

just as Peter was kept from drowning in the section from Matthew’s Gospel

where he walks on water as Jesus does. Peter’s faith kept him afloat. It’s

no different for us.


Paul writing in the Letter to the Romans reminds us that, in God’s eyes,

there is no distinction among various peoples. What we hold in common is

the opportunity to move beyond doubt and uncertainty to faith. Faith

wouldn’t be faith if we lived with an all-knowing certainty. All-knowing, of

course, is beyond humanity’s reach on our own. All-knowing is God’s

business. What is beyond the reach of our knowing is God’s business, not

ours. This is our business as believers: to place our faith in what we cannot

fully know now, trusting in God’s promise of purpose and redeeming love.


One day we will understand that all will become well, as is God’s purpose.

We will know we are exercising our faith when we allow God to do God’s

business and trust one another in the business of faith God calls each of us

to as members of his Body.


The Rev. Douglas A. Beck, ObJN



Restoration Laos and The Rev. Canon Michael Ambler and Darreby

Ambler come to Emerson Hall, Castine, Sunday, August 20, 2:00-3:00 PM

sponsored by Trinity. Why Restoration Laos? Restoration Laos has a single

goal: to fund a bomb clearance team that would otherwise not be able to

operate. Every rice paddy that is cleared can feed a village. Every school

yard can become a place of play without fear. Clearing bombs not only

saves lives, it sets people free.

A video about the bomb clearing in Laos may be seen here:

Michael will be our guest preacher in the morning of this visit. You may

read more about the Amblers and Restoration Laos here:


Seafood and Rice Supper is scheduled for Friday, August 25.

Trinity’s Vestry August meeting is Wednesday, August 16, in-person at

church, 9:00 AM. Agenda items may be sent to before noon, Tuesday, August 15.


Coming to Trinity this Fall (more events and details to follow):

Oct. 1, Nov. 12, Dec. 10 10:45 AM


Family worship service children/youth/parents

Oct. 5-Dec. 21 (not Nov. 23) 7:45-9 PM`


ZOOM Prayer and Praise with St. Augustine’s D-F

Oct. 18, Nov. 15, Dec. 13 3:45-5 PM


Trinity Kids after school (all ages)

Nov. 19 4:00 PM


Ecumenical community Thanksgiving service, Trinitarian Parish Church

Nov. 29, Dec 6, 13, 20 5:30-7 PM


Advent Potluck Dinners and Conversation

Dec. 10, 4:00 PM


Celtic Music Concert and Covered Dish Supper

Dec 17, 4:00 PM


Christmas Pageant


The Dio Log, the bi-monthly e-newsletter of the Episcopal Diocese of

Maine may be subscribed to here: Subscribe to Our Email

YouTube Information

Click Here  to join the Service at 9:00 am on


Download Sunday's Bulletin Click here..

For the hymns and music Click here.

Trinity Episcopal Church on Art Tour

For eight weekends (Fridays and Saturdays) this summer starting Friday, July 7 and running through August, Trinity Church will be open from 1-4pm to those who wish to view the artwork of Clark Fitzgerald. As some of you may know, the Castine Historical Society has created a booklet of Fitzgerald's artwork in the area and other locales in Maine, which includes several pieces located in Trinity, such as the chandeliers and crucifix in the church, as well as others on the wall over the doorway in Whittemore Hall.  


We are looking for volunteers who can open and close Trinity and also be present, if possible, for a part of each three-hour window on a Friday or Saturday. For those willing to volunteer to help out in showcasing our church and welcoming visitors, please let Ken Hillas know about the date, or sign up on the schedule posted in Whittemore Hall. Advance thanks to all volunteers.   

Video Available for Viewing

Here is a short video by Michael Ambler that sets the stage for his presentation on Aug 20 in Emerson Hall from 2pm to 4pm. Few Americans are aware that 50 years after the end of the Vietnam War there are 80 million unexploded bombs in Laos that continue to kill innocents. There are few things more important than saving lives, which is what Restoration Laos is doing. I hope you can attend and talk up the Aug 20 presentation/discussion with your friends and family. It is certainly a cause worth supporting.  ~Kenneth Hillas

Donations are appreciated!

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Click on the button above and it will take you to the Diocese of Maine's Website Donation Page. Select Castine from the list and then enter an amount and the information at the bottom. The next page is where you enter the required payment information. Trinity will get your entire donation - no transaction fees charged to us.
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The Parish Directory is being updated. Please click the button for a PDF version of the directory. If your information has changed, please send an email to with the changes.

Keep all of the following people in your ongoing prayers

Bill Belmont

Judy Estee

Jake Morris

William Foster

Georgia Zildjian

Joan Austin

Carol Adams

Quick Links

Trinity Church website 

Diocesan Website

Town of Castine Website



Phone: 207-326-4180