Our Mission
We provide a welcoming environment to explore our faith and serve others.

Our Vision
As a beacon of inclusivity, we seek to transform our community.

Trinity Tidings E-Newsletter

January 5, 2024

January Birthdays

2 - Donna B.

3 - Margaret L.

8 - Aloysha M.

12 - Dale M.

13 - Linda L.

February Birthdays

1- Meg N

2- Mary Y

4-Julia M

6- Jackie V

20-Debbie W

26- Barbara W

Worship Schedule


Zoom & Facebook Live


3   Holy Eucharist   

5th Sunday after Epiphany

Rev. Craig Kuehn

11   Morning Prayer   

Last Sunday after Epiphany



7   Holy Eucharist   

1st Sunday after Epiphany

Rev. Craig Kuehn  

14   Morning Prayer 

2nd Sunday after Epiphany


21   Holy Eucharist   

3rd Sunday after Epiphany

Rev. Craig



28 Morning Prayer

4th Sunday after Epiphany


18   Holy Eucharist   

1st Sunday in Lent

Rev. Craig Kuehn

25   Morning Prayer

2nd Sunday in Lent

Mary K


2024 Trinity Annual Meeting

January 21

following 10:00 Service

IN PERSON and on Zoom

Vestry reports to come.

Meeting Guidelines: Nominations and motions must be made in writing to [email protected] before the meeting by Saturday Jan. 20. Voting will be by acclamation. Per our by-laws regarding meeting attendance on Zoom, our first agenda item will be approval and recognition of voting by Zoom.


Vestry Candidates for 2024

You may recall from our Annual Meeting at the beginning of 2023, three members came off Vestry, as our by-laws prescribe. However, we had only one candidate, leaving us with seven of the nine Vestry positions filled in 2023. We are grateful for those who have served this last year.

Once again, three members are coming off the Vestry after three years of service, Mary K., Laurie Jo, and Meg. David H. and Nancy M. have stepped forward to return to serve again, after their year off (although, Nancy remained the Vestry Clerk, with no vote this last year). When they take their seats on the Vestry, we will be down to six Vestry members. Our by-laws require a minimum of five Vestry members.

Please prayerfully consider serving on the Vestry. Trinity would really benefit from a more robust Vestry and some new perspective.

Delegate Candidates for 2024 Convention.

Please consider representing Trinity at 2024 Diocese Convention as a delegate. We need 3 delegates and 2 alternates. The convention will be entirely on-line, this year.


Convention Dates:

Convocation: Saturday, October 12, 9-11, zoom only

Convention: Saturday, November 16, Time TBD, zoom only

Up-coming Events

REVIVAL with Presiding Bishop

Michael Curry

""What we have got to keep in mind is that revivals, throughout history and right now, are not just events-- they are movements.

My deep prayer is that we come to see ourselves not simply as The Episcopal Church, but as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement: a community for whom Jesus Christ and his way of love is our way of life and the heart of our witness in the world.

A revival movement means

this becomes ever more true and real for us."

- Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry

Schedule and Agenda

Click Here

Survey for Planning

Please take the Fearless Faith Event survey to help Diocese prepare for the event.

Click Here

Revival Website


News and Updates

Project Thanks

Thanks to all who generously donated.


Group Prayer, Study, and Meditation

Centering Prayer

 Wednesdays, 9:30 AM

Thursdays, 7:00 PM, evening group meets 

The practice is simple to begin, and benefits are quickly felt.

Email Martha for information [email protected]

Drumming Circle

Regularly Scheduled on 2nd Sundays at 3:00PM

Contemplative Circle

Regularly Scheduled on LAST Sundays AT 3:00PM

Contact Martha for more information on either Circle.([email protected])

The Parousia School for Awakening

(Wisdom School)

Saturday in-person sessions at Jane's Hall are suspended until further notice. I will continue to offer classes and consultations online, so please reach out to me if you have interest.

Also, I continue to run our Wisdom and Wonder newspaper column as long as the Ledger Dispatch continues to publish it.

For more details and information contact:

Seraphim Winslow


[email protected] 

Trinity Vestry Meetings

Vestry meets monthly on fourth Tuesdays at 6:30pm, usually on Zoom. However, the next meeting is Tuesday, January 9, on Zoom, to prepare for the annual meeting.

2024 Annual Meeting is scheduled for January 21

Email [email protected] for link if you would like to attend our next Vestry meeting.

Vestry Team Leaders and Responsibility


Spiritual needs of the parish

Meg Verardi/Steve Russell,

Co-Sr. Wardens

[email protected]

Diane Christensen—Prayers for parishioners (prayer chain email, prayers of the people in worship, newsletter)



Church services, high seasons and holy days, supply priest scheduling, and music

Amanda Paul-Parker

Mary Yount—Musical Director


Communications, Diocese requirements and reporting, office management

Carol Holt, Treasurer

[email protected]


Meg Verardi

Nancy Moore, Clerk


Building and grounds

Julie Mathis, Jr. Warden

Trinity Services

Let us worship together in church and

join in real coffee hour.

Worship IN-PERSON,
on Zoom, and Facebook Live
Sundays, 10:00 AM
1st and 3rd Sundays

2021 Eucharist Booklet Click Here
Lay-Led Morning Prayer
2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays

Morning Prayer Booklet
Links to Zoom and Facebook Live
Sunday, 10:00am
Sunday Zoom Link Click Here
Facebook Live Click Here

Daily Vespers

Monday-Saturday 6:00 pm

Zoom Link Click Here

Service Link Click Here

Mission St. Clare

Facebook  Instagram