August 2024

In This Issue

Family Fun Day ⏐ MS Soccer Parent Meetings ⏐ Enroll Now for the 2024-2025 Athletic Season ⏐ Volunteer Coaching Needs ⏐ Weight Room Wish List

Important Dates

August 17— HS girls and boys soccer home games / Family Fun Day

August 19 —Parent meetings for boys and girls MS soccer

September 2— Limited contact begins for winter and spring sports (HS basketball, HS boys golf, and HS track & field)

Trinity Titans Calendar

Family Fun Day

Please join us for Family Fun Day on Saturday, August 17. We will support the Titans varsity soccer teams as they play their first home games of the season and enjoy a picnic on the lawn. Bring your own lunch, or purchase food truck items from Junbuggies Mexican Grill or PaddyShack Ice Cream.

We recommend bringing a picnic blanket and/or camping chairs. Spike ball, corn hole, and other family-friendly activities will be available for all.

HS girls game start time: 11:00 a.m.

HS boys game start time: 12:30 p.m.

A ticket is required to attend the soccer games, but entry is free for all Trinity families. All attendees must check in at the gate (look for a green umbrella). Trinity families are entitled to a free season pass to all Titans home games. Please take a few seconds to "purchase" the pass using the link below. You will receive the pass by email (if you use Eventlink, the pass will also be accessible in your Eventlink account). If you do not have a digital pass to present at the gate on Family Fun Day, you will be asked to sign in manually.

Free Season Pass

Middle School Soccer Parent Meetings

If you are the parent of a middle school child participating in soccer this fall, please attend an informational parent meeting at the Trinity School Athletic Center on Monday, August 19. The meeting for the girls' team will begin at 6:30 p.m., and the meeting for the boys' team will begin at 7:30 p.m.

Enroll Now for 2024-2025 Sports

Trinity uses Final Forms for all athletic registration. Please log in to your existing account (or create a new account), and follow the prompts to register each child individually.

An updated sports physical, filled out by a physician and dated April 1, 2024, or later, must be uploaded to Final Forms in order for your child to participate in practices and games for the 2024-2025 athletic season. Please upload all paperwork digitally; paper copies will not be accepted.

Register for the 2024-2025 Season

Volunteer Coaching Needs

We are seeking volunteers to fill the following coaching positions for the 2024-2025 season. If you or someone you know is interested, please reach out to Kathy Klimek, Trinity Athletic Director, at

  • MS Boys Basketball Coach (Season dates: Oct. 21—Dec. 21)
  • MS Girls Basketball Coach (Season dates: Dec. 1—March 9)
  • MS Co-Ed Track & Field Coach (Season dates: March 17—May 10)

Game dates for all sports are posted in Eventlink and are set. Practice schedules are more negotiable, so we make every effort to create practice schedules that work best for our volunteer coaches.

Weight Room Wish List

The addition of a weight room at the Trinity School Athletic Center has been a valuable asset for our students. If you would like to invest in further improvements to this room, please take a look at the wish list attached here and consider either purchasing items on the list or making a monetary donation. We appreciate your support!

If you have any questions, please reach out to Kathy Klimek at

Athletic Director

Kathy Klimek


Assistant Athletic Director

Julie Gabrielse

For a full overview of Trinity Athletics, including physical forms, please visit our website here.