Trinity Weekly

December 20, 2024

A Note from Pastor Doug

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at Trinity. I pray that God from His glorious unlimited resources will empower you with inner strength through His Spirit and that Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. I pray that the roots of your faith will grow down deep into God’s love and keep you strong so that you might discover how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love for you is.

We have many people in our midst who need to receive the love, hope and forgiveness that is ours in Christ. May you be a witness and an ambassador unto the Lord Jesus Christ through your daily life. 

Now, all glory goes to God for all that we will do in His name. May we remember that He is able to do far more than we can ask, think, or imagine. To Glory be the glory!

Pastor Doug

Office Hours over Christmas

Trinity's campus, including CDC and Church Office, will be closed from December 23, 2024 through January 1, 2025. Office and CDC will reopen with normal hours beginning January 2, 2025.

Thank You from the Finance Office

Thank you for your 2024 giving to Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church of Orlando, Florida!

You have made an incredible difference here at Trinity Downtown, Metro Orlando, and around the USA and the world! Your generosity has blessed the work of this ministry, and we are very grateful for you.

You may have questions regarding year-end giving and what that looks like for you and your family. Here are some key items to remember as December draws to a close…

  1. All online giving must be completed no later than 11:59 P.M. on December 31st, 2024, in order to be included in your 2024 Calendar Year Contribution Statement.
  2. All US Postal Service giving must be postmarked no later than December 31st, 2024, in order to be included in your 2024 Calendar Year Contribution Statement.
  3. All hand delivered giving must be dropped off at the church by the end of the Service on New Year’s Eve. (Staff will not be available to receive giving after that time on December 31st, 2024).

Once again, thank you so very much for your continued financial support of the ministry of Trinity Downtown. We look forward to serving with you in 2025!


Trinity's Adopt-A-Classroom ministry is seeking sponsors for several classrooms. The goal of this ministry is to connect church members with CDC staff and teachers and to show our appreciation for all of their hard work and dedication to the children in their care. Sponsorship is simple: five times a year (Back to School in August, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and

Teacher Appreciation week in May) the class sponsor visits their assigned CDC classroom to deliver treats, small gifts, baked goods etc. along with a word of encouragement for the teachers and staff and an invitation to attend our weekend services. We are officially restarting this ministry this month to celebrate Christmas with our assigned classrooms. If you are interested in sponsoring a classroom, please reach out to Laura Marano.

Trinity Merchandise

Trinity has new mugs that are available for purchase! To pay via Breeze, please fill out this form or drop your cash/check in the offering plate with the memo "Trinity mugs." Once payment has been received, you can pick up your mug by stopping by the church office during business hours or grabbing it in the narthex the following weekend. Questions? Contact the church office.

Touch A Truck Volunteers Needed

Beginning December 14, you can sign up in the narthex to volunteer at the second annual Touch A Truck event! Jobs of all kinds are available, including being a parking attendant, water runner, bounce house attendant, and more! Your support in one of Trinity's biggest fundraisers will help the team's goal of building a canopy in the courtyard. Please direct any questions to the TAT team.

The agenda will include a vote on how best to fund the sanctuary roof replacement. All members are encouraged to attend.

Bible Study Schedule

Click here to see a list of our current Bible studies!

Children and Student Ministry

Click here for information regarding our children's ministries!

Click here for information regarding our Middle and High School ministries!

New Church Management Software

To make your Breeze account, go to You can also download the app and follow the prompts to log in and create your account.

If for any reason you have trouble logging in, don't panic and contact Katherine.

Don't forget to try out our giving feature on the app!

Right Now Media

To sign up and create an account, click on the link below:

Or text TRINITYDOWNTOWN to the number 49775 to receive a text with the "Invite Link" to sign up for a free account.

December Serving Schedule

The December serving schedule may be found on your Breeze profile or by visiting the website.

Helpful Forms

Submit your prayer requests by emailing them to

All prayers are kept on the list for a period of three weeks, so please resubmit long term prayer needs regularly.

All prayer requests can be found here

Prayerful Thoughts from Rusty Stephens can be found here

Attendance & Giving

December 14 Sat. in person: 41

December 14 online: 10

December 15 Sun. 9am: 50

December 15 Sun. 11:15am: 74

December 15 Sun. 12:30pm Spanish: 9

December 15 online: 27

Quick Links
Facebook  Youtube  Instagram  

407-488-1919 | |

Office Hours: Monday- Friday, 9am-4pm