Trinity Weekly

January 3, 2025

Touch A Truck Giving Tree is Back!

Interested in supporting Touch A Truck but unable to volunteer? Consider taking part in our Giving Tree!

The Giving Tree will be located in the narthex beginning January 11. Simply select an ornament tag, note its identification number on the clipboard (including any additional information you

wish to provide), and return the ornament tag with your donation. Donations may be made anonymously if you so desire. Additionally, you may donate the specific amount indicated on the tag or provide a general cash donation.

For your convenience, donations may be submitted in the following ways by January 27:

  • Placed in the offering plate clearly marked "TAT 2025"
  • Delivered to the church office
  • Given directly to Ken or Terry Boggs

Your generosity helps make this event possible for our community. Thank you for your support! Please direct any comment, questions, or concerns to Terry Boggs.

"Souperbowl" I - Family Fun Night

Join us for our first " Souperbowl" party. Bring your favorite homemade soup to share. Extension cords/outlets will be provided to keep your soup warm/hot. Desserts will be provided.

All of Trinity's ministry teams will be celebrated this evening, so come on out and show your support!

Poinsettia Pick Up

If you sponsored one or more poinsettias this Christmas, please plan to take them home after the 11:15am service this weekend. Please make sure to take your plant home to enjoy!

Poinsettias are sponsored by:

  • Maggie Bowles in memory of Gary and Anthony Bowles
  • Janet Drake in thanks for all the joyous Christmas memories
  • Dave and Judy Green in memory of their parents, Merle and Fran Green, and Wiliam & Bernice Sellers
  • Mary Jo Hoard in memory of her grandmother and Gurner Stuart
  • Debbie Holley
  • Anna Kunster in memory of Gilbert Kunster Jr. and Trudy Martin
  • Ted Lange in thanks for Ted and Mary’s wedding anniversary
  • Daniel McLeod in thanks for Sophie and expected baby McLeod
  • Joyce Phillips in memory of Maylona Lyle and Lo Phillips
  • Myrt Rhoads in thanks for Kevin and Renee Ponik
  • Beth Schumacher in memory of Alyce Smithberger, Bill Smithberger, and Glen A. Schumacher
  • Marcy Shively in memory of her mother, father, and sister and in thanks for Michelle & family and for all blessings
  • Linda Short in memory of Bob Short and Jean Seaton
  • John Strandquest in memory of Carolyn Strandquest, Carrie Strandquest, and Joan Spillman
  • Mary Tahlier in memory of Margaret Hudgins and Henry Schnaare
  • Lynn Wacker in memory of Linda Stroker and Mimi Goldman

Trinity Merchandise

Trinity has new mugs that are available for purchase! To pay via Breeze, please fill out this form or drop your cash/check in the offering plate with the memo "Trinity mugs." Once payment has been received, you can pick up your mug by stopping by the church office during business hours or grabbing it in the narthex the following weekend. Questions? Contact the church office.

The agenda will include a vote on how best to fund the sanctuary roof replacement. All members are encouraged to attend.

The Epiphany Cantata will be on January 12 at 11:15am! You won't want to miss this!

Bible Study Schedule

Children and Student Ministry

Click here for information regarding our children's ministries!

Click here for information regarding our Middle and High School ministries!

New Church Management Software

To make your Breeze account, go to You can also download the app and follow the prompts to log in and create your account.

If for any reason you have trouble logging in, don't panic and contact Katherine.

Don't forget to try out our giving feature on the app!

Right Now Media

To sign up and create an account, click on the link below:

Or text TRINITYDOWNTOWN to the number 49775 to receive a text with the "Invite Link" to sign up for a free account.

January Serving Schedule

The January serving schedule may be found on your Breeze profile or by visiting the website.

Helpful Forms

Submit your prayer requests by emailing them to

All prayers are kept on the list for a period of three weeks, so please resubmit long term prayer needs regularly.

All prayer requests can be found here

Prayerful Thoughts from Rusty Stephens can be found here

Attendance & Giving

December 28 Sat. in person: 39

December 28 online: 18

December 29 Sun. 9am: 43

December 29 Sun. 11:15am: 39

December 29 online: 33

Quick Links
Facebook  Youtube  Instagram  

407-488-1919 | |

Office Hours: Monday- Friday, 9am-4pm