Submit your prayer requests by emailing them to
All prayers are kept on the list for a period of three weeks, so please resubmit long term prayer needs regularly.
Those Fighting Cancer
Preston, David V., JoAnn and Allan, Lisa and Victor, Michael S., Jenny M., Jerry K., Barbara R., Jackie R., Mary, Doug H., Paul W., Rebecca M., Rita S., Alice, Brian, Jerry D., Corey, Cayden, Jeff M., Eva and Justin, Alex, Emma R., Annie B., Matt S., Joanna P., Matt B., Eva S., Barbara B., Mike T., Johnny N., Carolyn R., Mike R., Chip D., Doug, Brian, Terry B., Susan, Noah, Scott's mother, Paul B., Mickey, Melissa, Jack, Jon C., Vickie and Terry, Bill B., Melissa, Alice
Health Concerns
Hazel, Chuck, Karen E., Jake B., Frank S., Vickie, Lucine H., Wendy M., Bob and Carol, Alyce, Jake, Karen, Tricia
Surgery and Recovery/Recently Hospitalized
Hudson H., Kristine Z, Karen
Other Needs
- For the process, person, and provision of an associate pastor
- City of Orlando
- Daniel and Hannah
- Ryan and Jennifer
- Melissa and Spenser
- Peace Comfort Dog Ministry
- The homeless out in the heat
- Marcy
- Craig and Shireen
Peace and Comfort
- For the Mimms family at the loss of their son
- For the Brittingham family
- For the Person family
- For the family and friends of Andy Riddle
- For the family and friends of Paula Bowman
- For Anna and Curtis after their loss
- For the family and friends of Eleanor DeFreze
- For the family and friends of Howard Soost
- For the family and friends of Ruth McKinney
- For the family and friends of Eden
- For the Gamble family at the loss of their son
- For the family and friends of Carol Dunn
- For the family and friends of Joel Wright
- For the family and friends of Cpl. Norman Booth
- For the family and friends of Hank Dressel
- For the McCleese family at the loss of their son
- For Randy and sons at the death of their wife/mother
- For the family and friends of Janice Strobach
- For the family and friends of Sandy Allen
- For the family and friends of Tom Heeney
Confidential Prayers
For those prayers that have been shared in confidence, you know the details, Lord. We lift them up to you.
Our Trinity Missionaries
- Wasmund Family in East Asia
- Trump Family in Kenya
- Clausing Family in Tanzania
- Lehman Family in Puerto Rico
- Blessings on all those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries!
- Thanks and praise for those whose health has improved.
- Thanks and praise for the staff and leaders at Trinity!
For Our Communities - For Our Nation - For Our World
We pray for our nation, for our nation's leaders, for its people, and for our future together as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all! We pray that we may all be a reflection of Christ's love, sharing grace and mercy, living in peace with one another. Reach out, listen, connect, and have those hard conversations. Love is first. Love wins.
Additional Prayers
- For world, state, and local leaders in decisions
- For all those caring for aging and/or ill family members in need
- Prayers for our CDC staff & families, Trinity membership, and all Trinity staff & leaders
- For all those struggling with mental health issues
- For all those troubled by depression and broken relationships
- For all those unable to attend church
- For all those serving in our military
- For the current war in Ukraine
- For those who have lost homes due to storms and for those who are homeless
Prayerful Thoughts from Rusty Stephens
Heavenly Father,
For the prayer within, we pray in the name of your son our Savior, Jesus Christ.
A couple of close friends loved the outdoors and planned a day of hiking in a large wilderness area that they had never been to before. It was Tuesday and this was a great time, or so they thought, because during weekdays almost no one would be seen there or park at that site. The couple happily thought “they would have the woods all to themselves.” With enough food and water for several hours of hiking, they believed that they were in good shape.
As the couple started walking, the trail appeared to be well marked. They had it timed as when to start back since it was not a loop trail. Well into the wilderness area, several paths seemed to branch off into different directions from the main trail. Trail markings were becoming unclear as a major storm from a week earlier had damaged some of the markings. The couple ended up on the wrong path with other paths taking off from that one. They realized that they were not on the marked trail and tried to backtrack; however with debris such as tree limbs, heavy leaves, and pine straw covering the soil, no footprints could be found. Instead of heading out, they were walking deeper into the wilderness. As time dwindled away, they realized that they needed help. Reaching into their pack and checking their pockets, the phone that they were looking for was left in their vehicle. Fear set in as they were wondering what to do and which way to go? Also their food and water was running low. No family or friends knew where they were since they had failed to inform them. Also survival skills and equipment were nonexistent. How long would this go on? The couple was totally lost. They needed a rescue!
Jesus, we all have another wilderness that we go through day after day. In this wilderness if we are not careful, we will find ourselves getting into it deeper and deeper until we are lost and cannot find our way out. This wilderness is sin. We turn to “earthly cures and advice,” and for a while we might feel better, but that sinful wilderness still surrounds us keeping us trapped. Many who have no faith in you, Jesus, will just go on through their lives believing; “that’s the way life goes and there’s nothing they can do about it.” Without that needed faith at the end of their lives, they are forever lost in the consequences of paying for their sins.
Jesus, we need a rescue to find our way out of this sinful wilderness. We who believe and have trust in you, Jesus, know who rescues us, how it was done, and how to make contact. The rescuer of course is you, Jesus. How you did it was willfully out of your amazing love for all of us, suffering and dying on the cross in payment for our sins so that we owe nothing. Then rising from death and the grave and ascending into Heaven. How to contact you, Jesus, is through prayer. There in sorrow we confess all of our sins to you, Jesus, ask sincerely to please forgive us, and continue to believe and follow you, Jesus. From our Heavenly Father comes total forgiveness. All of that suffocating sinful wilderness is gone and forgotten. Through continued faith in you, Jesus, when our life on earth ends, you will take us home to that paradise called Heaven.
Jesus, you are the only one who can rescue us from the wilderness of sin and save our lives eternally. You are the only one on earth who lived a perfect life obeying all of God’s laws. No one else has; making you, Jesus, the only one to free us from the bondage of sin. We worship, praise, glorify, and give the greatest thanks to you, Jesus. Awesome God? Absolutely! One thing that is for certain; we who accept you, Jesus, as our Savior, would not want to be with the ones at the time of judgement, receiving for all of their sins a payment due bill. The method of payment is HORRIBLE and the length of time is FOREVER.
Lord In Your Mercy
Hear Our Prayer