Employee News
August Newsletter -
The Trail Mix
It has been one year since we opened the Trinity Woods Community Life Center. This space has allowed us to truly bring together our community in so many ways. We are excited to host “The Big Show” to celebrate this special anniversary with lots of Trinity Woods performers and fun! All employees are invited to attend this special show! This month we celebrate two employees for exceptional service to Trinity Woods.

Trinity Woods Online Store!
We are excited to announce the Trinity Woods Logo Shop! Starting TODAY employees and community members can order their TW swag. The website will be live through Sunday, August 21. Items purchased will be ready for pick up at the September All Employee Town Hall, on
September 7. For questions about ordering TW merchandise contact Heidi Garrett at 918.346.6671.

STARS Employee of the Month
Clarence Elliott, Transportation
Start Date: October 2021
Born and Raised: Tulsa, OK
Wanted to be as a Kid: A Navy Man
Described by Friends: Sincere and Dependable
Hobbies: Listening to old albums and reading
First Job: Mr. Cecil's Barber Shop
Favorite Bible Verse: “Blessed is he who considers the poor.” Psalms 41:1
Favorite Book: My Name is Charlie Wilson by Charlie Wilson
Family: Married with 5 children
What his supervisor says: “Clarence is a very
conscientious person and always goes above and
beyond in helping our members. It is a pleasure to
a have person like him to work with.”- Cliff Mosley, Transportation Supervisor

Nominate someone for STARS Employee of the Month - click here.
STARS Employee of the Month
Amy McDaniel, Housekeeping
Start Date: June 2018
Born: Gardenia, CA
Raised: San Francisco, CA
One Meal Forever: Tacos
First Job: McDonalds
Wanted to be as a Kid: Singer
Family Recipe: Goulash
Hobbies: Crocheting
Favorite Book: The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Family: Married with six children
What her supervisor says: “Amy is a thoughtful and conscientious worker. She is happy to do the work needed to get the job done right. She is an asset to our team and to the members we serve.” - Cathy Green, Housekeeping Manager

Nominate someone for STARS Employee of the Month - click here.
Employee Wellness
Thank you to all employees who participated in the July Fitness Bingo Challenge. We had over 30 participants and two employees had Blackouts! Congratulations to Jacob Will and Lillian Boyd for completing all 25 days of the Challenge!
Reminder All Employee Survey!
Your opinion matters! By now you may have received a text, email or a phone call asking you to take the Trinity Woods Employee Survey! If you have been employed for one year or longer, we need your input as a key part of our efforts to increase satisfaction and engagement. Please respond by August 16th.

Your participation is important. All responses will be anonymous. We encourage all employees to respond! If you have questions, please contact HR.
This month we celebrate four employees for their years of service!