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April 1st, 2022 E-Newsletter

Note from the Pastor

Pastor Mark Narum - Head of Staff, [email protected], ext.108

“Blessed is the king

    who comes in the name of the Lord!

Peace in heaven,

    and glory in the highest heaven!” Luke 19:38

The journey toward the cross begins with praise, excitement and a crowd shouting words of acclamation as Jesus rode by on a colt. That is just the beginning of the story. There is much more which happened in the following days which lead up to an arrest, trial and crucifixion. 


Jumping from the joy of Palm Sunday to the celebration of the Easter resurrection leaves one with a thin understanding of the Jesus story. For that reason, I want to encourage you, even challenge you to make time in your busy schedule to be at each of the Holy Week Worship Services.


Come celebrate the Triumphal entry which happened on Palm Sunday. Stay for breakfast which will be served @ 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Come and worship on Maundy Thursday – either at 12:15 p.m. or 6 p.m. to hear the story of the Savior of the world who kneels as servant at the feet of his disciples. This is also a chance to celebrate with our young people who went through First Communion instruction. Come and worship on Good Friday, either at 12:15 p.m. or 6 p.m. to hear again of this darkest of days as Jesus’ life is taken. Come and celebrate the fact that death did not win on Easter morning at 7 a.m., 8:30 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. 


Our prayer is that through worship our lives will be turned toward the joy of Christ. Blessings All – see you soon.


Pastor Mark Narum

New Hidden Icon

We are excited to offer you a new feature! We invite you to search the E-Newsletter for a New Hidden Icon! We have a special message for those of you that are able to find it. If you think you found it, click the button below to submit your answer. Happy hunting!

Submit Answer

Midweek Lenten Worship

Continues through April 6th

Community Center & Sanctuary

Come on your Lunch Hour

Soup & Sandwich Lunch starts @ 11:45 a.m.

Worship @ 12:15 - 12:50 p.m.

In the Community Center

Join us in the Evening

Soup & Sandwich Supper starts @ 5:15 p.m.

Worship @ 6 p.m.

In the Sanctuary

New Member Orientation

Saturday, April 2nd @ 9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Room 212



Are you interested in learning more about becoming a member of Trinity? We will have a New Member Orientation on Saturday, April 2nd @ 9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.

This will be a chance to meet with other people exploring membership and to hear more about Trinity and the ministry we believe Christ has called us to engage. At the same time, you will be invited to share any questions you have about Trinity, our ministries and the theology which centers us. We will meet upstairs in the Education Wing in room 212.

Trinity's Semi-Annual Rummage Sale!

It’s Baaaaaaaccckk!!


Friday, April 29th @ 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. &

Saturday, April 30th @ 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.



In the Community Center at Trinity.

What we are NOT collecting:

  • Electronics, TVs
  • Opened Makeup
  • Sanitizer
  • Exercise Equipment
  • Food
  • Expired Car Seats
  • Medical Devices

When we need volunteers:

To help sort items:

Monday, April 25th - Thursday, April 28th during office hours.


To help run the sale:

Friday, April 29th @ 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. &

Saturday, April 30th @ 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.


To help with Clean Up:

Saturday, April 30th @ 12:00 p.m.


Office Hours:

Monday - Friday @ 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.

*Funds will support renovations for Trinity's Church School area.

Check out the Facebook Event page here.

Funeral Lunch Servers Appreciation Luncheon

Past Event: Friday, March 25th

Fellowship Hall

We held an Appreciation Luncheon for our funeral lunch servers. We are so appreciative that they are willing to engage this ministry of hospitality. Some have been serving lunches for years and others are just starting out. There was a while where we weren't able to offer these lunches due to COVID and we are grateful to be able to gather for these events again. If you think this is something you might like to help with please contact Klarissa in the office.

Children & Youth

Gracia Johnson - Youth and Children Ministry Coordinator; [email protected], ext. 109

Vacation Bible School

June 5th - 8th @ 5:45 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.

Join us for VBS at Trinity!

Kids age 4 to grade 5 are welcome!

There is no fee for this fun week of games, snacks, crafts, and exploring our faith!

Register here:

Youth Happenings


Church School, for ages 3 - grade 5

@ 9:35 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.



Church School, for ages 3 - grade 5

@ 6:40 p.m. - 7:25 p.m.

Confirmation Classes, for youth grades 6-8

@ 6:40 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Sr. High Youth Group, for grades 9-12

@ 7:25 p.m. in the youth room for fun & faith.

Recent Trinity Youth Happenings

Trinity Youth Greeters

Sunday, March 20th

1st and 2nd graders greeting folks with a friendly smile as they came to our 10:30 worship!

First Communion Class

Past Event: Saturday, March 26th

Our 5th graders and parents spent the morning learning about Holy Communion, making bread and painting chalices. This class will receive their First Communion on Maundy Thursday.

Youth Mock-In (6th - 8th Graders)

Past Event: Friday, March 25th

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Many churches came together for a night of fun and games at our middle school Mock-In! We ended with a candle light devotion - a reminder that Jesus is the Light of the World and we are called to spread that light to those in our community.

Youth Mock-In!

Friday, April 29th @ 7p.m. - 11:59 p.m.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church


BisMan ELCA Youth are getting together for a Mock-In! What’s a Mock-In? It’s like a lock-in but it ends @ 11:59 p.m. Fun games, great worship, and food! See Gracia with questions. Invite a friend to join you and sign up! 

Click below for a link to sign-up or use the QR code on the poster.

Mock In Sign-Up

Worship Notes

Pastor Mary Lou Aune - Director of Worship & Music; [email protected], ext. 103

Congregational Relationships

Heather Baumann - Congregation Relationship Coordinator; [email protected], ext. 112

The air outside is getting a little warmer and you can smell the hint of spring. The birds are chirping and the sun is staying up a little longer each day. As the grass begins to turn green and we get leaves on the tree we are reminded of new life. There is new life in nature and new life within us. Spring is such a wonderful reminder of what Jesus did for us on that cross. He gave us NEW life! As we enjoy the beautiful weather, take a moment to reflect on how new life in Spring is a symbol of new life in Christ.

What a wonderful season we are in, and what a wonderful celebration we have coming up in Holy Week. As we prepare our hearts to remember what Jesus did for us, let us consider what we can do to give back. We have many services during Holy Week and will need all of the help we can get. Please take a moment and look at the opportunities we have to serve in the month of April. Looking forward to celebrating the resurrection of our Lord with you all!

Click the link below to get involved!

April Sign Up


Event Hosts

Trinity is looking for some people who would be interested in working some events part-time at Trinity. As we continue to move forward, we are looking to be able to rent our facilities for more events.

Please contact the office if you are interested and to fill out an application.

Volunteer Ministry Spotlight

Confirmation Service Groups

As part of the Confirmation Ministry each small group does 3 service projects throughout the school year as they are encouraged to put their faith into action and serve others in Jesus’ name. They serve around the community and our church. Some of their projects included:

  • serving at Heaven’s Helpers Soup Café
  • creating Valentine’s for Missouri Slope residents and others in the community
  • purchasing items for Middle and High School snack cupboards/pantries
  • tie blankets for the Sanford Infusion Center
  • made boxes for terminally ill children
  • filling little food pantries around town
  • serving at The Banquet
  • serving Wednesday night meals
  • helping with our rummage sale
  • putting together Christmas treat bags
  • filling Easter eggs

Loaves and Fishes

Filling Bags: Wednesday, April 6th @ 6:45 p.m.

Quilters' Room

Scripture calls us to feed the hungry. Our “Loaves and Fishes” ministry does just that! Each day we put out a dozen bags of food, with items that a transient person could eat without needing a place to cook. You can support this ministry either by donating money or by dropping off food items. 

 List of (No Prep.) items we put in the bags:

  • individual peanut butter packs
  • packs of crackers
  • granola bars
  • pouches of tuna, chicken or Spam
  • sealed cups of Ravioli or other pasta
  • we also collect plastic bags and spoons


We get together once a month to pack bags. Thanks for your generosity as we follow Jesus’ command to feed the hungry.

Trust Fund Spotlight

Submitted By: Dwight Offerman

Who Gets the Turkey Platter?

Some of the biggest disagreements among family members seem to arise over who gets which possessions after a loved one dies. Often those disagreements focus on the simplest items, such as the cracked turkey platter that is no longer usable, but which occupied the center of the table for every Thanksgiving meal that anyone can remember.

Perhaps you don’t need to make a decision about a turkey platter, but do you have plans for the distribution of your estate? If your plans include a bequest to Trinity, where do you want that bequest to go? If your intent is that the bequest be permanently invested in the Trust Fund where only the investment income is spent, the language in your will, insurance policy, or other part of your estate plan must state that Trinity’s Trust Fund is to be the recipient. If the language states that the bequest is to “Trinity,” it will not automatically go to the Trust Fund. It may be used for other worthy purposes, as determined by the church Council. If your intent is that the principal of the bequest be spent, rather than permanently invested, this should also be stated. This type of bequest will be placed in a dedicated account and used for the purposes you specified.

Estate planning can be a way to express what is important to you, and can also be a gift of love to your family. Make certain your wishes are carried out by (1) putting your wishes in writing, and (2) discussing your plans with your family and with those who will be responsible for carrying out your wishes. If you have questions about how the Trust Fund would fit into your plans, talk to a Trust Fund Committee member: Susan Weiand, Dan Welsh, Susan Ronning, Dwight Offerman, or Todd Lang.

Easter Flower Donations

We are now receiving donations for our beautiful Easter display of spring plants. We will be purchasing a select number of plants. Plants can be ordered for Trinity shut-ins, as well as those who wish to take a plant home after Easter worship. The remainder of the Easter flower donations will be shared with our 2022 offering benevolence, the ND 4-H Foundation. Easter flower donations are $15. All donations and accompanying dedications will be listed in the Easter bulletin. Turn in a sheet from a bulletin to the office or offering basket by Friday, April 8th. THANK YOU!

Easter Offering

Trinity has a tradition of taking a special offering at Christmas and Easter. This year council has decided to make the recipient of our Easter Offering the North Dakota 4-H Foundation. This was chosen in memory of our former council president, Mike Hanson. If you would like to make a gift, please drop a check in the offering plate or in an envelope with “Easter Offering” written on it by Easter, April 17th.

Your Gifts

Julie Schaffner - Financial Director; [email protected], ext. 111

Electronic Giving - Trinity offers the option of Electronic Giving as a simple way to contribute. This would allow you the freedom from worry or concern whether you are out of town, on vacation or wondering how to budget your contributions. Simply Giving forms are available in the office, at the Narthex desk or on Trinity’s website. We have also updated and simplified our website,, in aiding you to give towards Trinity’s Capital Campaign. The DONATE button allows you to give a recurring or one-time donation using PayPal or credit card. If you have questions or need assistance with electronic giving, please feel free to call Julie Schaffner. Thank you again for your continued financial support.


Vanco Mobile App

Another means of electronic giving is downloading Vanco’s new Mobile App to your cell phone.

  • Download Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement (in your Apple App Store or Google Play Store)
  • Search Bismarck
  • Select Trinity Lutheran Church
  • Sign Up using your email address and create a password 

You may choose to give using a credit card, debit card, or your bank account. If you have any questions, contact Julie Schaffner.

Prayer List

Prayer is an essential part of our faith life. As part of the body of Christ we are called to pray for others who are sick, hurting or in need of healing. Names will be added only with the permission of the person being prayed for or an immediate family member.


If you would like your name added to this list, please let Klarissa or one of the pastors know.


Please pray for: Donna Burns, Brenda Morgan, Mike Baltzer, Fran Wick, Steve Leibel and Don Peterson.

Pastoral Acts


Carol Wilma


Brax Alan Leier

Nora Leigh Clayburgh


Gifts & Memorials

None at this time

The Banquet

Karla Eisenbeisz - Banquet Director; [email protected]

The Banquet is saying goodbye to 16 years of growing our nonprofit meal service at Trinity Lutheran Church and more recently The Salvation Army to say “Hello” to our new home at Dream Center Bismarck! The “Tom & Frances Leach Foundation” kitchen and “Trinity Hall” dining room will start hosting meals on April 8th, 2022. 

We will be serving 7 days a week. The Monday-Wednesday and Friday meal, through the cafeteria line, will be served @ 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. Thursdays will continue to be our banquet style meal where guests will be seated at community tables and served. Thursdays meal is also served @ 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday are cafeteria style for lunch @ 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. We will be adding some team members for kitchen and janitorial duties but continue to rely on this amazing community to sponsor and serve their neighbors!  

You may have heard about some fundraising and grant awards getting us to our home at the Dream Center. We are totally funded for the new commercial kitchen. We are moving into our brand new kitchen and dining room on April 8th! Meal Sponsors are still needed!

I am both saddened and motivated by some statistics I recently was presented with from I learned North Dakota leads the United States in the production of crops and our food insecurity is among the lowest in the US. This being said, there are still an amazing number of North Dakotans who lack enough food for everyday health and active lives. Specifically, in North Dakota, 51,380 people are facing hunger; 16,360 of them are children!!


1 in 15 people face hunger.

1 in 11 children face hunger.

People facing hunger in North Dakota are estimated to report needing $27,899,000 more per year to meet their food needs. The average cost of a meal in North Dakota is $3.18. - Data from Feeding America

It seems unbelievable to me that FOOD could be one of the most needed basic things my fellow North Dakotans go without. I feel blessed every day as The Banquet is able to help meet this need and work with such amazing sponsors and volunteers from our community.  

Thank You for all you do to help others! Together we are making a difference in our community!

Banquet Farewell Blessing & Tour

Blessing: Sunday, April 3rd, @ 9:30 a.m. & Tour: @ 2 p.m

Blessing: Community Center & Tour: The Dream Center

The Banquet will be serving their final meal at Trinity on April 2nd before they transition to The Dream Center. Please join Trinity for a Farewell Blessing on Sunday April 3rd. We will serve cake and coffee @ 9:30 a.m. in the Community Center. The congregation will also then be welcomed for a tour of The Dream Center that Sunday @ 2 p.m. The Dream Center is located at 1805 Park Ave.

Missouri Slope Update


  • Multiple residents and tenants are members of our nine ELCA corporate member churches.
  • Did you know? Over 50% of new admissions return home after successful rehabilitation. Missouri Slope is now open and accepting new admissions daily.


  • Working at your social ministry and sharing God’s love every day is a wonderful opportunity to grow in your faith.
  • New employees ages 16+ earn at least $16/hour or more depending on position.
  • We will train! No experience is necessary.
  • Contact our Employment Manager at or call (701) 221-9354 to apply now!



  • Missouri Slope has many volunteer programs available to help meet the needs or our residents and tenants.
  • Call us to find out how! (701) 221-9349
  • Contact foundation office at (701) 221-9349 for more information.

Missouri Slope is Your Social Ministry!

Beer & Hymns

Next Meeting: Monday, April 11th @ 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Bismarck Amvets

Beer & Hymns group meets one Monday evening a month. The location recently moved from Trinity to the Bismarck Amvets at 2402 Railroad Ave. This is a 21+ event.

Click here to check them out on their Facebook Page!

Bible Journaling

Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 12th @ 5:30 - 7 p.m.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Lynne Center

Bible journaling is a devotional practice of responding to the Biblical text in a creative way in the pages of your Bible (or a piece of paper) — with art, prayers, or notes.


This is a joint group with Good Shepherd Lutheran Church that meets about once a month. We provide shared art supplies and helpful hints to get you started if you’re new to the practice. Contact Gracia for more info.

*All ages are welcome & free childcare provided!

Check out their Facebook Page here.

Just For Kix

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays during the school year

Community Center

Just For Kix dance team has been renting space from Trinity Lutheran Church for 18 years. Just For Kix provides dance classes for youth PreK-12th grade. Bismarck North Director Michele Stockert's goals for her program are to build character and confidence in youth through teamwork and performances. 

More info and registration available at

Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings

Tuesdays @ 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Luther Hall Kitchen, Trinity Lutheran Church

Saving You A Seat

This is a support group that meets weekly at Trinity. Please enter from the east door. Contact Jennifer @ 701-471-1999 for more information.

ELCA Gospel Seeds

Please click on the link below to view and download the April edition of Gospel Seeds, the monthly newsletter written by synod staff. The April edition is written by Bishop Craig Schweitzer. 

Gospel Seeds

ELCA Daily Discipleship

Click on the image below to open the Daily Discipleship PDF. This is written by John and Robin McCullough-Bade.

Worship Schedule

(Please also see Holy Week schedule above)


8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship

10:30 a.m. Blended Worship


Social distancing using every other pew.



Dinner served @ 5:15 p.m. - 5:50 p.m.

6 p.m. Contemporary Worship

We are happy to partner with Grace Lutheran in Driscoll.

Bulletins are posted on our website under Bulletins or click below:


Radio Broadcast

Sunday 8:30 a.m. Radio Broadcast on 1270 Super Talk or the Listen Live link on their website. You can also click below:

Listen Live

Video Worship Links


Videos are posted on our Facebook Page and on our YouTube Page.

  • Congregational Updates posted as necessary
  • Bible Study Saturdays posted with Pastoral Intern Colin Neuharth
  • Trinity To Go posted weekly by a pastor.

Head of Staff, Pastor Mark Narum

Pastor Lee Herberg

Pastoral Intern Colin Neuharth


502 N 4th St. Bismarck, ND 58501

Contact Us

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