October 26, 2020

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students, 

We have made it through an entire Block! Thanks to the diligence and hard work of all of our faculty, staff, students and families, we have kept COVID rates very low and hope to continue with this trend. We will continue to keep Trinity open while it is still safe and possible to operate.  

As mentioned in last night’s newsletter, today we are releasing the updated Block 2 Pandemic Plans. Many of our policies and procedures are remaining the same, but it is important to note the updates.  They have been highlighted in yellow on these Block 2 Pandemic Plans for your convenience, but they are also outlined below.

1. eLearning for Block 2: The following notification was sent in the Weekly Newsletter on Sunday, September 20, 2020: If you intend to change your student's learning program from at-home to in-person (or vice-versa) you must notify Dean Carey via email no later than Friday, September 25. If you have missed this deadline, or have since decided to switch, parents/guardians must notify Mrs. Carey immediately ([email protected]). It is very important for any student switching their learning status review ALL policies and procedures outlined in the Block 2 Pandemic Plans with their parents/guardians. 

2. Appian Symptom Screening App: Any student who eLearned for Block 1 but is returning as an eLearner for Block 2 must have their app set up for Monday, 11/2/20. If you need assistance, please email [email protected]

3. Student Attendance Procedures: Student Attendance Procedures, including for eLearners, have been updated since the start of Block 1 and can be found in the Student Handbook starting on Page 5. 

4. Yearly Academic and School-Wide Goals: 2020-2021 Diversity and Inclusion: Over the course of Block 2, a faculty and staff committee will be involved in the creation of a school-wide goal of targeted inclusion of all students. Informed by eLearning surveys conducted in June 2020, a School Climate Survey conducted in August 2020, and our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative, the goal will be implemented on a school-wide, departmental, and individual level. 

5. Returning to Full eLearning: Should Trinity, at any point, transition back to a full eLearning model, an updated eLearning format which includes modifications to attendance, academic supports, and synchronous learning (different from Block 4 2019-2020) will be communicated to all community members.  
  • Full eLearning Attendance (To be implemented if needed)
  • Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri:
  • Period 1: 8:15- 9:05
  • Period 2: 9:15- 10:05
  • Period 4: 10:15- 11:05
  • Period 5: 11:15- 12:05
  • Wednesdays: 
  • Same as current eLearning Wednesday schedule 

6. Academic Support & Tutoring: 

  • MAC Lunch Circle Support: Beginning in block 2, an intervention strategy that will be put into place is a mandatory Lunch Circle for all in-person students enrolled in the MAC Program. The students involved will spend the first half of their Lunch Circle time eating and socializing. The second half of the period will be dedicated to the students working with the MAC teachers. Attendance in the MAC Lunch Circle is mandatory. Enrollment in the program will be reviewed at the end of each block. 
  • Lunch Circle Academic Support Time for In-Person Learners: During the second half of the Lunch Circle period students may be required to meet with an individual teacher for academic support (if they are receiving an F or if they are struggling academically). Counselors will send the student passes on Mondays for the week to inform her of the date, time and location of the required academic session. Due to health and safety concerns, teachers may only meet with one student per day on Mon,Tues. Thurs. And Fri. Attendance in these sessions is mandatory.
  • Optional and Required Conference with eLearners: There are two designated times for teachers to hold conferences with eLearners via zoom. They are: from 3:10-3:30 M, T, Th or F or during Wednesday Teacher Office Hours from 12:30-1:30. Teachers may require any in-person learner who is receiving an “F” in their class and / or is struggling academically to attend a mandatory conference with them.

7. Building Hours: Open to Students: 7:55-3:30 M, T, Th, F
  • ENTRANCE 1-- Lathrop North: Students A-G
  • ENTRANCE 2-- Lathrop Main: Students H-Q
  • ENTRANCE 3-- Division/Chapel: Students R-Z
  • ENTRANCE 4--SMGAF (Circle Drive): Students with first period in SMGAF
  • Starting October 12, 2020, students who arrive early may report to the SMG prior to their 7:55 admittance time

8. Bell Schedule:
  • Faculty/Staff Health Screening - 7:00-7:45 (teachers in first period rooms by 7:55)
  • Student Health screening - 7:55 to 8:10 
  • Period 1 - 8:15 - 9:40
  • Period 2 - 9:45 - 11:10
  • Lunch Circle 11:15 - 12:05*
  • 11:15 - 11:40 - Lunch and social time 
  • 11:40 - 12:05 - Silent study session time 
  • Period 4 - 12:10 - 1:35 
  • Period 5 - 1:40 - 3:05
  • Student Academic Support with Individual Teachers - 3:05 - 3:30 *Teachers will include after school location in Course Policies & Procedures

9. Silent Study Session Time: During the second half of the daily Lunch Circle time students will have the opportunity to engage in a silent study session time. They are encouraged to use the time to complete school work. Cell phone use is discouraged during this time. Additionally, teachers may work with one student per day (who is not in the Lunch Circle group) during this time period to provide academic support.  

10. 2020-2021 Block 1 Trinity School Calendar Updates:
The complete Trinity Calendar can be found at https://www.trinityhs.org/calendar.

  • Canceled Events
  • December Kairos
  • Moved to Virtual 
  • Founder’s Day Prayer Service: Wednesday, November 4th 11 am
  • Fall Athletics Banquet: Thursday, November 5th 7 pm
  • Fall Musical changed to Fall Radio Play: Date & details coming soon!
  • Thanksgiving Prayer Service: Wednesday, November 18th 11 am
  • Christmas Prayer Service: Wednesday, December 16th 11 am
  • Block 2 Exams: Wednesday, January 20th and Thursday, January 21th-- moved to electronic, not in person 
  • Special Updates 
  • Marillac House Food Drive: Date & details coming soon!
  • Open House: Tuesday, November 10th
  • Troy Cicero Workshop with Student leaders p. 4&5 Thursday, Nov 12th AUD, more details coming soon.
  • Parent Shadow Day: Wednesday, November 18th; Details coming Soon! 
  • Catholic Charities Toy Drive: Date & details coming soon!
  • New: Walkathon Free Day: Monday, November 30th 
  • Entrance Exam: Saturday, December 5th-- Details TBD
  • Santa Breakfast: Saturday, December 12th; details coming soon! 
  • Christmas Break: Friday, December 18th (Half-Day)- Classes Resume Wednesday, January 6th (NOT 1/5)

11. Dress Code: Students will return to full uniform for Block 2. See Page 11 of the Student Handbook.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Stay safe and well,

Mrs. Carey, Dean of Students
Mrs. Bedell, Vice President of Student Life
Ms. Gallie, Principal 
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