
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  January 20-26 birthdays at Trinity: Beth Robinson, Emma Rocke. If your birthday is missing from this list, contact Trinity’s office at or 501-868-5848.

IN WORSHIP THIS SUNDAY, JANUARY 20:  Pastor Jeff Price will preach “Losing Jesus” drawn from Luke 2:41-52.  We will sing the hymns We Would See Jesus ; Once in Royal David's City ; and I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light .  The Sanctuary Choir will present Dale Grotenhuis’ setting of the North Carolina melody I Love Thee, My Lord.  Liturgist Nick Steele will assist in leading worship, Emmy Sublette will give the Old Testament reading, and John Downes will give God’s Word for Children.

WOMEN AT THE TABLE (W@TT) STUDY CHANGE:  Our study topic has changed! Women @ The Table (W@TT) group will study The Forgotten Books of the Bible: Recovering the Five Scrolls for Today by the Rev. Dr. Robert Williamson, Jr., who gave a FRED Talk at Trinity over the summer. While the books of Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther have been elevated to a special status in the Jewish tradition, they have been neglected and nearly forgotten in the Christian church. Williamson shows that these books speak urgently to the pressing issues of the contemporary world. Addressing themes of human sexuality, grief, immigration, suffering and protest, ethnic nationalism, and existential dread, he skillfully guides readers as they rediscover the relevance of the Five Scrolls for today. Books are available on Amazon or can be ordered through the church office. Direct questions to Nancy Howell at 501-519-3281.

LADIES’ BUNKO NIGHT ON JANUARY 24:  Trinity women, our next monthly Bunko Night is Thursday, January 24 at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Don’t worry if you’ve never played Bunko—the game rules will be explained. Speak to Susie Haynes at 501-351-6284 for more information.

PRESBYTERY RESOURCE CENTER OPEN HOUSE ON JANUARY 27:  The Resource Center board is excited to invite everyone to an open house on Sunday, January 27, from 3:00-5:00pm at the Presbytery Office (9221 N. Rodney Parham Rd. Little Rock, AR). Drop in for some delicious snacks and a chance to browse through (and borrow) materials while discovering what this gift in our midst is all about. At 3:30pm, for those who are interested, Rev. Carol Clark will share ideas for the upcoming Lenten/Easter season. Each attendee will receive a gift from the Resource Center, and there will be a drawing for several Lenten resources. Direct questions to Julie Price at 501-626-6477.

NEW WOMEN’S EVENING STUDY TO BEGIN FEBRUARY 6 from 5:45 to 6:45pm. Amid your busy life, make time to study Sabbath Sense: A Spiritual Antidote for the Overworked by Donna Schaper. For generations, “Sabbath” meant Sunday or Saturday to most people – a day when stores closed, churches and synagogues opened, and families came together. The reality of Sabbath as a day of rest has been lost amidst our to-do lists, day-organizers, and endless errands, but the sense of Sabbath, as a spiritual leisure, is very much needed in our time-starved world. Join us Wednesday evenings in February and March as we contemplate God’s intention of “Sabbath” in our lives. You may purchase your own book on Amazon for $15.25 or have Julie Price ( or 501-626-6477) order one for you. The class will run through March 27.

FEBRUARY 10 IS “SANDWICH SUNDAY”!  Trinity congregation, mark your calendars for Sunday, February 10 and make plans to attend an after-worship fellowship lunch consisting of make-your-own sandwiches, pasta salad, chips, and dessert. Direct questions to Susie Haynes at 501-351-6284 or speak with any member of Fellowship Committee.

CONFIRMATION CLASSES will be offered on March 3, 10, 24 and 31 from 4:30 to 5:30pm immediately before youth group. The classes, to be taught by Jeff Price, are open to youth 6th grade and older. The confirmands will join the church on April 7 during the 10:30 worship service. Direct questions to Julie Price or Jeff Price.

SACRED JOURNEY SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS IS STUDYING The Visual Bible: Acts , a film that depicts the events of the Acts of the Apostles from the New Testament. All of the dialogue is word-for-word scripture taken directly from the New International Version of the Bible. Journey with the physician Luke (played by Dean Jones) as he tells the enthralling story of danger, struggles, and triumph that marks the birth of the Christian church. Share the time of mystery and wonder that follows the resurrection of Jesus. Walk with the risen Lord; watch as He is taken up into heaven. Experience the transforming power of Pentecost and catch the fire as God uses the passion of Peter (played by James Brolin) and John to send the flame of faith racing throughout Jerusalem and around the world. The Sacred Journey Sunday School class meets from 9:15-10:15am each Sunday morning in Room 2. Direct questions to Angela Smiley at 501-247-6470.

TNT YOUTH GROUP NEWS:  Youth in grades 6-12, join us on Sunday evenings from 5:30-7:30 for supper and a fun time together! Direct questions to Youth Director Jared Brown at 870-299-0989.

  • January 20: The Multicolored Body of Christ The body of Christ is multicolored, made up of thousands of languages and experiences, multiracial and inter-class.  But our upbringing, family, friends, schools and churches—from which we develop our world view—are often not so diverse.  Did your background expose you to the many textures of God’s human family?

  • January 27: Talkin' with Jesus When you want to have a conversation with someone, how do you begin?  Do you stand in front of the person and hope they will talk to you?  In an ordinary conversation, we speak, then listen for the response of the other person.  It's the same with God!  Join us from 5:30 to 7:30 for dinner and a fun night of learning how to pray, how to speak to God, and, more importantly, how to listen!

SAVE THE DATES FOR “TRINITY ADVENTURES”!  On the evenings of June 9, 10, and 11, Trinity will host Trinity Adventures which will include dinner and activities for all children and youth as well as parenting classes for adults. More details later, but this event is open to the community. Direct questions to Julie Price or Angela Smiley.

We are happy to include your announcements related to the life of the church
in the Sunday bulletin or the Wednesday weekly email update. Please email
your announcement of no more than 150 words to
by 5:00pm Tuesday for inclusion in the email update and bulletin.