Triple P Elkhart County Parent Newsletter - November/December 2024

Triple P Elkhart County partners with Music Together Goshen College to join Early Years Initiative

We are proud to announce that Triple P Elkhart County's parent organization, Horizon Education Alliance (HEA), in partnership with Goshen College, have joined the Early Years Initiative through a $378,000, three-year grant to surround families with the resources to make the most of the crucial years of learning from birth to age 3!

This collaboration aims to bring Positive Parenting Program strategies alongside Music Together® sessions for parents of babies and toddlers to strengthen the early relational health of families with infants and toddlers. Through the combined focus on early relational health, the grant aims to increase parental confidence and knowledge of healthy child development while growing the parent-child bond through musical connection and supporting brain development in the earliest stages of children’s lives.

This is the second round of grants in the Early Years Initiative, which began in 2023 and is made possible by $60 million in grants from Lilly Endowment Inc. The goal of the initiative is to ensure Indiana’s infants and toddlers develop the foundational knowledge and skills needed to support their future learning and development. In total, the initiative has awarded 154 grants to 133 organizations.

We are so excited to get to work with our partners at Music Together, and we are very grateful to Early Learning Indiana/the Lilly Endowment for their generous support!

As always, you can find information about all upcoming Triple P workshops and group sessions in the community at Read on for more updates!

Stay connected to Self-Healing Communities on Zoom!

The community vibes were immaculate October 24 at the first Self-Healing Communities Michiana event in Elkhart County at Tolson Center. The group, consisting of parents, social workers, mental healthcare specialists, and other professionals listened as SHCM Executive Director Velshonna Luckey and Dr. Nancy Michael of the neuroscience program at Notre Dame shared truly inspiring and mind-blowing facts about how our brains work, and how we as individuals and as communities can build resilience and heal from traumas.

Whether you were able to join us or not, you can still be a part of the ongoing learning as part of Self-Healing Communities, and all you need is an Internet-connected device! Self-Healing Communities Michiana has a series of hourlong Zoom sessions over the next few months:

  • The Joy of Children and Teen Brains, Friday, Nov. 22
  • Building General Community Capacity and Honoring Grief, Friday, Dec. 9
  • How ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Connect to Protective Factors and Resilience, Friday, Jan. 10

You can click the flyer above to view more information about each session and find the link to register for any or all of the upcoming workshops! We at Triple P Elkhart County truly appreciate Velshonna, Dr. Nancy, and all the people in the community advancing these positive, empowering concepts for families and individuals!

Be Present: Triple P workshops focus on school attendance this winter

Did you know, in Elkhart County, 1 in 4 students are considered chronically absent from school? As part of Triple P Elkhart County's support for the communitywide Be Present school attendance awareness campaign, we are offering a series of free Positive Parenting workshops on Zoom focused on strategies parents can use to help their children of any age stay in school!

These hourlong virtual workshops are presented in English and Spanish for parents of children in elementary school as well as parents of teens and pre-teens.

Check the list below for the attendance workshops coming up in November and December!

Upcoming events

Visit to sign up for any of the events listed below, and bookmark the page to keep up with the latest Positive Parenting Program events across Elkhart County!

Events in English


Monday, November 18

Triple P: Coping with Stress

Hosted on Zoom, 6:00p-7:00p

*for all parents and caregivers

Thursday, November 21

Triple P: Supporting School Attendance of Elementary Age Students

Hosted on Zoom, 5:00p-6:00p

*for parent/caregivers of children ages 4-12

Thursday, November 21

Triple P: Supporting School Attendance of Teens

Hosted on Zoom, 7:00p-8:00p

*for parent/caregivers of teens and pre-teens

Wednesday, November 27

Triple P: Cooperating with Instructions

Hosted at First Light Mission, 801 W Wilkinson St, Goshen, 10:30a-11:30a

*for all parents and caregivers


Wednesday, December 4

Triple P: Getting Children to do Chores

Hosted at Heart City Church, 303 S 3rd St, Elkhart, 6:00p-7:00p

*join us at 5:30p for a family meal prior to the workshop

*for all parents/caregivers

Thursday, December 5

Triple P: Finding Your Approach to Parenting

Hosted at FRC, 612 E Bristol St, Elkhart, 11:00a-noon

*for all parents and caregivers

Wednesday, December 11

Triple P: Finding Your Approach to Parenting

Hosted at First Light Mission, 801 W Wilkinson St, Goshen, 10:30a-11:30a

*for all parents and caregivers

Monday, December 16

Triple P: Finding Your Approach to Parenting

Hosted on Zoom, 6:00p-7:00p

*for all parents and caregivers

Tuesday, December 17

Triple P: Supporting School Attendance of Elementary Age Students

Hosted on Zoom, 10:00a-11:00a

*for parent/caregivers of children ages 4-12

Tuesday, December 17

Triple P: Supporting School Attendance of Teens

Hosted on Zoom, noon-1:00p

*for parent/caregivers of teens and pre-teens

Wednesday, December 18

Triple P: Cooperating with Instructions

Hosted at First Light Mission, 801 W Wilkinson St, Goshen, 10:30a-11:30a

*for all parents and caregivers

Events in Spanish


Tuesday, November 19

Triple P: Supporting School Attendance of Elementary Age Students

Hosted on Zoom, 6:00p-7:00p

*for parent/caregivers of children ages 4-12

Thursday, November 21

Triple P: Coping with Stress

Hosted at FRC, 612 E Bristol St, Elkhart, 11:00a-noon

*for all parents and caregivers

Monday, November 25

Triple P: Supporting School Attendance of Teens

Hosted on Zoom, 6:00p-7:00p

*for parent/caregivers of teens and pre-teens


Thursday, December 5

Triple P: Supporting School Attendance of Elementary Age Students

Hosted on Zoom, 6:00p-7:00p

*for parent/caregivers of children ages 4-12

Thursday, December 12

Triple P: Finding Your Approach to Parenting

Hosted at FRC, 612 E Bristol St, Elkhart, 11:00a-noon

*for all parents and caregivers

Tuesday, December 17

Triple P: Supporting School Attendance of Teens

Hosted on Zoom, 6:00p-7:00p

*for parent/caregivers of teens and pre-teens

Sign up for free Triple P for Baby Online!

Since we launched Triple P for Baby Online this spring, we've already seen the positive impact this free program has had on parents-to-be and parents of babies in Elkhart County!

You can still sign up any time for this self-guided online support program. You’ll learn practical, proven strategies to confidently navigate new parenthood and more, with a local specialist ready to support you if you want a personal connection. Plus, earn B.A.B.E. & More coupons! Easily do it online, anytime – and it’s free for all parents and caregivers in Elkhart County! Backed by research, proven by parents.

Even if you aren't a parent of a baby, we hope you'll spread the word to those who are! Triple P practitioners can click here to download a PDF practitioner guide to Triple P for Baby Online with steps you can take to support parents as they start the program. You can also download this PDF info sheet about Triple P for Baby Online to share with parents!

Start today at:

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Contact Triple P: or call at (574) 226-0160.