नमस्कार मंडळी!

We hope that you all had wonderful 2023 and enjoyed all the Triveni events organized in this year. The 2024 committee has taken over now and we promise to continue the traditions of Triveni and bring to you the flagship Triveni events and also some new initiatives. The new committee did introduce some of the new initiatives during the Diwali program and we will share more information about these as we go along.

Triveni relies heavily on the support of our members and we would like to get the membership drive started and going as the new year begins. The highlights of the membership program as announced during the Diwali program are that the families who renew or sign-up for the new 2024 membership before January 7th 2024 will:

1.      Receive membership at discount

2.      Enter into a raffle. Three lucky winners will win a gift.

Also, when existing (2023) members refer a new family (who has not been Triveni members for past 3 years) , the referring member will receive one free ticket for 2024 Diwali event.

You can sign-up / renew your membership here - http://www.triveni-mandal.org/home/become-a-triveni-member

The first major event of 2024 will be the Sankrant celebration. 2024 is 350th year of शिवराज्याभिषेक. We would like to celebrate this year’s Sankrant event with our history and traditions. The theme of 2024 Sankrant is शिवकालीन महाराष्ट्र आणि परंपरा.

We invite participants, choreographers, musicians and anyone who wants to perform and showcase our culture and values from the late 17th century to sign-up for their favorite form of presentation.

The details of the program and participation form will be emailed soon. 

The 2024 committee wishes happy holidays to all Triveni members and the entire मराठी community in tri-state area! We look forward to enthusiastic support and participation in this year!!!