The NE Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument, the nation's only marine protected area in the Atlantic Ocean, is being eyed by industry. Lydonia Canyon has been targeted, by permit application, for oil and gas drilling.
Seamounts are under consideration for strip-mining of high-tech minerals and rare-earth elements, today's ubiquitous technology-critical materials. (Costs for destruction of seamounts and associated marine life habitats, not to mention actual lives, not included.)
Would you stand with us now to protect baleen and spermwhale ocean habitats East of New England?
Erik the Red established green pastures on what little flat lands could be found in Greenland. Four hundred years after the Vikings left Greenland these grass plots were found to have stayed green without the fertilizer of live stock. Photo: R Moir
Preparing for a greener future
We know that report after report shows that our planet
needs us to turn our actions around. And, we know
. But now the question is,
will we?
Will we say no to climate change deniers? Will we build a long-term carbon-neutral transportation system? Will we reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
invest in 21st-century clean energy?
The Offshore Wind Jobs and Opportunity Act would provide grants to eligible entities to develop, offer, and improve educational training programs in the offshore wind industry.
Through occupational skills training, development of curriculum, and on-the-job and classroom training, this bill would support offshore wind energy certifications. Creating thousands of jobs, a generation of leaders, and a cleaner future.
Addressing climate change is crucial to the safety, health, and future of our planet and all species that call it home.
It is our duty to invest in our future. Because if we don't, there
will be no future
Frances Moore Lappe, acclaimed author of
Diet for a Small Planet
and co-founder of the Small Planet Institute with her daughter joins ORI this week on Moir's Environmental Dialogues. She has been the recipient of many awards, including Right Livelihood Award, Rachel Carson Award, Women's National Book Association, James Beard Humanitarian of the Year, and nineteen honorary doctorates.
Frances speaks on air about her recent book,
Daring Democracy
, which she co-wrote with Adam Eichen. Frances explains that this book, published last year is her way of synthesizing a career of work in food, the environment and exploring ways to promote a better-functioning democracy. She explains that three tenants of dignity: power, meaning and connection, can propel us into a future with a more functional and robust democracy.
Frances is at work with Bob Masse on her 20th book.
Their book will focus on holding onto hope, the opposite of wishful thinking. Frances explains that the book's research is divisible into three categories: climate change, economic and political realms.
Frankie describes how these issues are caused by broken systems. Systemic change is required. Frankie says it's not too late for a Living Democracy-- not just a form of government, but an evolving way of life
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